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Annelie Kenaani
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Mireille Heijnen

Table of content

 Introduction page 3
 Collaborative learning page 4
- Meaning page 4
- Professional Leisure practice page 5
- Crucial learning moment page 5
- Change and development page 6
 Feedback page 7
- Meaning page 7
- Professional Leisure practice page 8
- Crucial learning moment page 8
- Change and development page 10
 Reflection page 11
- Meaning page 11
- Professional Leisure practice page 13
- Crucial learning moment page 13
- Change and development page 15
 Active listening page 16
- Meaning page 16
- Professional Leisure practice page 17
- Crucial learning moment page 17
- Change and development page 18
 Reference list page 19
 Appendices page 20
- Ethics page 21
- Lumina page 23
- Logbook page 26


The Professional Leadership department of Breda University of Applied Science has

given me an assignment to write a report about my personal growth. The goal of the
assignment is to gain more knowledge about my transformation and my personal
development growth. The assignment is to write a report about four main aspects,
collaborative learning, feedback, reflection and active listening. In these chapters I
will talk about what it is, what it means to me, my experience with the aspect and my
crucial learning moments where I realized my development growth. The report was
written by using my own experience, desk research with reliable sources, my Lumina
profile and my knowledge.

Collaborative learning
When looking at the fourth habit of the seven habits of highly effective people written
by Covey (2003), the fourth habit is think win/win. When people are collaborative
learning, they are working together with other people and according to Covey (2003):
“ The principle of Win/Win is fundamental to success in all our interactions, and it
embraces five interdependent dimensions of life” (page 227). Those five
interdependent dimensions are, character, relationships, agreements, process and
structure and systems. Because win/win is something people can imply into their
lives, sometimes it is important to being able to convince people and make them
realize that they will only win more of what they desire by going for what you both
want, it is supposed to be a balance because it otherwise will be win/lose. So, with
collaborative learning it is important that there is a balance between you and the
people you are working with to achieve win/win.

When collaborating together you want to achieve win/win because you want to
achieve the goal that was set. Because you are learning together with multiple
persons, there are more opinions, values, beliefs and views on everything. You are
collaborative learning to also gain more knowledge and insight on how they view and
experience things, as Covey said: “If two people have the same opinion, one is
unnecessary. ... I don't want to talk, to communicate, with someone who agrees with
me; I want to communicate with you because you see it differently. I value that
difference.” During collaborative learning you have to be open to accept others
opinions and views, only then you will achieve the ultimate goal set. If people have
the same opinion there is no balance and so one opinion is invalid, there should be
room for another opinion to restore the balance.

I have experienced collaborative learning numerous times, at school and at scouting.
At scouting collaborative learning is one of the core values, this is because they
believe that everything is succeeded better when doing it together. I have been doing
scouting since I was 7 years old, so since then I have been introduced to
collaborative learning. Over the years I have experienced it from simpler to more
challenging things. This gave me more insight on how collaboration makes things
simpler, it brings more opinions, specializations, power and insight. Because I had
already some experience with collaborative learning it was interesting to see how it
also implies to the working environment in school and during the workshops. It shows
even more that visions, values and opinions are shared and more knowledge is
gained because everyone has a own opinion.
Leisure practice

Collaborative learning is really important in the professional leisure practice. The
reason therefore being, there are so many events and leisure activities nowadays it is
hard to come up with new and innovative ideas. It is therefore important that people
collaborate to share their knowledge and combine it to create a new idea and learn
from each other. In the leisure practice it is important to have multiple values, ideas,
views because if people have the same ideas it will lead to a dead end, but with new
and fresh ideas there are many possible roads to take. So, it is not only a personal
development because you gain more knowledge but it is also a business
development as it leads to new ideas and concepts and opens many doors into the
event and leisure world.

Meaning in own words

When I see the word “collaborative learning” I see two different words that have one
meaning. The word collaborative comes from the word collaboration, which means
working together with others. The word learning means understanding, gaining
knowledge through studying, experiences or being taught. You gained knowledge of
something you did not know before. When combining the two explanations it means
that people work together to gain knowledge. It is an educational approach of making
people work together to come up with a product, gain knowledge, solve a problem or
complete tasks. Collaborative learning is all about the giving and sacrifice to keep
balance between the people you work with to achieve the ultimate win/win situation.

Crucial learning moment

My first crucial learning moment was during scouting. When I started going to
scouting I was 7 years old and so I was not aware of many things going on around
me, I was just there to have fun and play games with friends. But looking back at it
now with the knowledge I have right now I realize that I had a big change when I was
around the age of 17. It was then when I changed my behaviour and gained a big
personal development in collaborative learning because of scouting. At scouting we
always do things together, it is one big group of very different people who all have a
very different opinion, value and view on life. I was in an environment where I was
always with other people, these people taught me things that I did not know before. I
now realize that we were all and still are learning from each other through sharing
skills, knowledge and experience we have. Sometimes there would be a
disagreement about some opinions, which would lead to a small conflict but would
then be fixed. My Lumina profile shows that the splash is really big in the blue area,
meaning I can sometimes struggle with change, and so I like everything to go
according to one way and I find it hard to accept other people their ideas. When
others around me are open for change and I should accept that more. If I could give
myself feedback back then I would say that this only shows that people are different
and that is a good thing, because it would be unrealistic if everyone was the same as
that you were. This moment did have a big impact on my personal development, it
changed my view, opinions and values after gaining knowledge from the people I
was surrounded by during scouting and since then I started accepting the fact that
people had different opinions more. Now I will continue collaborating with others to
gain even more knowledge about things and have a more open mindset. This will
lead to the ultimate win/win situation as we all will give input and sacrifice some
things but in the end will benefit even more from it than expected.

My second crucial learning moment was when I was working on my end project of
high school. I did this project with my best friend and the subject was the Brexit. I did
not find this a crucial learning moment because I was working together with my friend
but because of the knowledge and mind-set I have gained from doing the project, it
was not the team work that made me realize it, it was the experience. Because our
project was about the Brexit we got the opportunity to go to England to do more
research. So, when we were there we got to collaborate with multiple people and
companies to gain more information, and this was very interesting. That is because it
showed me how different the international people think about things, they all think in
the same direction but different then the Dutch people. It showed me that the country
you live in has a big influence. When we were trying to gain more information, they
had a very different approach to collaborating then we were used to. They were
sometimes interrupting us when we were speaking or used slang that we were not
familiar with. Regardless of the things that went wrong we did receive the information
which we needed and gained more knowledge. According to my Lumina profile I am
very discipline driven and this is good because I am committed to doing something
and this can really benefit when collaboratively learning as I deliver things on time
and I stick to my promises. Looking back at it now it shows that we had to adapt to
the situation and make the best out of it, this taught me that adapting to the situation
is very important, to keep the collaboration intact. It was important to keep a positive
attitude because we both had to adapt to the situation, we did not know some of the
words they were using and they had to adapt to try and give the best explanation
possible. There was a compromise, which made it possible to communicate in the
best way possible in that situation. If I could give myself feedback it would be to not
be afraid to ask if I am uncertain of something, because most of the times people are
willing to help and adapt to make it understandable. Now when I am collaborating
with others I keep into account that they might not understand something, so to
prevent confusion I ask if everything is understood. I want to keep continuing asking
if everything is understood as this prevents confusion and miscommunication and it
simplifies the process of collaborative learning.

Change and development

Something that I will be changing about my behaviour regarding collaborative
learning are two things, open mind-set and understanding. I want to have a more
open mind-set to give myself the chance to hear about other people their opinions
and values to understand their point of view, which will gain me more knowledge and
skills that can be very helpful. I will also try to understand more, with this I am
referring from other peoples point of view, I want everyone including me to feel
comfortable around others, not being afraid to ask things and changes. I want to be
willing to adapt to situations so that everyone has a positive feeling about
collaborating together and learning from each other.


Feedback is seen back in the habit of highly effective people, like in seek first to
understand, then to be understood. he reason therefore being, feedback is all about
developing yourself to become a better person and helping the ones around you to
better themselves as well.

This can be done by listening to a person, understanding their reasons and

understanding where the person came from when giving feedback. As Covey (2003)
said: “it is best to listen with the intent to understand rather than with the intent to
reply”. It is important to understand the person who is giving feedback their point of
view, this is important when giving feedback to keep in account. When giving
feedback a couple of things should be taken in account, when giving feedback it
should not be forgotten that it is a normal conversation between people with the
intent to better them. Receiving feedback can sometimes be hard and it is therefore
important to keep the others feeling into account. Your intent is to develop and
enhance someone’s skill and potential not to crush their potential and feelings. But
also do not talk around your statement, it is not really giving feedback when a person
has to figure out what you actually tried to say.

When receiving feedback the most important factor is not how you react on it but the
actions that come from it. As Covey (2005) states: The reality is that everybody
makes mistakes. The issue isn't whether you will make them, it's what you will do
about them. It's whether you will choose the path of humility and courage or the path
of ego and pride” (page 215). He mentions here that a person is able to mistakes,
which is normal and sometimes people will receive feedback for those mistakes.
Covey says that it is all about which path you take after receiving the feedback, will
you own up to your mistake and create courage to develop yourself or will you stick
to your ego and pride and end up not changing your mistakes and possibly making
them again.

Stacey Hanke
Asking for feedback is a initiative that comes from yourself, you have to ask others
for feedback as well, be proactive. As mentioned before you have to take action from
the feedback you got but when a person is trying to develop themselves it is also
important to take action into asking for feedback to better themselves. It shows that
the person really wants to change and put effort into it. Asking people to get
feedback, is a benefit for yourself and others as it gives you more personal
development and it shows you trust others to ask and receive feedback.

According to Hanke it is very important to have trust when giving, receiving and
asking for feedback. Hanke states: “ In order to grow your influence, you need honest
feedback, and that requires trust”. When talking about feedback you could have
someone say that everything you are doing is wonderful and they say this because
they are potentially scared to hurt your feelings, but there is no trust. During feedback
trust is a two-way street, the giver of feedback needs your best interest at heart and
the receiver must trust the giver in telling the truth.


During the beginning of this academic year it became clear to me that feedback was
a important factor. We would constantly talk about giving each other feedback during
projects and after they were done. In the beginning of this study I was very scared of
critique and would sometimes get offended when I received feedback. During the
course of the year I started getting used to receiving feedback and tried to see their
reasons and point of view. I even got so used to it and started accepting it more that I
now ask others for feedback often. During one specific workshop I accepted the
feedback I received and it developed me in a positive way. We had a workshop about
giving feedback, where we had different activities where we asked and gave
feedback. There were multiple people giving me feedback at once but I did not feel
scared to receive the feedback and I trusted them, they had their best interest at
heart and since that workshop I developed.

Meaning in own words

Asking, receiving and providing feedback to means trust and process. Asking for
feedback is also asking for trust from the persons providing you feedback and from
you, you trust them that they tell the truth and they trust you that you understand their
point of view. Receiving and providing feedback is also about trust, you trust the
person who is receiving the feedback and the trust is also asked from you when
providing feedback. Feedback is a process, you ask someone for feedback where
trust is needed, then you receive the feedback and lastly you are required to take
action if you want to develop and enhance your skills and attitude. This also counts
for when you are providing feedback, you provide someone with feedback, the
person has to trust you and afterwards take action for it, this will enhance their

Professional leisure practice

Receiving, providing and asking for feedback is crucial in the professional leisure
practice to enhance people their development. It is important that the employee
delivers the best work possible and the only way to enhance their work if to provide
them with feedback about what went well and what can go better next time. For the
person in the position of authority over the employee it is important for them to trust
the employee and provide them honest and sincere feedback. The employee has to
trust their boss when it comes to receiving feedback, the boss has to ensure that it is
a safe space and for the employee it has to be clear that the boss is allowed to be
honest. The boss wants his employees to give the best they can to achieve the best
products, therefore he has to provide the employees with feedback. The employee
should also ask for feedback to show their boss that they trust them, are committed
and are willing to better themselves.

Crucial learning moment

The first crucial learning moment was during the feedback workshop of professional
leadership. During this workshop we were taught about giving and receiving
feedback, we were asked to sit in our leisure groups and provide each other with
feedback. I was still struggling a little bit with receiving feedback, as this was hard for
me to accept. There were multiple exercises we had to do in relation to providing
feedback in different ways. I received feedback that was good and also feedback that
was bad, this made me realize that multiple people think about me this way. After I

received this feedback I took a step back to analyse everything, and I decided to take
action for the feedback I received. Looking back on it now I am glad that I did,
because this was the start of my journey towards accepting and understanding the
importance of feedback and of my personal development. I look back at myself now
and I do not understand why I was so stubborn to not take the feedback and to take
action, I was really scared for critique and thought I knew best. But now I realize I did
not know best, I was just to stubborn to see through it. Looking at my Lumina profile,
my splash is big around the area of outcome focused, I tend to begin with the end in
mind (Covey) and this shows that I often think that the end result is going to be
perfect and that makes it hard for me to accept feedback and understand that I could
be wrong. If I could give myself feedback back then I would say that you should trust
people more often because they have your best interest at heart and to not be scared
of critique but to learn from it to become a even better person. What I learned from
this is that it is very important to have trust because that was what I was missing
back then. After I learned to thus trust more people and accept feedback, I even ask
people more often for feedback, I am showing more interest in becoming a better
person. I am asking for feedback on small things like homework but also big things
like how I act as a person in a group. I want to continue asking for feedback and
receiving feedback as I want to better myself and it helps my personal development. I
also want to start trusting people more because this will help my process of asking
and receiving feedback.

My second crucial learning moment was when I was volunteering at Lego world
Utrecht. I was a floor manager and had a lot of responsibilities and Lego world is a
big event so they wanted everything to run smoothly. I would sometimes stress out
and make mistakes and mess things up. Every day I was a floor manager of a
different area, after the first day of volunteering there I asked my supervisor for
feedback because I really needed it because I was scared to make more mistakes.
My supervisor who I have worked with before, was very sweet to me and treated my
very nice. When I went to him for feedback he was very relaxed about it and brought
over the message very professionally and kind, after the feedback he gave me I felt
trusted and I felt stronger. After every day I would go to him and ask him to provide
me with feedback. By asking my supervisor for feedback I felt more empowered,
trusted and better about myself. Looking back at it now I am really glad that I went
and asked him for feedback because he showed me that I can trust people and that I
can better myself when I ask people to provide me with feedback. Looking at my
Lumina profile, I am very committed to achieving something but I can sometimes
forget that unexpected events can occur and I have to accept the failure and try and
learn from it and accept that I did my best. If I could give myself feedback back then I
would say that I am glad that you trusted him and that you opened up and took
account of your mistakes. I grew a lot from this because I am starting to ask for more
feedback and am also not scared to provide feedback as I see that it has a lot of
positive features. If I am in a similar situation another time I would do the same as I
did now but with more courage and not being afraid. I have learned a lot from this, I
learned that I can always ask for feedback, there is no reason to be afraid of asking
and that I can trust people.

My last crucial learning moment was when I was working in my productions project
group. When working in this project group I was very different then I am now, this
was at the beginning of the school year. I was still not fully appreciative of receiving,
asking and providing feedback. We had to provide each other feedback quite often
when working on the project and this was still hard for me, I did not want to hurt
anyone’s feeling. I was not fully honest when I said what I said because I was scared
they would not appreciate it. Looking back at it now with the knowledge I have now, I
would of handled it very differently. I would be more honest about what I wanted to
say, it may not be nice to hear what needs to be said but it is then the other persons
responsibility to take action or to ignore it. When providing someone with feedback I
have learned it is really important that the other person trusts you and that you trust
them and therefore, being honest is a big part of that trust. I should have trusted
them with giving the feedback so that they can improve themselves or leave it as it is,
but that is their choice but feedback comes with trust from both sides. My Lumina
profile shows that I have a preference for the red energy, meaning I can come across
as upfront and direct which in this case happened, I was not afraid to stand up for my
views when we were in a conflict. I should change that and not be too bossy as I
disrupt the balance in the group this way. If I could give myself feedback on how I
would of handled it I would of said to just be honest with them and being able to trust
them. Now I am more honest when I provide someone with feedback, I tell them the
truth and I tell it straight to the point so that they will not have to guess what I am
trying to say. If I will be in a similar situation I will tell them the truth and provide them
honest feedback. I am going to be more truthful now and be more honest. I have
developed because I realized that I am also providing others feedback which will
enhance their development and if I want to do that I have to be honest and truthful
and now I am.

Change and development

I developed a lot in providing, receiving and asking for feedback, as I was very afraid
to receive, provide and ask for feedback. I was scared I was going to hurt
somebody’s feeling, I was scared of critique and I was scared of admitting my
mistakes because I would have been seen as someone who is not good enough.
Now I ask a lot of people for feedback because I learned that everyone makes
mistakes and that it is nothing to be ashamed of. I now am not scared of receiving
feedback and thus receiving critique because I started to realize that it is only what is
going to make me stronger and is going to help with my development. I now am also
not scared of providing feedback and scared of hurting someone’s feelings, as long
as I am honest, I mean it and I tell it to them in a polite and friendly way there is
nothing to be scared of. One of my strengths now is that I am able to receive
feedback and that I am able to ask for feedback without being scared. One of my
weaknesses is still that I do not trust easily and that has influence on my feedback
because trust is crucial. But gaining trust does not happen overnight and takes time
and I am still going to work on it. I am going to continue being truthful when providing
feedback and I will ask for more feedback more often.


In the book the 7 habits of highly effective people written by Stephen R. Covey
reflection is mentioned numerous times, as well as the definition as the underlying
idea. In the chapter put first things first, which is the third habit Covey (2004) stated:
“One of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with other
people, because our relationships with others are fundamentally a reflection of our
relationship with ourselves” (page 184). So when reflecting, we are in a continuous
learning cycle and the best way to educate our hearts and learn from it is to look at
how we interact with others because those relationships are a fundamental reflection
on how we see and understand our relationship with ourselves, we reflect back on
other relationships we have to understand our relationship with ourselves. Reflecting
on our relationship with ourselves is crucial as it starts with yourself, if you want to
reflect on yourself to become a better person, you have to start with reflecting on the
relationship you have with yourself and figure out what changes can be made.

Reflection can also be seen as the process of critically thinking about different factors
like, behaviour, beliefs, attitudes and values one has. This has been identified by
numerous researchers as an important part of any learning process, whether it is
formal or informal. Looking at Kolb’s (1984) his experiential learning model, it shows
that reflective observation is an integral part of the learning cycle. As seen in the
picture below, concrete experience leads to reflective observation. Therefor
experience leads to observation, reflection about the experience and in the end it will
lead to development of new insights, opinions or conclusions which will shape into
taking different actions in the future and improving and learning from the experience.

Figure 1: Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle

Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.

Reflection does not only have to occur after an experience but it can also
simultaneously be within the experience as well. Professionals may have learned a
lot and gained a lot of knowledge, skills and experience, it may be difficult for them to
put it into practice in a unique, uncertain or complex situation. That is why continuous
learning occurs through reflection in the action, so during the experience as well as
reflection not in the action, so when the experience is over. However, the term
“reflection” can mean many things. It can range quite a bit, from simply thinking about
an experience to increase awareness and realize everything that happened, to
considering different ways to fix a problem.

Reflection means, looking back at something you have done and bettering yourself
from it. For example, taking in feedback that you have received from someone and
looking what you could do different. Or for example working together in a team, and

after the product is finished you look back at how it all went, what could be better,
how was the communication and how was the teamwork. Reflection is seen back on
a daily basis, you do it almost every day unconsciously.  

As mentioned before professionals may have learned a lot but one simply cannot
possibly study all possible outcomes, and so they can not study ahead of time on
how to handle every situation. There might be underlying situation no one saw
coming, ones that were not prepared for or not seen coming. What one can do is to
develop a learning process from the experience which will ensure progressive
development competency over a period of time. Reflection asks for effort to develop
that reflective capacity, however, it comes with many benefits. According to Morrison
(1996) who did a study on students engaging in reflective activities, it was shown that
there was an increase of self-awareness, self-confidence and a feeling of
empowerment to recreate their own self-concept.

I have experienced a lot of reflection, I reflect back on a lot of things in life, mostly
because it really helps you, it develops you into the person you are today. When I
was in Africa helping the children, I came back from my trip and I looked back on
what I did when I was there, I was thinking to myself what could we have done better,
could we have taken more stuff for them and were we of enough help to them. When
I was thinking this, it developed some new ideas on how we could help them more
and what we could have done differently. It was a continuous learning moment as we
had some unexpected turn of events, which led us to changing a few things that we
had planned. We had to quickly think of a way to change it and reflected on how to
improve the situation with what we had.

Furthermore, when I was working at an event called Lego world, in Utrecht I was in
charge of a specific area. Because I was in charge of that area, I had quite some
responsibilities. All the people in charge of different areas came together once a day
and had a reflection moment with the staff after each day to see what we could have
done better. We checked to see if we should change anything and if we had of done
enough to provide the children joy. Everyday there was a different issue and that had
to be solved, it all happened without expecting it and having to reflect on how we
could improve a situation we did not see coming.  

During school we work in project groups, it could be teams from as little as 3 to 7

people per group. Working in a group with other peers can sometimes be stressful or
irritating as they do not have the same way of working. I reflected on myself while
working in the project group and when we were done with the project. I noticed that
when I was working in a group in talked a lot and did not give others the chance to
talk. I learned from it and improved it, now I am giving others the opportunity to talk
as well. I also learned that I should be more organised, as I tend to get distracted
easily and can create a chaotic scene for myself. I improved by having a clear desk
with no distractions, also putting my phone away and to have a detailed planner to
not get confused. It improved me because now I am more organised and less
distracted, which means I can focus solely on my work.

Meaning in own words

So, reflection to me means that it is a continuous learning moment, whether this
occurs during the experience or afterwards, it is something to keep in account to

improve as a person. You look back at something that you have done and looking
how it went and if all went well, it will teach you to improve and only better yourself.
Reflecting can occur on a project, event, experience but also on self-image, it will
help with the self-confidence, self-awareness and help improve them to become a
better person. When implying reflection it shows that you care enough to think about
it, learn from it, take action and improve from the mistakes and not letting it set you
Professional leisure practice
Reflection is of importance to professional leisure practise, because not everything is
predicted and things can go wrong and when something does go wrong it is
important to reflect on it and to improve it. Some things are unpredictable, like the
weather or a technical difficulty. There are a lot of flaws, and when wanting to have
the best experience you have to acknowledge it, learn from it and improve from it.
Noticing the problem is not the thing that will change it, action is what should be
taken. When noticing something wrong there should be immediate action
undertaken. As a professional you reflect on your work, your colleagues, your
products, your teamwork, your communication and so much more. And reflecting
back on it and seeing if change is needed is what makes you more professional, as it
shows that you are interested in giving it the best that you can and showing that you
are working towards perfection and continuously learning from it and not letting it set
you back. 

Crucial learning moments

One of my crucial learning moments was when I was working at Lego world in
the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. I was working there for 5 days and every day I had a
different task. I got a task that asked a lot of responsibility from me, I had to be the
floor manager of a specific location in the venue. I was asked to manage the location
and make sure everything went well and that the staff were doing their jobs. During
the day everything went quite smoothly but I was asked to be at many places
at once so it gave me a little bit of stress. What I have learned was that I can
keep everything under control, but I should not stress too much, because once I was
stressing, I was running around like a chicken without its head. I had it all under
control until I started stressing out. I had someone from the organization come to me
and he told me that I should just breathe, that I had it under control but I just needed
to breathe and not stress so much. It helped me a lot because I notice from myself
that I can be a very stressful person and knowing that I have it under control helps
me a lot, so when he told me that I had in under control I was relieved. I think that
what I learned from this is to not stress out about it too much. Looking at my Lumina
profile it shows that I am constantly looking for flaws that I can fix and I do not put
aside problems. I also did not do that here, I reflected on what the problem was. It
was a crucial learning moment as I almost never had experienced something so
stressful and once I experienced it taught me that I should not overthink, I kept
thinking that I did not have it under control and that lead to me stressing out. I
overthink much less these days because I realised it only has negative effects which
are not needed. I am now not going to overthink as much as I used to do and not let
it control me as much as it did. The next time I come in a situation like that I am going
to keep my head cool and not overthink. Looking back at it now I realise that I was
overthinking and overexaggerating a lot as it was not as stressful and hard as I
thought it was back then. It was a little over the top and it was not needed. The other
days I was working there after I had experienced this day went well, I had it more
under control, it was also less busy and my experience was better.
Another crucial learning moment was when I realised that I was too bossy and
took the lead too much, when I was working together with my classmates on

productions. I was sometimes really bossy, I told everyone what to do and when
to do it and interrupted people quite often. Some would not take it that well, which
I now understand as we are a team and we should all work together. I as a
person are of importance to the group but there should be a balance. When we
were given the task to provide our teammates with feedback that was when I
realized that I should change something about the way I work in a team, they told
me that I was too bossy and controlling. I reflected back on it now on how I was
working in a team and I realised how bossy I actually was, I wanted everything to
go the way I intended it to go. I looked at what I could change for the better and
how it would benefit me. It made me realize that that was not the person I wanted
to be, I was seen as the bad guy and I do not like the thought of that. According
to my Lumina profile I can be very bossy and that is because I am more outcome
focused then people focused and I should keep that in account that other
classmates are more people focused. If I were to tell myself something to change
that back then I would say that I should realize that I am not alone, there are
others as well, others that are trying to help you and that you are not alone. But
what I did back then was, I made a list of what type of roles I took upon me in a
team, looked at what the pros and cons were and what the best tactic was on
taking up that role on me. So, I came to the conclusion that I should change the
way I worked in a team. I improved my team skills and I was a little bit smoother
with things, instead of it all being how I wanted it to be I opened up and let other
people in as well and that lead to better things. It was crucial to me as it is
important to me to have a good relationship in a group working environment,
everyone works together and me as a individual are responsible for myself in the
group. But that also means that I should adapt to make the team work, dream
work. Now I work way better in a team environment and the work looks good.
The last crucial learning moment was from my experience in Africa, when I was
volunteering there, back in 2015. Before I went to Africa I was a materialistic
person and did not appreciate things as much as I should of. I did volunteer work
in Africa for the children and animals there. I was doing the volunteer work
together with my mother and aunt and during when I was volunteering. I saw a
whole new world that I did not know before. The whole experience there was eye
opening and amazing to be a part of. When I came back from Africa I had so
much joy, knowing that I did something good for the people and animals, that I
helped them. Now thinking back to it I realise how much it has changed me and
my view on a lot of things. I am able to understand that materials do not make
you the happiest, it is the experience. We did endure some setbacks, we did not
get the opportunity to take all of the things we had collected to take with us and
so, that was disappointing. But if I could tell myself something is that it did not
matter, as they are not materialistic, they are happy with having almost nothing
and us just simply being there made them super happy. Looking at my Lumina
splash I am a extravert and I am very down to earth and during this experience I
was very down to earth and very open, I was also very social with the people
from Africa which shows I am good with being around people. This experience
was the first one where I reflected back on who I was before the trip and who I
was after the trip, I learned so much during my time there. It made me
understand why it is so important to reflect back on something, so you can see
the change you made and understand that you have learned from it to improve
yourself into a better person. As I mentioned it was eye opening and so it was a
crucial learning moment, seeing how happy volunteering made me and the
children in Africa, it made me realize that I have become a better person.
Nowadays I am more helpful than I was before, I appreciate things more than I
did and I think about more things in the most positive attitude possible. I
developed into a more positive, open-minded and thankful person. Next time I

experience something like this again, I want to be even more open-minded and
I developed a lot in reflecting on myself since 2015, when I experienced the volunteer
work in Africa, because it was so eye-opening and I realized how important it was.
One of my strengths is that I can see the mistakes that were made and the things
that went well but could also be improved or learned from. I want to become a better
person and find out how I can change myself to be one. Even when my mistakes
were really bad I see it as an improvement I can learn from. One of my weaknesses
is that I sometimes forget things, or I leave things out when reflecting. I can also be
very stubborn, this means that I indeed notice what went wrong but in my mind it
sometimes does not have to change, I used to be very scared of change but through
the years I have experienced a lot of change and got more and more used to it but it
does still scare me sometimes. This is why it is one of my weaknesses.  

Change and development

I have developed a lot regarding reflection, I am now constantly reflecting as I
realized that it is very beneficial for my continues learning cycle. It gives me time to
realize and see what I did, if I did something wrong and what I can do to change that.
I have changed my way of reflecting as well as I first was not that focused on
reflecting but now I am and I see it as a big part of my development, trying to improve
and better myself.

Active listening
Gordon, Roger, Hoppe, Weger and Covey

Active listening was first enunciated by Gordon (1975) as a formal practice
mentioned in his model, Parent Effectiveness training (P.E.T). Active listening has
roots in Roger (1951) his counseling technique of client-centered therapy. Active
listening is a speaker and listener technique where the listener listens reflected and
reflecting understanding, so he reflects on what the person has said and reflects to
ensure that he understands it. They listen without judgment, an active listener does
not premature judge someone. They always clarify what they heard, they do this by
asking a question, rephrasing what the speaker has said or they give a small
summary to see if they understood what was said. (Hoppe, 2006; Weger, Castle Bell,
Minei & Robinson, 2014)

It is important for people to actively listen as it helps to understand the speaker,

according to Hoppe (2006) it can be used for the following, ”Active listening can be
used to hear accurately, understand, draw out ideas and information, empathize,
gather information, show respect, build self-esteem, find answers, show appreciation,
buy time, connect, question assumptions and ideas, weigh options, change
perspectives, soothe or heal, set the stage for something else, and build
relationships” (Hoppe, 2006). And according to Weger (2014) “Listening produces
positive interaction outcomes” (Weger et al., 2014).

The five key techniques used for active listening are;

1. Paying attention
2. Showing that you are listening
3. Providing feedback
4. Deferring judgement
5. Responding appropriately

“Techniques of active listening: mirroring feelings, repeating ideas, refraining from

judging or commenting are widely known and helpful” (Covey). Covey states that the
techniques of active listening are to repeat what they said, to mirror how they feel, to
not interrupt them when they are talking and thus refraining from judging and lastly to
not comment.

Carl Rogers
Active listening is another term for the counseling technique in client-centered
therapy which was developed by Carl Rogers. Within the client-centered therapy the
counselors do not try to give suggestions or advice, they try to listen and interact with
the client. They will listen to what the client has to say and then they would reflect
back to what they think the client is trying to say and feeling. They will ask questions
like, have I understood you correctly? Is this what you are trying to say?

I have not had a lot of experience with active listening because I am still trying to
learn how to do it in a proper way, where it will be effective. I have experienced it

when I was conducting an interview with the CEO of the leisure expert group
company, I was actively listening to him and he told me that he was very pleased
with how I handled the active listening part. Another experience I have had was
during one of my project group feedback moments, this was when I was accepting
feedback better and I really wanted to understand what they were saying and show
that I cared about what they said, so I was listening very actively. I was asking a lot of
questions and made sure I understood it correctly.

Professional leisure practice

It is very important to imply active listening in the leisure practice, as active listening
makes a stronger connection between people. The message that is being provided
will be understood and the person who is providing the message will feel understood
and important as it shows interest. This can be applied to a employee and their boss,
the boss can show their appreciation by actively listening to what the employee has
to say and also understand it correctly. It can also be used the other way around.

Meaning in own words

Active listening to me means to actively participate in a conversation to understand
what the sender is saying. When the receiver rephrases what the sender has said,
the receiver can make sure that the message has been understood correctly. There
are multiple ways to participate in active listening like, mirroring feeling, asking
questions and repeating what was said. Active listening has a lot of positive effects
as it makes the receiver understand the message, it shows respect to the sender and
it shows that the receiver appreciates the sender for holding the conversation.

Crucial learning moments

My first learning moment was when I was with my project group during a feedback
moment, I was receiving feedback at that moment and I was actively participating in
the conversation and listening actively. I wanted to express more that I was
appreciative of the feedback moment and I wanted to make sure that the feedback I
received was received in the correct way they intended it to come across. I listened
actively by repeating the information they provided and asking questions. Sometimes
I was asking to much questions and that made them feel like I did not understand
anything, as they mentioned it to me. So, I took that into account and tried to listen as
carefully as I could and to not ask to many questions. Looking back at it now, I can
indeed see that I was asking to many questions which could come across as if I did
not understand anything, but I was still exploring with active listening so I had to find
a balance, which I did not find during this moment. But it made me think about it more
and now I am better at finding the balance. Looking at my Lumina spark, it shows
that I am very outcome focused and not so people focused, which means I am more
interested in the outcome then the people. When active listening this can be an
problem, because it is important that I focus on the person I am talking to and I
should put more focus on that. If I could give myself feedback I would say that by
asking a lot of questions it does not show that you care even more, it is good to ask
questions but it is important to find a balance. I learned that I have to work more on
finding a balance between listening and responding. I did develop in finding a
balance, because at first I was asking a lot of questions and focusing less on
listening and now I am finding more of a balance between the two factors. I will

continue to find a better balance to optimize active listening, I will be doing that by
listening active more and explore what the right balance is.

My second learning moment was when I was conducting an interview with the CEO
of the leisure expert group company. I was conducting this interview for the subject
English and I was asking questions but also listening. During the interview I had
prepared questions to ask, but during the interview I listened to what he was saying
and I reacted on what he said and checked to see if I understood what he said. The
interview went well and the conversation went smoothly. After the interview was
finished he complimented me on how I was actively listening as he had multiple
interviews where people do not seem interested and only follow the order of
questions they intended to ask. Looking at my Lumina profile it shows that I am a
extravert and that I am very friendly and outgoing, so when I am having a
conversation with someone this could really be a benefit as I can be seen as a
friendly person who is interested, and I should continue being friendly. Looking back
on it now, I see that I was actively listening in a good way, I was interested in what he
had to say, I was repeating information to make sure I understood it correctly and I
asked questions. I think the active listening during this interview went really well as
he even complimented me on it. If I could give myself feedback I would say that I
should ask less questions and let him talk more as I am the one who wants to receive
the information and not the other way around. I learned that I am able in holding a
conversation where I actively listen, but I still have to work on my balance between
listening and talking, as I was still talking a little to much. I will continue with actively
listening as I saw that it is very beneficial and it shows appreciation and it helps with
gaining more information.

Change and development

I have developed a lot in active listening, as I first was not actively listening but now I
am. I am asking questions and I am showing interest. It has helped me with forming
better connections with people as it shows my appreciation and interest. I have
changed my way of being in a conversation and I will continue by doing this. I still
have to work on my balance between listening and talking and I will continue with
practicing active listening and finding a balance.


Covey, S. R. (2012). The 3rd Alternative: Solving Lifes Most Difficult Problems.
Riverside: Free Press.

Gordon, T. (1975). P.E.T.: Parent effectiveness training. New York, NY: New

Hanke, S. (2017). Influence redefined: be the leader you were meant to be, Monday
to Monday. Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Press.

Hoppe, M. H. (2006). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and lead.
Greensboro, N.C: Center for Creative Leadership.

Kolb, D.A. (1983). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and

Morrision, K. (1996). Developing reflective practice in higher degree students

through a learning journal. Studies in Higher Education, 21(3), 317-16.

Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin.

Roberts, C. (2014, November 14). Building social capital through leadership

development. Retrieved from

Stephen M. R. Covey (2008). “The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes
Everything”, p.215

Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”,

Topornycky, J., & Golparian, S. (2016, June 20). PDF. British Columbia.

Weger, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). The relative
effectiveness of active listening in initial interactions. International Journal of


Table of content

Ethics page 21
- Spider web

Lumina page 23
- The 5 attributes personal
- The 5 attributes of others over me
- Summary personal Lumina profile

Logbook page 26
- Volunteer experiences


After filling in the ethical integrity questionnaire for Ethics we were asked to
put our results in a scheme which we would then put in a spider web which is
seen in the picture above. Looking at the spider web there are multiple styles;
principle-based, utilitarian, virtue-based, prudential and loyalist.

Looking firstly at the first style, principle-based style. I scored a 10 on a scale

from 1 to 15, meaning that I have strong principles. I stick to there only one
way to do something and that is the way it will be. I do not like change and if
there is a possibility of change I would most likely not take it. When comparing
this spider web to my Lumina profile I notice that there is a big similarity, I am
very discipline driven and outcome focused. I do relate to this a lot, I am not a
big fan of change and I like to avoid it as much as possible because I am
scared of it. And I indeed have strong principles, I always stay true to myself
and I almost never break a promise. So I do understand that I got a high score
for this, I think it is also the correct score. I would not give myself a higher or a
lower score because if it would be lower I would be less determined and if it
would be higher I would be even more afraid of change and I can sometimes
agree to change.

The second style is utilitarian style. I scored a 7 on a scale from 1 to 15,

meaning I am in the middle. I judge actions on their consequences and I look
what the outcome is, if it benefits everyone the decision is good, if the benefits
are not for everyone, then it is a poor decision. I take the wellbeing of people
into consideration to make the best decision. Comparing this to my Lumina
profile, they actually say that I am not people focused but really outcome
focused so it is interesting to see that they say different things. I do agree with
the spiderweb but also with the Lumina profile this is probably why my score
is in the middle, I am more outcome focused than people focused but I do
take them into consideration.
The third style is loyalist style. I scored a 5 on a scale from 1 to 15, meaning I
am not very related to this style according to the spider web. With the loyalist

style you always ask yourself first, who benefits? And then the answer to that
question is the primary loyalty to the benefits of others. As seen in the
previous style I am more outcome focused than people focused which is why
it makes sense why my score outcome is on the lower side. I do agree with
the outcome of the spider web because I think I am loyal to people I am just
not the type of person to put the people their benefits as a primary aspect.

The fourth style is the prudential style. I scored a 5 out of 15, meaning that I
do not relate to this style very much according to this test. Prudential style is
being careful and thinking in a methodical manner about the decisions I make
and the outcomes that come from it. The main concern is the consequences
on a long-term, with also keeping into account the needs and wishes of
others. I can see why I scored low on this style, because as mentioned I am
more outcome focused than people focused and with this style both are
important but the needs and wishes of others are the number one priority and
I do not do that and I relate to the outcome.

The last style is the virtue-based style. I scored a 10 out of 15 on this style,
meaning I do very much relate to this style. A virtue-based style means that a
person is good and is seen as one by others and you think that that is
important, and I do think that is important I see myself worrying about the fact
if people think I am good or not. The main concern is the reputation, and of
course the goal is that it is a good reputation. Comparing this style in the
spider web with my Lumina profile I see a similarity because I do really care
about what people think of me and I am a extravert which means I am very
social and outgoing so I think of it as something very important. So, yes I
agree and relate to the score of the virtue-based style on the spider web.

The 5 attributes that best reflect me are:

- Discipline driven
- Extraverted
- Down to earth
- Outcome focused
- Big picture thinking
Discipline driven
This reflects on me because I am very committed. When I am working on something I
want to perform the best I can, deliver the best outcome, have it done on time and I
always keep my promises. I have a lot of self-control because I want to give the best
I can, so when I am working on something I am 100% committed to what I am
working on. I especially notice it when I am working on a school project, because I
want to get the highest grade possible.
I am very extraverted, I am a very social girl who can easily make new friends and
who is very outgoing. I am always social when I am around people, I am also not
afraid in new social situations and I am quite often found around people rather then
alone. I notice mostly when I am around friends or strangers, when I am going out I
always end up making new friends. I am also a lot around my friends because I like
being in social gatherings.
Down to earth
I am very down to earth, I am conscious about what is going on around me and what
the realities of the world are. I also do not get carried away easily as I am very
committed, keep my calm and I think about the consequences before I do anything.
Moments when I am especially down to earth are when I am alone and I am alone
with my thoughts and I am able to think about everything soberly. Or when I am with
friends I can also be very down to earth sometimes.
Outcome focused
I am really outcome focused, when working on something I think about the results
and the goals I have set up. I like things to go a certain way and I am not a fan of
change. I will think about the consequences and eliminate the problems that might
occur. I have a goal in mind and I aspire to reach that goal. This is very much seen
when I am working on a school project.
Big picture thinking
I am also a big picture thinker because I like the thought of trying to find out what the
truth is of underlying thoughts. And I indeed find it hard to think of ways to change
things because I am not a big fan of change. I often also do not like the
consequences of changes that is why I find it hard to think of ways to change that. I
especially notice this when I am working on a school project but also about things in
live for example my parents divorcing, that was hard especially because it was a big
I asked my mom to name 5 attributes which she thinks that suit me, she named
exactly the ones that were given to me by Lumina, discipline driven because I have a
lot of self-discipline and am very focused, extraverted because I am always around
people and I am very social, down to earth because I can keep my calm in certain

situations, outcome focused because if I want something I go for it and big picture
thinker because I am not always open for other people’s opinions.
I asked my step dad to name 5 attributes which he thinks suit me, he named; down to
earth because I don’t let someone fool me that easily, outcome focused because I
strive my goal and that is my only focus, discipline driven because I can bring up
discipline to do what I have to do, people focused because you keep other people
into account and extrovert because I am very open and always around people.
I asked my brother to name 5 attributes which he thinks suit me, he names; down to
earth because I am always chill, extraverted because I always have friends around,
discipline driven because I am good at working with a goal in mind, outcome focused
because I always know what I want for the outcome and big picture thinking because
I find it hard to change.
I asked my classmate to name 5 attributes which she thinks suit me, she named;
people focused because I think of other people, down to earth because I have a cool
head, extroverted because I am very social, big picture thinking because you look at
the underlying thoughts and discipline driven because I always have my goal in
vision and am focused on it.
I asked my classmate to name 5 attributes which he thinks suit me, he named;
people focused because I care about others and find group harmony important,
outcome focused because I pursue my goals in a rational manner, extraverted
because I am very social and outgoing, discipline driven because I am very
committed when doing something and down to earth because I can keep my calm
and don’t get carried away easily.
All of the people have given my almost exactly the same as I picked out for myself
except for a few where they told me I was person focused and that was the only
other attribute they chose other than the ones I chose. I can explain this, because I
am very expressive, so when I am a extravert you can immediately tell because I
express it a lot. I noticed that I almost have the same behavior at home as at school,
except they think I am more people focused at school than at home.

Summary of Lumina profile

With most of the outcomes I was not surprised, for example I notice from myself that I
am very discipline driven, down to earth, extraverted and outcome focused. These
features do really suit me, but I would have thought that people focused would be a
little bit bigger because I do sometimes keep others needs and feelings in account.
Regarding my true colours in order I was kind of shocked as I expected the results to
be in a different order then I was given, I would of put the colour yellow on top
because I think out of all the features I am mostly extraverted and thus I can interact
with others very easily. The second colour would be blue, as I am someone who
really keeps my word and is really trustworthy. The third colour would be red because
I am commanding and I think with rational thought. And the last colour is the same as
it is now, green where I emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. I did find myself in
the explanations of the colours I would of just put them in a different order. I can
develop more on my people focus because that area is still very small so I think I can
work on that.

The GROWS model
Step 1, GOAL
• Create a SMART goal - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely
I want to be seen as less bossy by letting others take lead as well and being open for
change. I want to do this because being seen as bossy is not a good feature. I want
this to happen within the next project and at the end of the project be seen as less
• What does GOOD look like? What does GREAT look like?
Good looks like it can do better, there are many mistakes that can be fixed. Great
looks like it does not have many mistakes and there is almost nothing that has to be
• What would be undeniable proof of success?
When everyone is satisfied, there are no mistakes left to fix and it works properly or
the product looks great.
• By achieving this goal what will the positive impact be?
People will think I can be nice, now people think I am very bossy and mean and I do
not care about them but only about the project while in reality this is not the case.
• What would happen if you don't achieve this goal?
People will still see me as bossy and mean and that would be a shame because I am
nice and friendly and make for a good atmosphere.
• What are the possible obstacles that could disrupt you achieving this?
I take to much lead again and I am saying no to change.
• What is at stake for you?
A good atmosphere and people liking me.
• What are some ideas you have to fulfil this goal?
I will be more open-minded, I will try to be more open about accepting change and
other people their ideas.
• What if time, power, money were no object?
Time does not play a big role as it would be nice if it happened fast but it will not
influence anything. If power were no object I would have been less bossy already.
Money does not play a role.
• Who is an expert in this area and how might they approach this?
I do not know who is an expert in this but someone who has a balance in taking the
lead and overtaking the group.
• Which approach will you choose?
I will be more open-minded and see how that will turn out.
• What is your first step in this?
To accept change and to be more open-minded.
• By when will each of these actions need to be completed?
By the end of the project preferably.
• Who can you enrol to help, coach or mentor you?
My classmates who I am in the project with.
• What support do you need from others?
To tell me to take a step back when needed.
• How and when are you going to get that support?
They will verbally tell me and they will tell it when I am getting to bossy.
Logbook Experiences 
Overview experiences 
Number  Actvity   Hours 

1  Veterans reunion   8 hours 
2  Join a student  4 hours 
3  Fitfair   8 hours 
4  Lego WORLD build up  9 hours 
5  Lego WORLD crowd control   10 hours  
6  Lego WORLD theme manager   10 hours  
7  Lego WORLD break down   9 hours 
8  Scouting camp leader 28 hours
9  Scouting camp organising 10 hours
10  Bingo night at elderly home 8 hours
11  Join a student 5 hours

Number 1 
Company and contact person: 
Veterans reunion, Carol Snoeks 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Via Business desk 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Ticket scanner and asking to take a survey  
International / cross cultural: 
 The event was for veterans from the Netherlands, so it was not internationally oriented. 
Job description: 
I had to scan the tickets of the guests, give them an entrance bracelet, a sticker and explain
where they could find everything. I also had to ask people to take surveys, so it could help
the organization with preparations for next year 
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was scanning the tickets together with other volunteers, I was being helped if something
went wrong. But I had to ask the surveys by myself 
Hours and dates: 
8 hours, 23 of September 
Learning goal / reason why: 
 I chose this event because I thought it would be a nice event to volunteer at, seeing a lot of
people reconnect with each other after a long time. It is also special to see what type of
peoples were in the defence. My learning goal was to see how a smaller type of event
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 Sometimes the tickets would not scan but then I sent them to another volunteer who would

handle it further on.  
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 I saw inspiration in the people who were attending the event, how happy they were to
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds on how I interact with the guests.  
Define two critical learning moments 
  Always have a back-up plan for if something breaks, or does not work 
 Always put signs everywhere, what it is and where you can find it. Otherwise people
will ask multiple times 

Number 2 
Company and contact person: 
Join a student, Jeroen Koppen 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Via Business desk 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Showing a student around the school and showing her how a typical day looks like 
International / cross cultural: 
 It is not internationally oriented for the student, but the class is internationally oriented 
Job description: 
I showed her around the school, did a little tour and I took her to all of my classes and
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for showing her around and taking her to my classes 
Hours and dates: 
4hours, December 2nd  
Learning goal / reason why: 
 I did it so I can show people how this school is and what it is like to go to school here. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 Not many problems, besides that I ended up in the hospital at the end of the day. 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 It brought success because despite what happened at the end of the day, she really liked
the school 

What does it add to your development? 
 It does not add very much to my development besides, helping people. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  Try to involve the student as much as possible so they will not feel left out 
 And keep them with you at all times, because they will not know where to go or
where to find something 

Number 3 
Company and contact person: 
Fitfair, Leyla  
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Via Business desk 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Crowd control   
International / cross cultural: 
 It was internationally oriented as people from different countries came and we had
speakers from different places. 
Job description: 
I had to focus on crowd control, and on the room where the presentation was being held.
That the speakers had enough of water, enough people and when they had to start. 
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for the room and area where my room was, so I was alone. 
Hours and dates: 
8 hours, 23 of November 
Learning goal / reason why: 
 I learned about crowd control, the reason why is because this was a bigger event. I wanted
to experience how that goes. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 Sometimes the speakers started later than planned, so it would mess up the time schedule. 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 

 The idea I got, was to be a little stricter about when to start the presentation. But it was a
good organized event 
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds to being able to control a crowd. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  I have learned that crowd control is very important, if one specific spot is very busy,
send people somewhere else because it is not nice for the speakers as for the guests
who cannot see anything 
 I also have learned that communication is very important, because if something goes
wrong you need other people maybe to fix it.  

Number 4 
Company and contact person: 
Lego world, Mise en place 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Building up of the event 
International / cross cultural: 
Internationally oriented as all of the Lego had to come from Denmark and had to communicate with
Job description: 
I had to build up the theme Friends of Lego, and put the theatre together and add decoration
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible with two other workers for our theme friends, but for the decoration I was
responsible myself. 
Hours and dates: 
9 hours, 17 of October  
Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was how a really big event works and what it takes to run it smoothly. I chose this event
because as a child I liked to play with Lego a lot, so it was nice to see so many children play with it as
well. And also, Lego is very famous. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 

 Sometimes we could not find the decorations, so we had to look all over the place to find them. 

What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 

 I got some ideas about how it is structured, as they structured everything very good. 
What does it add to your development? 
 That I have a sense of design, I liked the outcome of the final product. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  I have learned that it is very important to not be walking in people’s ways when they are
working hard 
 I have learned that the aesthetic of an event very important is, it is the first thing people will
Number 5 
Company and contact person: 
Lego World, Mise en Place 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
 Crowd control 
International / cross cultural: 
 It was internationally oriented, as many visitors were from different countries, like
Germany, Belgium and England.  
Job description: 
I had to walk around the areas to see if everything went well, I helped people looking for
things, I was responsible for the children who lost their parents, so I would send them
to the find your kid desk. And I had to make sure that all of the children were playing in the
assigned places. 
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I responsible by myself for the crowd control on one off the halls. But the saftey of the
children was everyone’s responsibility 
Hours and dates: 
10 hours, 18 of October 
Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was how a really big event works and what it takes to run it smoothly. I chose
this event because as a child I liked to play with Lego a lot, so it was nice to see so many
children play with it as well. And also, Lego is very famous. 

What problems / challenges did you see? 
 I faced that a lot of children would lose their parents and would freak out, so that
was definitely a challenge 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 The fact that people walk around for the solely purpose of helping people who are walking
around was a smart move as sometimes at people cannot find employees 
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds because it asked a lot of responsibility of me and I handled it pretty well so it shows I
can handle it. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  I have learned that it is always important that at such events where children are,
parents should always pay good attention and tell their kids what to do if they get lost 
 Also, I have learned that it is important to always walk around, as people will ask a
lot of questions, will get stressed out when they cannot find their kid or will tend to get
mad at some things that are out of our control 
Number 6 
Company and contact person: 
Lego World, Mise en Place 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Theme manager 
International / cross cultural: 
 It was internationally oriented as many visitors were from different countries 
Job description: 
I was the manager of a specific theme, so I had the Lego ninja warriors as theme, so I was
responsible for all of the employees having enough water, having enough equipment for
the races. Making sure nothing breaks or gets stolen. Also, that when something was used it
would be cleaned up for the next person to play with it. 
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible alone, I was responsible for the employees that were working in my theme
Hours and dates: 
10 hours, 19 of October 
Learning goal / reason why: 

 Learning goal was how a really big event works and what it takes to run it smoothly. I chose
this event because as a child I liked to play with Lego a lot, so it was nice to see so many
children play with it as well. And also, Lego is very famous. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 I faced the problem that sometimes children or even parents would steal Lego parts which
was upsetting because I had to confront them, and they were not happy that someone
younger than them was confronting them. 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 I got inspiration from the other employees who were interacting with the children and were
working really well. 
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds to my development, as I saw it as a little bit of leadership. I was responsible for many
employees and it asked a lot of responsibility 
Define two critical learning moment 
  I have learned that it is very important that all the other employees are paying
enough attention to the guests, as sometimes accidents can happen  
 I also have learned that it is important that the theme manager has everything
under control, as it is a big responsibility and everything should run smoothely  
Number 7 
Company and contact person: 
Lego World, Mise en Place 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Breaking down of the event 
International / cross cultural: 
 It was internationally oriented because we had to send everything back to Denmark
and communicate with them. 
Job description: 
I had break down my theme area. 
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for my theme area together with other employees. 
Hours and dates: 
9 hours, October 22nd  

Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was how a really big event works and what it takes to run it smoothly. I chose
this event because as a child I liked to play with Lego a lot, so it was nice to see so many
children play with it as well. And also, Lego is very famous. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 Sometimes we would not know where certain pieces had to go, so it was a puzzle figuring
out where it had to go. 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 That it was well organized, besides a few tiny problems. 
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds a lot because it showed that I am able to work in a team very well. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  Communication is key, especially when working with a company from Denmark,
where they want all of the showcases in the boxes in a specific way 
  What I have learned as well is that teamwork is really important, when working in a
team everything goes way easier, faster and smoother 

Number 8
Company and contact person: 
Scouting Salwega, Rob Vermeulen
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Camp leader
International / cross cultural: 
 It was not internationally oriented as all the kids were Dutch
Job description: 
I was a camp leader and so I was in charge of all the activities and of the kids.
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for the safety of the kids and I was together with other camp leaders
Hours and dates: 
28 hours on the 18th of January
Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was that kids are a big responsibility and the reason why I did it was because I

like scouting a lot and I want to spread that joy. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 Sometimes the kids were not listening and we would have to get them in control which was
quite challenging 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 It was well organized, we organized it. And we got some new ideas for activities we could do
with the kids and they really enjoyed the camp
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds responsibility, I did not know it was such a big task 
Define two critical learning moment 
  Pantience is key, with children you have to be patient to be able to make the
relationship work
  What I also learned was that children are a big responsibility

Number 7 
Company and contact person: 
Scouting Salwega, Rob Vermeulen
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Organizing the camp
International / cross cultural: 
 It was not internationally oriented as the other camp leaders were Dutch
Job description: 
I and other camp leaders were given the task to organize a camp
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for a part of the day of the camp and I had to think of activities to do
Hours and dates: 
10 hours, 4-5 January   
Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was to think of a camp with never used before activities in scouting. I chose to
do it because I liked organizing it 
What problems / challenges did you see? 

 Some things we noticed that were challenging were coming up with new ideas for the
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 
 We managed to come up with new activities and organize a fun camp
What does it add to your development? 
 It adds responsibility and team work as we were responsible for the kids and worked in a
Define two critical learning moment 
  Communication is key, we sometimes had that two people were working on the
same thing, which was not the plan
  We had to plan everything with kept in mind that the weather might change and
that taught me to realize that you can never have everything planned  

Number 10 
Company and contact person: 
Loerikse stee, Jeane Lodenstein
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Acquired myself 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
International / cross cultural: 
 It was not internationally oriented because it was a elderly home full of Dutch elderly
Job description: 
I had to spin the bingo ball and tell the numbers
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for the whole game
Hours and dates: 
8 hours, 6-7 february
Learning goal / reason why: 
 Learning goal was that elderly are not that good hearing, I chose it because my
grandmother asked if I would do it

What problems / challenges did you see? 

 Sometimes they could not understand or hear me so I had to talk very loud 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 

 That it was fun, they liked it and it was easy to do 
What does it add to your development? 
 It does not add a lot to my development, maybe that I should appreciate the time that I
have with my grandparents more 
Define two critical learning moment 
  I should spend more time with my grandparents
  When organizing an event like this, do not put the elderly who are bad hearing in
the back

Number 11
Company and contact person: 
Join a student, Jeroen Koppen 
Via Business desk or acquired yourself? 
Via Business desk 
(sub)Sector / specialisation: 
Showing a student around the school and showing her how a typical day looks like 
International / cross cultural: 
 It is not internationally oriented for the student, but the class is internationally oriented 
Job description: 
I showed her around the school, did a little tour and I took her to all of my classes and
Level of responsibility (alone / together):  
I was responsible for showing her around and taking her to my classes 
Hours and dates: 
5 hours, March 2nd
Learning goal / reason why: 
 I did it so I can show people how this school is and what it is like to go to school here. 
What problems / challenges did you see? 
 No problems. 
What success / ideas / inspiration did you get? 

 It brought success because she really liked the school 
What does it add to your development? 
 It does not add very much to my development besides, helping people. 
Define two critical learning moment 
  Try to involve the student as much as possible so they will not feel left out 
 And keep them with you at all times, because they will not know where to go or
where to find something 


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