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Coming to the first week of “Introduction to Psychology” course we were introduced to the term

psychology and basic concepts of psychology[ CITATION Gar201 \l 1033 ]. Psychology refers to the
study of human mind and behavior. In other words, psychology is defined as the science of
behavior and experience that explains about how the human mind behaves and works.
Psychology contracts with mental process besides from the mental essence.
In this week we were introduced to the topic psychology which is completely new for me
because I did not have any idea or information about this term. This course shows the importance
of psychology in personal life too as it can anticipate the behavior of a person and influence it to
a specific range by keeping him under proper conditions. It also aims to find out the laws of
mind. It is involved with behavior and experience of the specific person [ CITATION apa13 \l 1033 ].
Not only about psychology but we also studied about history of psychology, early psychologists,
modern psychology and different types of psychology. I also got to know that psychology
includes the term modern psychology that tries to describe the behavior, development of
experience and nature. about. In the first DQ we were asked to research about history of
psychology and importance of diversity. By the help of credible articles and resources I gained
lot of information about how it started and its importance in our personal and professional lives.
As it is just the beginning of the course and we have many more weeks to learn more about
psychology and its concepts. As I am a business student, if I run a business in my future days and
be a manager of the company or organization it will help me to support, train, selection and
motive my employees at all levels. For the company, psychology helps to product designing,
building healthy behavior and better workplace since psychology is critical in workspace.
The proper use of data and methods will help me to analyze and calculate the data, get some
specific information of a topic or substance, to estimate and use the main strategies to upgrade
the business[CITATION Lis18 \l 1033 ]. The further concepts and topics that I will study will
definitely help me to understand the situation and work conditions and effectively communicate
with employees so that they perform their task at the best level and stabilize the organization or
company in the business market. Thus, this course will help me in problem-solving, evaluating,
assessing, creating a comfortable environment in workplace and implementation to run my
business smoothly.

apa. (2013, march monday). Psychology’s Impact.
Panch, G. (2020, march monday). Psychology: Meaning, Definitions and Methods.
Townes, L. C. (2020, october monday). Psychology in Business [ Importance – Uses –
Goals/Objective – Role ].

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