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Election Ballot

Vote for ONE person in each category

Chapter Officer Positions

Primary responsibilities: Preside over Executive Committee and general meetings. Ensure completion of all
officer reports by due date.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Vice President
Primary responsibilities: Survey member interests and implement programs to accomplish international and/or
School of Education initiatives. Preside over Program Committee.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Membership Chair
Primary responsibilities: Recruit students who are in the School of Education. Assist in retaining members to
ensure the chapter earns a rebate each semester.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Primary responsibilities: Keep a budget and maintain an accurate general ledger of chapter’s finances. Assist
in completing the financial section of the Annual Report and submit it by August 1.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here] 1
Primary responsibilities: Coordinate communication for general membership. Maintain inventory of all
chapter files and merchandise.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Fundraising Chair
Primary responsibilities: Advise members of available scholarships and encourage the chapter to apply for
grants. Preside over a Fund-Raising Committee in order to benefit the chapter financially.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Advocacy Officer
Primary responsibilities: Teach chapter members about education-related policy at the local, state, and
national levels and how to advocate for the education profession. Provide opportunities for members to
advocate and liaison with the KDP Public Policy Committee.

1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Primary responsibilities: Capture the chapter’s events in pictures and narratives and submit an electronic or
hard copy once or twice each year to Headquarters.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

Graduate/Online Student Liaison

Primary responsibilities: Offer advice and support to the President, Membership Chair, and Executive
Committee regarding the needs of graduate and professional members. Work to keep these members engaged
with the chapter.
1. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here]

2. [Name]
Qualifications [insert here] 2
Add additional officers here. 3

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