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Lesson Plan in Evaluating algebraic Expression

I. Objectives:
a. Evaluate algebraic expression for given values of the variables.
b. Apply algebraic expression in real-life situation.
c. Write the correct answer with honesty.

II. Subject Matter:

Lesson: Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Reference: Quarter 2, Module 4
Materials: power point presentation via Zoom

III. Procedure

A. Daily Activities
1. Virtual Prayer
2. Virtual Greetings
3. Virtual Checking of Attendance
4. Class Online Etiquette

B. Review

C. Motivation

D. Presentation
The teacher presents the lesson by asking on how to evaluate algebraic expressions.
Shows some examples of algebraic expressions and let the students answer the prepared exercises.
E. Application
1. What is the value when you evaluate p+3 , if p=6 .
2. When you evaluate x− y ; if x=1∧ y=2.What would be the value?
3. Evaluate the expression 7 x +15 when x=3.
IV. Evaluation
The online quiz will be sent via google classroom.

V. Assignment (Online assignment)

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