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Name : Kusrian Edwin Sianipar

Student ID : 016201900201

Subject : State Pro - (Citizenship)

Major : International Relations

Class : StatePro (M IR-2019 Class 1-Group 2)

Lecturer : Mr. Dr. Purwanto, S.T.,M.M

Academic Year 2019-2020 / Semester (20193)


The essence of learning material about citizenship is to form a form of personality in t

he life of the state, especially in Indonesia, starting from building a form of pride as an Indon
esian citizen and loving everything that Indonesia has. In the development of Citizenship lear
ning materials, it certainly has an urgency to shape the character and personality of the young
generation of Indonesia, especially in regenerating the nation and watering the land. The conc
ept of citizenship is a society that inhabits a jurisdiction where the community has rights and
obligations. Moreover, conceptually, the term "citizenship" cannot be separated from the term
"citizens." Bearing in mind that the importance of Citizenship Education material for each ind
ividual who lives in a country, that is, to realize citizens who are aware of the Defence of the
State and based on national political understanding, and sensitivity to develop national identit
y and morals in living and watering, especially in Indonesia. And in the face of the challenges
of the global situation in the future.

In the essence-urgency about an identity that reflects a representation of the form of de

velopment and character of the nation, and identity is certainly a description, unique character
istics, and differentiation. The depiction of Indonesia's national identity as a form of identities,
such as how we practice understanding of our ideology and basic norms that serve as a guide
for behavior in life. In its implementation, we must show the identity of the Indonesian peopl
e. Of course, the identity of the Indonesian people is a form of mutual agreement in developin
g the country and to answer Indonesia's challenges in the future. Moreover, the identity of the
Indonesian people is a form of the results of all ideas and basic ideas of the Indonesian people
about life forms that are described as having good examples in social life. Of course, the ident
ity of the Indonesian people must be maintained, and if necessary, we develop in terms of mu
tual respect, cooperation, religious attitudes, and attitudes of justice. In essence, of course, the
Pancasila ideology is a national identity in non-physical citizenship. In its implementation, Pa
ncasila is often used as a meaning of national and landed personality because the main conten
t of the Pancasila in the five precepts is directly intended as a noble value and view of life in t
he nation and the land of water in Indonesia.

The dynamics of national integration in Indonesia since we were within the state in 19
45, efforts to create integration are continuously distributed. There are many developments an
d dynamics of integration that occur in Indonesia. The dynamics of integration are in line wit
h the challenges of the days. We can model the dynamics of integration events like national i
ntegration, regional integration, value integration, mass integration, and behavioral integratio
n. To comprehend Indonesia's national integration, the challenges faced come from the horizo
ntal and vertical dimensions. Within the horizontal dimension, challenges are rooted in ethnic,
religious, racial, and geographical differences. Whereas within the vertical dimension, the ch
allenge is within the style of a spot between the elite and therefore the masses, where the urba
n education background causes the elite to differ from those who tend to possess traditional vi
ews. Problems regarding the vertical dimension are more likely to surface after mixing with t
he horizontal dimension, so this provides the impression that within the case of Indonesia, the
horizontal dimension is more prominent than the vertical dimension. One of the issues experi
enced by developing countries, including Indonesia, in realizing national integration is that pr
imordialism remains strong. The point of interest of primordial shock usually revolves around
various things, namely blood relations (ethnicity), nation (race), nation, region, religion, and c
ustoms. The still significant inequality and inequality of development and development result
s can cause a range of dissatisfaction and decisions on problems with SARA (Suku, Agama,
Ras, and Antar-golongan), separatism and regional movements, demonstrations, and demonst
rations. Of course, things like this might potentially threaten the horizontal combination in In

The rights and obligations of citizens and human rights today are essential to be studie
d exhaustively, considering our country is growing the lifetime of democracy. Imagine, on th
e one hand, the implementation of rights and obligations is one indicator of the success of exp
anding democratic life. On the opposite hand, only in a country that runs a democratic govern
ment system, human rights and citizens' rights and obligations are often guaranteed. Regulati
ng human rights and the rights and obligations of citizens more operationally into various law
s and regulations is extremely useful. Such a briefing would become a reference for the count
ry's administration so on avoid arbitrary actions when optimizing state duties. Whereas for th
e community or citizens, it is the hand or guidance in actualizing their rights with the total sen
se of responsibility. Rights and obligations are inseparable, but there is conflict because rights
and obligations are not balanced, that each citizen has the moral and obligation to get a good l
Indonesia could be a state of law, meaning a state where all government and state adm
inistration and society have supported the law, not supported sheer power. The Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) may be a state of law, a state that is not supported by sh
eer power but a state-supported law. The law must support all social, citizenship government,
or state matters. Protection of citizens and maintaining public order are regulated within the 1
945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia NRI Chapter IX, Article 24, 24 A, 24 B, 24 C,
and 25 concerning Judicial Power. UU no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, states that a
Supreme Court exercises judicial power and also the judiciary bodies under that within the ge
neral court, religious court environment, court environment, state administrative court enviro
nment, and by a Constitutional Court, to administer justice to uphold law and justice. The fun
ction of the state within the field of justice is meant to comprehend the existence of legal cert
ainty, disbursed supported the law, and thru judicial bodies established as an area to hunt justi
ce. It had been explicitly stated within the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution that "the state pr
otects all of the Indonesian people and every one of Indonesia's blood spilled, promotes publi
c welfare, and educates the lifetime of the state and carries out world order." The rule of law r
egulates the connection between one human and another, regulating the connection between h
umans and citizens and the state, similarly as regulating the organs of the state in effecting au
thorities. The rule of law could be a state within which every activity within the administratio
n of the presidency relies on the law's operative in this country. The law aims to control the li
fe and order of the people.

Law enforcement aims to boost order and legal certainty within the community, so the
community feels that they will protect their rights. Enforcement aims to enhance order and le
gal certainty within the community to feel that they will get the protection of their rights and
obligations. For the sake of legal certainty to fulfill the people's sense of justice, enforcement
efforts should be applied continuously. As a current state and adheres to a constitutional dem
ocratic system, the Indonesian Nation includes several laws and regulations, legal institutions,
other agencies, and apparatus law enforcers.

The nation's resilience is that the ability of a nation to keep up its unity and unity, stre
ngthen the carrying capacity of its life, face all kinds of threats it faces so it can perform its lif
e in achieving the welfare of the state. Efforts to prepare for national resilience will be realize
d by defending the country, still because of the Urgency and Challenges of National Resilienc
e and National Defence for Indonesia in Building Collective National Commitment. National
Resilience is that a nation or state will only be ready to maintain its survival if it has national
resilience. National defense has over one face. In other words, national security includes a do
uble face, namely national resilience as a conception, national resilience as a condition, and r
esilience nationally as a technique. National defense may be a distinctive conception of the In
donesian people employed to beat all forms and kinds of threats that exist.

The Indonesian nation considers national security as a conception but is already a truth
that will be used as a suggestion in determining policy. Then national resilience has been con
sidered a doctrine. Further, national resilience is formulated as a dynamic condition because t
hat condition is constantly changing within the sense that it can increase or decrease, measure
d using the conception of Indonesia's national resilience. In its efforts, a range of activities is
applied. The efforts to defend the country, which are the attitudes and behavior of citizens im
bued with their love for the NKRI, supported the Pancasila and, therefore, the 1945 Constituti
on in ensuring the state's survival and state. Human obligations are also an honor for each citi
zen that's distributed with full awareness, responsibility, and willingness to sacrifice within th
e service of the state and nation.

The formulation of national resilience is included within the GBHN due to the decree
of the MPR, which starts from GBHN 1973, GBHN 1978, GBHN 1983, GBHN 1988, and G
BHN 1993, the last GBHN 1998. National defense remains relevant as a deterrent force withi
n the atmosphere now and later, due to threats after the top of the war, colder shifts towards n
on-physical, including culture and nationality. Defending the state may be state politics which
becomes the Rights and Obligations of each citizen, whatever their status and profession.

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