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202 Advanced Operations Research

Question 1 :
The north-south highway system passing through Albany , New York can
accommodate the capacities shown :

Can the highway system accommodate a north- south flow of 10,000 vehicle per hour ?
To find whether the north-south route can accommodate a flow of 10,000 vehicles per hour, therefore we
need to find out the maximum number of vehicles that can pass through the north-south route. We create a
route from node 6 to 1
202 Advanced Operations Research

To determine the maximum amount of flow that can enter and exit a network system in a given period of
time- 10000 vehicle per hour
 The flow out of a node is equal to the flow into the node.

 The length of the arc is not necessarily proportional to the travel distance it represents.
 All roads are two ways : Thus flow may be in either direction
 The distance between two transshipment nodes is the same in either direction

Let Xij denote the number of vehicles that pass from node ‘i’ to node ‘j’
Max (Z)= X61

Node Flow In Flow Out

Node 2 -X12 – X42 X24 + X25
Node 3 -X13 – X43 X34 + X36
Node 4 -X14 – X24 – X34 – X54 X42 + X43 + X45 + X46
Node 5 -X25 – X45 X54 + X56
Node 6 – X36 - X46 – X56 X61

Additional constraint needed to enforce the capacities on the arcs. These simple upper-bound constraints are given:
X12 ≤ 2
X13≤ 6

X14≤ 3
X24≤ 1
X25≤ 4
X34≤ 3
X36≤ 2
X42≤ 1
X43≤ 3
X45≤ 1
X46≤ 3
X54≤ 1
Objective Equation :
2x12+6 x13+3 x14+1 x24+4x25+3 x34+3x36+1x42+3x43+1x45+3x46+6x56+1x54 +Max x 61

Result ( Solved through excel solver – AOR Assignment 2_ Question 1)

The optimal solution of the whole equation is 10 , which implies that 10000 load can be carried . The maz coefficient
of x61 is 9
202 Advanced Operations Research

Question 2: Find the shortest route from node 1 to node 7 in the network shown
Answers :
The route that will minimize the total travel distance between node 1 and the node 7.

1. The length of the arc is not necessarily proportional to the travel distance it represents.
2. All roads are two ways : Thus flow may be in either direction
3. The distance between two transshipment nodes is the same in either direction
1. To find the shortest route between node 1 and node 7,we consider node 1 as having a supply of 1 unit
and node 7 as having a demand of 1 unit.
2. Let x ij denote the number of units that flow or are shipped from node i to j
3. Because only 1 unit will be shipped from node 1 to node 7, the value of x ij will be either 1 or 0
4. Thus, if x ij =1, the arc from node i to node j is on the shortest route from node 1 to node 7; x ij = 0, the
arc from node i to node j is not on the shortest route
5. For transshipment nodes 2,3,4,5 and 6 , the flow out of each node must equal the flow into each
node: thus, the out minus the flow in must be 0
Objective Function
Min (Z)=7 x12 +9 x13+18 x14+ 5x25+5x52+3x23+3x32+4x35+4x53+3x46+2x56+2x65+6x57+3x67
Constraints for Tran-shipment Nodes
Node Flow In Flow Out
Node 2 -(x12+x32+x52 ) x25+x23
Node 3 - (x13+x23+x53 ) x32+x35
Node 4 -x14 x46
Node 5 - (x25+x35+x65 ) x52+x56+x53+x57
Node 6 - (x46+x56 ) x65+x67
Supply Constraint
202 Advanced Operations Research

Demand Constraint
x ij ≥ 0 for all i and j

Result - Shortest Path( Excel file attached: Name AOR- Assignment 2_Question 1 )

Minimum time =17 km

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