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Reminder ((SYAMIL))

Ladies and gentlemen, the event is going to start any minute from now. I would like to remind all
of you to keep quiet and be respectful towards our event tonight. Please mute your microphone and
turn on your camera until the end of this programme.

Introduction ((SYAMIL))
Thank you to the Al-Mighty Allah Subhanahu Wataala

Gratitude to the Allah SWT With His blessings, we are given the opportunity to be here today, in
this event. Assalamualaikum wbt. I am assuming that everyone is feeling great and energetic just
as I am right now. I am Engku Syamil, one of the committee members for this programme,“ feed the
mind,feel the english”. And I will be your moderator for today , along with my partner Kasyfil
Aiman. Kasyfil and I are super excited and also counting hours for today’s fantastic session
and we couldn’t wait anymore.Before we begin, I would like to dedicate this song to all of you:


It's been many days we stay at home, friend

And I know its hard for us to see each other again
Release your stress away, be happy again,
Oh, the panels share about it, when the event begin,
When the event begin..

Terbaik Syamil sebagai permulaan malam ini!
Bismillahhirrohmanirrahim..AssalamualaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Syukur kepada Ilahi, kerana dengan izin-Nya, dapat kita bersua kali ini di dalam satu forum
ilmiah, bagi perkongsian tips dan teknik untuk cemerlang dalam bahasa inggeris. Sebelum itu ,
majlis mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua guru seperti yang kita dapat lihat ada cikgu……………
(sebut nama 4,5 org guru yg awk nmpk di google meet)…,dua orang panel kita pada malam ini
mernagkap Alumni Madarasah Moden Terengganu Kuala Nerus, Saudara Mohd Nor Afif serta saudara
Ahmad Firdaus Hanafi serta semua pelajar MMTKN yang bersama kita pada malam ini.Untuk pengetahuan
semua, program pada malam ini dianjurkan oleh Panitia Bahasa Inggeris MMTKN dengan kerjasama
Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar MMTKN sesi 2021/2022. terima kasih pada semua guru bahasa inggeris kita
dan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar MMTKN sesi 2021/2022. Semoga kita semua akan memperoleh manfaat
yang berguna daripada program ini. InsyaAllah.  

Doa Recitation ((SYAMIL))

Before we start our event ,I would like to invite Basyir AL-Amin to lead the doa recitation.
Please welcome.

((Doa by basyir))

We gather today to express gratitude upon your greatest gift towards us. 
In conjunction with this event we ask for your help and guidance.
Ya Allah, kindly give us strength and courage to face the struggle to find and gain knowledge.
Kindly, bestow blessings and physical and spiritual health, fitness of mind, peace of mind,
strength of spirit.
Ya Allah, give strength to our teachers and all of us to continue to serve for people, society,
nation and religion.
Ya Allah, bestow peace to our beloved country,Malaysia. Everlasting peace and prosperity of all


Amin Ya Rabbal A’lamin

Thank you, Basyir Al-Amin. It is hoped that our ceremony
will be in His blessing. Inshaa Allah.

Intro Panel ((SYAMIL))

The title of our talk tonight is “Feed the mind,Feel the English” which is focusing on the tips
and techniques on how to score A+ in English specifically and how to excel in English for SPM

Before we go further, let me introduce to all of you our panels for tonight. Let me introduce our
first panel, his name is Muhammad Nor Afif Bin Norazman. Afif is just an ordinary boy from Kuala
Berang, Terengganu, yet he is the only one student in MMTKN who get A+ in English for SPM 2019.
Afif is now furthering his high level education in UITM Lendu, Alor Gajah Melaka taking Diploma
in English Professional Communication course and currently in the second semester of his study
now. During his school life in MMTKN, Afif actively participated in public speaking competitions
in the state level like Musabaqah Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Agama Negeri Terengganu or known as
MUSMAT from the year 2016 to 2019 and he won in second runner-up place for MUSMAT 2016. Afif was
the representative for the Terengganu state in public speaking competitons in national level
MIISMAM (Majlis Ihtifal Ilmi Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Agama Malaysia) from year 2017 to 2019. He
managed to get 4th placed in MIISMAM 2017, 3rd placed in MIISMAM 2018 and 4 th placed in MIISMAM
2019. Because of his excellent achievements in national level competition and it was a source of
pride for the name of Madrasah Moden Terengganu Kuala Nerus, our school has awarded him with
Outstanding Co-Curriculum Figure Award for year 2019. His continued success has opened many eyes
and changed the perceptions of peoples towards the capability of Madrasah Moden Terengganu

Now, its my turn to brief a little bit about our second panel. His name is Ahmad Firdaus Hanafi
Bin Mohd Faisal. Firdaus who is from Kemaman, Terengganu also the only one student in MMTKN who
get A+ for English subject in SPM 2020. Firdaus also involved in public speaking competition, and
he has won for the second runner-up placed in MUSMAT 2019. The eldest in his family, Firdaus wish
to further his high level education in Law course after this and to become a lawyer will be his
dream career in the future. A guy that holds with the principle, “Don’t let a single day gone
without gaining knowledge, because knowledge is power, and knowledge comes from reading, so that
to Firdaus reading become one of his soul and he even said he really loves reading even when he
is eating. Thus, not wondering this might be one of his secret weapons to the success that he is
gaining now.

Intro Program ((KASYFIL))

Baiklah sebelum kita pergi dengan lebih jauh, izinkan saya menerangkan terlebih dahulu tajuk
program kita pada hari ini iaitu Feed the mind, Feel the ENglish. Program ini bertujuan untuk
menggalakkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar Tingkatan 4 dan 5 khususnya samada
dalam bentuk bertulis mahupun secara lisan. Seterusnya, program ini bertujuan untuk mencungkil
rahsia yakni tips dan teknik yg diamalkan oleh dua org panel kita yang kedua-duanya mendapat A+
dalam subjek Bahasa Inggeris utk SPM.both of u are such an inspiration for us! Program ini juga
diharap dapat menarik minat para pelajar sekalian termasuk diri saya sendiri untuk cemerlang
dalam bahasa inggeris dan mendapat keputusan yg cemerlang dlam subjek Bahasa Inggeris untuk SPM.

Question 1 (Panel 1) ((SYAMIL))

Without further ado, I would like to convey my congratulations to our first panel, Afif for A+ in
English SPM 2019. And my first question to our first panel, Afif, can you explain more to us what
is actually the meaning of English in your life or to be specific what is the importance of
English to you? How do you fall in love with English? Please welcome Brother Affif to explain


Thank you Afif for such a beautiful explanation from you.

Question 1 (Panel 2) ((KASYFIL))

Setrusnya, program malam ini diteruskan lagi dengan soalan pada panel kedua kita,Saudara Firdaus
Hanafi. Sebelum itu, sy mewakili Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar serta seluruh warga MMTKN ingin
menzahirkn ucapan tahniah kami atas kejayaan cemerlang saudara Firdaus dalam SPM 2020
terutamanya kejayaan mendapat A+ untuk subjek Bahasa Inggeris dlm keputusan SPM baru-baru ini.
Mungkin ada sesuatu yang saudara Firdaus ingin kongsikan dengan kami tentang pandangan saudara
sendiri pada Bahasa Inggeris. Atau orang kata bagaimana saudara boleh jatuh hati atau org putih
kata Fall in love with English? Dipersilakan saudara Firdaus Hanafi.

Question 2(Panel 1)
Hadirin sekalian,
Soalan kedua pada Saudara Afif.Apakah cabaran atau kesukaran yang dialami semasa mempelajari
Bahasa Inggeris? Dan bagaimana saudara Afif menangani masalah serta cabaran untuk mempelajari
bahasa antarabangsa ini?

Afif, betulkah lagu dan filem merupakan salah satu kaedah untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris dengan
lebih baik?
((Afif jawab))
Question 2(Panel 2) ((SYAMIL))
Thanks Afif.
Dear friends and teachers,
Next question for Firdaus. Firdaus, maybe you can share with us the struggles and difficulties
when learning the second language which is English or known as international language. And how
you overcome the struggles and difficulties.Thank you.
Question 3(Panel 1) ((SYAMIL))
Ok now AFif, can you share some tips and techniques for us or what we called as secret recipe to
be excellent in English? Untuk pengetahuan semua, Saudara Afif ini merupakan salah seorang
peserta MIISMAM iaitu wakil negeri Terengganu untuk pidato Bahasa Inggeris yang mana merupakan
seorang yg sgt hebat dlm pidato. Mind sharing a few tips that can boost our spirit to be more
interested to learn and acquire the second language?
Question 3 (Panel 2) ((KASYFIL))
Wow!such an inspiration! How about you Firdaus? I do think that you also have some secret to
achieve A+ in English. Dan buat pengetahuan semua juga, Saudara Firdaus ni juga merupakan salah
seorang peserta untuk pertandingan Pidato bahasa Inggeris mewakili madrasah kita untuk peringkat
MUSMAT. So mind sharing the tips and techniques, Firdaus?

Question 4(Panel 1) ((KASYFIL))

Hebat Saudara Firdaus kita!Ok berbalik semula pada Afif. What is your feeling once you get the
result for ENglish?Is it your target or u still cant believe that u scored A+ for English in SPM?
ANd who is your inspiration and support?Thank you.
Question 4 (Panel 2) ((SYAMIL))
Ok soalan yang sama pada Firdaus . Apakah perasaan saudara apabila mendapat keputusan SPM and u
get an A+ for ENglish. Dan siapakah yang mendorong saudara untuk berusaha dan dapat keputusan
seumpama itu terutamanya untuk bahasa Inggeris?
Question 5 (PAnel 1) ((SYAMIL))
Ok this is the last from me to Afif. Is there any advice for us to achieve our target? Maybe u
can share some with us.
Question 5 (Panel 2) ((KASYFIL))
Ni yang terakhir sebelum kita ke sesi soal jawab. Mungkin saudara Firdaus ada nasihat atau kata
kata semangat yang boleh dikongsi pada kami untuk cemerlang dalam Bahasa Inggeris lebih lebih
lagi pada musim pandemik ini yang mana mungkin ada yang luntur atau pudar semangatnya untuk
belajar disebabkan halangan kini?Dipersilakan.
Q& A Session Terima kasih kepada kedua-dua panel kita atas pengalaman, tips dan teknik serta nasihat dan
dorongan kepada kami untuk lebih bermotivasi untuk berjaya.

Kami buka kepada soalan daripada para pelajar sekalian kepada panel. Dipersilakan.

Appreciation post ((SYAMIL))

Special thanks dedicated to both of our special guests , Afif and Firdaus Hanafi for sparing some
time with us to join this programme tonight. And once again, congratulations on your superb
result in English. A+ bro! All the best for both of you in your future endeavours.InshaaAllah.

Saya mewakili MPP MMTKN serta semua warga MMTKN amat berbangga dengan pencapaian serta kejayaan
Afif dan Firdaus. Semoga ianya menjadi suntikan semangat kepada kami untuk terus mara dan
sekaligus menjadi kebanggaan keluarga, madrasah serta agama suatu hari nanti. InshaaAllah.

Video and Photo Session ((KASYFIL))

Sebelum bersurai, telah disediakan satu tayangan video pendek untuk tatapan serta suntikan
semangat kita semua.

Ending ((SYAMIL))

Dear students and teachers,

We are grateful for this sharing and to have witnessed upon how far they have come just make us
swell with pride. We do hope that this sharing was inspiring to our fellow juniors in MMTKN!So
that’s the end for our programme.

Inginlah kiranya saya akhiri perkongsian kita malam ini dengan serangkap lagu:

Assalamualaikum Teman,
Bangunlah semua
Lihatlah pada diri kita
Semua serupa

Kejar impian kita

Raikan bersama
Moga berjaya selamanya
Berjaya selamanya..
Yang baik itu datang daripada Allah SWT dan segala kelemahan itu datang dari diri kami sendiri
sepanjang mengacara program.Sekian. Wabillahi taufik walhidayah assalamualaikum

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