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'Both para and por have similar basic meanings in English. However, the use of para and por depends on
the Spanish context. Their meanings In English may vary with the context.


1) Por introduces the agent (doer) in a passive construction.

Esta novela fue escrita por Carlos Fuentes. - This novel was written by Carlos Fuentes.

2) Por expresses in exchange for.

Pagamos diez dolares (accent on the o) por la pluma. - We paid ten dollars for the pen.

Quiero cambiar estos dolares por pesetas. - I want to exchange these dollars for pesetas.

3) Por means along, through, by, and around after a verb of motion.

Salieron por la puerta de atras (accent on the last a). - They left through the back door.

Camine (accent on the e) por el rio (accent on the i). - I walked along the river.

Pasamos por alli (accent on the i) ayer. - We came by there yesterday.

4) Por expresses the duration of an action.

Fue a la escuela de verano por seis semanas. - He went to summer school for 6 weeks.

Escudio (accent on the o) por dos horas. - She studied for two hours.

5) Por means for the sake of and on behalf of.

Lo hago por ti. - I am doing (I do) it for you.

Hablo (accent on the o) por todo el mundo. - He spoke on behalf of everyone.

6) Por (meaning for) is used after enviar (to send), ir (to go), luchar (to fight), mandar (to send),
preguntar (to ask).

Envia (accent on the i)/Manda por el medico (accent on the e). - He sends for the doctor.

Voy por leche. - I am going for milk.

Luchan por su patria. - They fight for their country.

Pregunto (accent on the o) por mi mama (accent on the last a). - He asked for (about) my mother.


Por and para are not used with the verbs buscar (to look for), esperar (to wait for) and pedir (to ask for).

Buscan un hotel. - They are looking (look) for a hotel.

Espere (accent on the last e) el tren. - I waited for the train.

Pidio (accent on the last o) un vaso de leche. - She asked for a glass of milk.'

Source: Nassi & Levy Spanish Two Years, p. 248 & 249

7) Por is used to indicate means, manner and unit of measure (by, for, per).

Le hable (accent on the e) por telefono (accent on the o). - I spoke to him by phone.

Vinieron por avion (accent on the o). - They came by plane.

Me pagan veinte dolares (accent on the o) por hora. - They pay me 2o dollars per hour.

Source: Jarvis, Lebredo & Mena - Ayllon (accent on the o). Continuemos, p. 120.

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