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“The success of deep learning”

Deep learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that relies on the applications of neural
networks on a huge amount of data. Here, we discuss different aspects of deep learning such
as its hype, its applications, and can it fully replace other machine learning algorithms.

Deep Learning hype or not

In my opinion, deep learning is not just hype. It may be exaggerated to some point on the
applications of deep learning on every artificial intelligence-based task. But deep learning
actually has worked in many artificial intelligence-based tasks such as face recognition, speech
recognition, language translation, language generation, and many other tasks. All the state-of-
the-art results in AI-based tasks like face recognition and many other tasks are based on deep
learning architectures. Some of the tasks such as language generation that seemed very
difficult with traditional rule-based and machine learning approaches are nowadays being solved
by deep learning-based models. Several deep learning architectures like language models like
BERT and its variants, GPT-2, GPT-3, CNN are the SOTA approaches in respective tasks. For
an instance, the task of language modeling was taken out by storm after the introduction of
deep learning and its architectures. The language modeling task has been improved with
architectures such as LSTM networks and transformer-based models. Below is the screenshot
of the SOTA approaches.

Thus, with this illustration, I think deep learning is not just hype.
Applications that could be affected by deep learning
There are several applications that could be affected by deep learning. As previously stated,
several tasks in the AI domain have been hugely affected by deep learning. Deep learning has
been studied and applied in a variety of applications, yielding impressive results. As a result,
this area warrants further investigation in order to benefit future real-world applications.
Applications like face recognition, speech recognition, language generation have all been
impacted by deep learning. Not only such tasks but deep learning models are also being applied
to other several applications like robotics, big data, blockchain. Deep learning architectures are
applied to every kind of data such as image, text, audio, numerical, and many others. Due to
this, deep learning has been applied in several fields like computer vision, natural language
processing, reinforcement learning, and so on.

These are some of the other fascinating applications where deep learning could be applied.
Need of machine learning algorithms
In my opinion, machine learning algorithms cannot be totally be replaced by deep learning
algorithms yet in certain tasks, deep learning architectures have been improving the state of the
art results by a wide margin. On problems where we have a low amount of data, deep learning
models tend to give poor results. In such cases, machine learning algorithms should be applied
instead of deep learning algorithms. Some of the tasks like Named Entity Recognition still seem
to rely on machine learning algorithms like Conditional Random Fields (CRF) for better results.
Deep learning algorithms are more applicable to highly generic AI tasks like speech recognition,
face recognition, language generation which is usually trained on billions of data. Apart from
such generic tasks, when we need feasible solutions on a low amount of training data, we apply
machine learning algorithms. Thus, in my opinion, machine learning algorithms cannot be totally
replaced by deep learning models.

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