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Everybody stand up, noellyn lead the prayer

N: amen.

Okay, who are absent today?

E: only Arianne maam.

Good morning students.

Students: good morning maam.

Last meeting, we discussed the two types of modal of verbs of obligation.

Who can tell me What are those two types of Modal of Verbs of Obligation?
C: the two types of Modal of Verbs of Obligations are those that express a firm obligation and those that express
OkY VERY good. Can you give me some examples?
N: (-must and have to-) and (-should or ought to)
Okay, very good. let us review the following sentences using the appropriate modal of verbs of obligation.
Number 1 who can answer? Okay ester
E: Children must obey their parents.
Good, number 2 claire ann
C: Parents’ -should respect their parents, too.
Okay last number 3 – noellyn
N: Challenges should not keep us from achieving our dreams.
Well done guys,
Before we head to our next topic, I want to test how knowledgeable you are about the next lesson. Let’s have an activity
first. Do you want to have this activity?
S: yes, maam

Okay, our ACTIVITY for today is called Walk talk decide.

I have here some survey sheets to answer. You are free to walk around the room to discuss with your classmates what
information or lesson he/she knew/learned about our topic for today.
Our topic for today is about Direct and Indirect Speech.
You can ask three (3) classmates of yours about their opinions about the topic.

S: okay, maam

Did you enjoy the activity?

S: yes maam
Class, today we will discuss about Direct and Indirect Speech. As we move to our lesson, you are expected to make
predictions about the text; express ideas and opinions based on the text and use direct and reported speech
But, Before we proceed, let us unlock the difficult words that we may encounter later. We will sing a song entitled
“Row, row your boat”. As the singing stops, the person who has the bottle will pick a rolled paper to answer the
Okay, I need you Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct meaning of the underlined word.

1.    Andy was very slow in speaking, as well as very careless in personal hygiene.

a. things that you do to keep yourself and the surroundings clean in order to maintain good health
b. Infected by a disease 
c. a case wherein fluid is developed inside the spine

2.  He was so physically slow.
a.    very small white pieces of dead skin
b.    relating to the body of a person instead of the mind
c.    maintaining good health


3.   Where’s your spinach today, Popeye?

a.    a plant with dark green leaves that is eaten as a vegetable
b.    wherein fluid is developed
c.    pieces of dead skin
 4.  Andy’s hair was always uncombed, and it was often full of white flakes of dandruff.
a.                   inside the spine
b.                   body of a person
c.                   very small white pieces of dead skin that form especially on a person’s head

5. Only when Andy died suddenly of spinal meningitis in seventh grade did some of us begin to realize and regret our
cruelty toward him.

a.            mind of a person
b.                   to maintain good health
c.                   a case wherein fluid is developed inside the spine

Again, let’s read the underlined words and its meaning.

Hygiene- the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health.
Physically- relating to the body of a person instead of the mind.
Spinach- a plant with dark green leaves that is eaten as a vegetable.
Dandruff- very small white pieces of dead skin that form especially on a person’s head.
Spinal Meningitis- a case wherein fluid is developed inside the spine.

, I have here a short story entitled "Childhood Cruelty". Let us read the selection together, understand it and get
ready for the questions that follow.

Okay, I have here an activity for you. It’s called the RAFT.
I will pass these sheets for your possible roles.
After, you will create a RAFT base on the paragraph you’ve read, how will you help others to stop the childhood cruelty.
And, you need to share your work in a form of short presentation.
That was a good presentation guys. I know that you had your ideas about Direct and Indirect speech, I have here sets of
sentences. For you to read.

Ester please read set A.

Set A
She said, "What time will you be home?" 
I said, "I don't know! “
"There's a fly in my soup!" screamed Simone.

Thank you ester, now noellyn please read set B.

Set B
She asks me what time I will be home.
I told him I don’t know
Simone screamed that there’s a fly in my soup.

What have you noticed on these two sets of sentences?

Yes Claire ann

C: the set A sentences were quoted and the other set was not.

Set A is a Direct Speech

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words
spoken between quotation marks (" ") and there is no change in these words. We may be reporting something that's
being said NOW (for example a telephone conversation), or telling someone later about a previous conversation.
Set B is an Indirect Speech
Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words
spoken. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce the reported words.
Inverted commas are not used.

Now that you know what is direct and indirect speech I have here sentences from the selection you have read, let us
identify if the following sentences are stated in direct or indirect speech.
She sometimes said, “Are you awake, Andy?”
We said to him, “How are you today, POP-o-van?”
We would shout at him. “Where’s your spinach today, Popeye?”
Is the sentence a direct or an indirect speech?
Claire ann?

C: the sentence are Direct speech

Okay, very good..All of them are stated in direct speech, so let us change them into indirect speech.  
Ester change sentence number 1
E: She sometimes asks if Andy’s awake.
Good, noellyn change sentence number 2
N: They told him how POP-o-van is today.
Good, clire ann change sentence number 3
C: They would shout at him asking where Popeye’s spinach is today.

Okay class that was fast of you to catch our lesson for today. Let us sum up all you have learned from our lesson
What is direct speech? 
 E: Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken.

Okay, these are statements that we repeat and the quotation marks are used.

So, What is indirect speech?

N: Indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken.
Okay, these are statements that We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce
the reported words.
Okay class, well done.

Okay now, I will group you into two, identify the following sentences, whether it is direct or indirect. Then, change
the direct sentences to indirect and vice versa.

Okay, very good class, now, Get a ½ sheet of paper. Identify if the sentence is a direct or indirect speech.
Okay class for your assignment In a ½ sheet of paper, write your unforgettable moment using Direct and Indirect Speech.
(Minimum of 5 sentences and Maximum of 10 sentences) Pass it next meeting.
S: opkay maam.
That would be all for today see you next week. Goodbye.
S: goodbye maam.

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