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The following idiomatic expressions use por.

por aquí - around here, this way

por completo - completely

por desgracia - unfortunately

por ejemplo - for example

por eso - for that reason. that's why

por fin- at last, finally

por lo menos- at least

por suerte - luckily, fortunately

¿ Terminaste tu trabajo por completo? - Did you finish your work completely?

Por desgracia no, pero, por suerte, es para el viernes. - Unfortunately, no, but fortunately, it's due Friday.

The following idiomatic expressions use para.

para siempre - forever

¿para qué? - what for?

para eso - for that (used sarcastically or contemptuously)

por ser para tanto - not to be that important, not to be such a big deal

sin qué ni para qué - without rhyme or reason

Papá estaba furioso conmigo sin qué ni para qué... - Dad was furious with me, without rhyme or

Es que no compraste el maíz . - " Well, you didn't buy the corn."

¡No era para tanto! - It wasn't that important!

Me llevó a ver los fuegos artificiales. - He took me to see the fireworks.

¿Y para eso te pusiste un vestido tan elegante? - And for that you wore such an elegant dress?

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