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Data: h' = 2.5m, SBC= 200 kN/m2, γ= 20 kN/m3, μ=0.

6, φ=30°

To fix the height of retaining wall,

H= h' +Df

Proportioning of wall
Thickness of base slab= (1/10 to 1/14) H, 0.52m to 0.43m, say 450 mm
Width of base slab=b = (0.5 to 0.6) H, 2.6m to 3.12m say 3.25m
Toe projection= pj= (1/3 to ¼)H, 1m to 0.75m say 0.75m
Provide 750 mm thickness for the stem at the base and 300 mm at the top

Design of stem

To find Maximum bending moment at the junction

Ph= ½ x 1/3 x 20 x 2.52=20.83 kN

M= Ph h/3 = 0.333 x 20 x 2.5 /6 = 17.4 kN-m
Mu= 1.5 x M = 26kN-m

Taking 1m length of wall,

Mu/bd2= 0.1625 (Here d=750- effective cover=750-50=700 mm)
So let us provide minimum reinforcement of 0.12% on each side

To find steel
Pt=0.12%(on earth side)
Ast= 0.12x1000x700/100 = 840 mm
#16 @ 150 < 300 mm and 3d ok
Ast provided= 1340mm
Pt=0.12%(on drainage side)
Ast= 0.12x1000x(700+250)/100 = 570 mm
#12@ 150 < 300 mm and 3d ok
Ast provided= 753mm

Development length
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 12 = 564 mm
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 16 = 752 mm

Distribution steel
Ast= 0.12x1000x(700+250)/100 = 570 mm
#10 @ 150 < 450 mm and 5d ok

Check for shear

Max. SF at Junction = Ph=20.83 kN
Ultimate SF= Vu=1.5 x 20.83 = 31.3 kN
Nominal shear stress =τv=Vu/bd = 31.3 x 1000 / 1000x700 = 0.044 MPa
To find τc : 100Ast/bd = 0.195%, From IS:456-2000, τc= 0.32 MPa
τv< τc Hence safe in shear.
Stability analysis

W4 H
x1 W1
W W2 
x2 Pa
e b/6
x b/2
1.75m 3.25m

23 kN/m2
80.8 kN/m

Pressure below the Retaining Wall

Distance from Bending

Load Magnitude, kN moment about A
m kN-m
Stem W1 0.3x2.5x1x25 = 18.75 1.9 35.625
Stem W2 ½ x0.45x2.5x1x25 = 14.0625 28.828
Base slab W3 3.25x0.45x1x25 = 36.5625 1.625 59.41
Back fill, W4 (1.75x2.5+0.5X2.5X0.45)20 = 98.75 1 98.75
total ΣW= 168.125 ΣMR=222.613

Hori. earth PH =0.333x20x2.952/2 H/3=4.95/3 Mo=48kN

pressure =PH =29 kN
Stability checks:

Check for overturning:

FOS = ΣMR/ MO= 4.63 >1.55 safe

Check for Sliding:

FOS = μ ΣW/ PH= 2.89>1.55 safe

Check for subsidence:

Let the resultant cut the base at x from toe
T, x= ΣM/ ΣW= 1.32m > b/3
e= b/2 –x = 3.25/2 – 1.32 = 0.3m < b/6
Pressure below the base slab
80.8 kN/m2 <

SBC, safe

23 kN/m2 > zero, No tension or separation, safe

Design of Heel
To fine the maximum bending moment

Load Magnitude, kN
Distance from BM,
C, m MC, kN-m
Backfill 98.75 0.875 86.406
Heel slab 0.45x1.75x25 = 19.68 0.875 17.22
Pressure distribution,
rectangle 23x1.75 = 40.25 0.875 -35.218
Pressure distribution,
triangle 0.5x24.1x1.8=21.69 1/3x1.75 -13.01
Total BM at
Total Load at junction 56.49 ΣMC=55.398

Mu/bd2= 0.52 < 2.76, URS
Pt=0.125% < 0.96%
Ast= 0.125x1000x400/100 = 500 mm2
#16@ 150 < 300 mm and 3d ok
Ast provided= 1340mm2

Development length
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 16 = 752mm
Distribution steel
Same, #10 @ 150 < 450 mm and 5d ok

Check for shear at junction (Tension)

Maximum shear =V=98.75 kN, VU, max= 148.125 kN,
τv =0.37MPa pt=100x1340/(1000x400)=0.335%
τuc =0.37 MPa
Allowable shear force= 0.37x 1000 x 400 =148kN, slightly less than VU, max. May be

Design of toe
To find the maximum bending moment

Distance from BM,
Magnitude, kN MC, kN-m
C, m
Toe slab 0.75x0.45x25=8.44 0.75/2 -3.164
Pressure distribution,
rectangle 67x0.75=50.25 0.75/2 18.84
½ x13.8
Pressure distribution, triangle 2/3x0.75=0.5 2.6
Total BM
Total Load at junction -46.99

So, 16@150mm is provided to whole bottom of base slab and 12@150mm is provided at top of the
base slab(minimum 0.06%)

Check for shear:

Since the soil pressure introduces compression in the wall, the critical section is taken at a
distance d from junction.
Net shear force at the section= (80.8+75.375)/2 x 0.375
-0.45x0.375x25=25kN, VU,max=75.45x1.5=38 kN
τv=38x1000/(1000x400)=0.095 MPa
τuc =0.37 MPa< τv

Hence o.k

Distribution steel
Same, #10 @ 150 < 450 mm and 5d ..ok

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