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Campus: Choloma
Subject: English V
Professor: Lic. Madelin Moreno
Student: Heydi Yorgeni Peña
Cta. 201820120056


Tourism: It consists of trips and stays that people make in places other than their
usual surroundings for leisure, business or other reasons. To be considered
tourism, it must last for at least one night and a maximum of 365 days. In case of
not spending the night, then instead of tourists they are considered hikers.
Types of tourism
There are many types of tourism; in this case we will mention some, possibly the
best known.
1. Animal Tourism
2. Archaeological Tourism
3. Astronomical Tourism
4. Adventure Tourism
5. Humanitarian Aid Tourism
6. Road Tourism
7. Hunting Tourism
8. Scientific Tourism
9. Film and series tourism
10. Shopping Tourism
11. Congress Tourism
12. Creative Tourism or Orange
13. Cruise Tourism
14. Sports Tourism
15. Space Tourism
16. Spiritual Tourism
17. Tourism to Study
18. Ethnographic Tourism
19. Family Tourism
20. Holiday Tourism
21. Sun and beach tourism
22. Health tourism
23. cultural tourism
24. Gastronomic tourism
25. Ecotourism
26. Agritourism
27. Educational tourism
28. Rural tourism
29. Urban tourism
30. Mountain tourism

Next I will describe some of the types of tourism

Animal Tourism
Animal tourism is becoming more and more fashionable and, as its title implies, it
consists of going to see animals.
The most famous in this type of tourism have always been safaris, however, in
recent years aquatic animal tourism has started a boom that may already be
leaving safaris behind. Now going to dolphins, whales and sharks seems to like
more, especially if you can touch them or swim by their side.
Adventure Tourism
Adventure tourism is possibly one of the most enjoyable and one of the types of
tourism that make it easier to make an unforgettable vacation.
Hunting Tourism
This is one of the types of tourism that moves the most money in Africa where big
game moves a lot of dollars. It was said a few months ago that killing elephants as
the King of Spain did in his day can cost a figure close to 60,000 dollars.
Shopping Tourism
The large European capitals have always had this type of tourism, mostly of high
standing, but increasingly standardized. In other places like New York it is easy to
find Europeans strolling through Soho looking for jeans or traveling to Asia in
search of technology.
Cruise Tourism
Cruise tourism makes you experience the feeling of being in a hotel while traveling
across the sea with all the facilities provided by the hotel service: accommodation,
meals, entertainment, swimming pools, gyms and above all parties.
Sports Tourism
Sports tourism is difficult to classify as it is carried out by very different types of
people. We can find those active who want a complete immersion in a sport such
as surfing, a sport in vogue for sun and beach tourists.
Spiritual Tourism
More health-based than religious, spiritual tourism is gaining adherents over time.
Spiritual retreats in nature or in monasteries are the order of the day and it is a
great option to rest and disconnect a little from all the stress that surrounds us.
Educational tourism

Its primary motivation is the participation and experience of the tourist in learning
activities, personal improvement, intellectual growth.

Urban tourism

It takes place in an urban space and offers a wide and heterogeneous spectrum of
cultural, architectural, technological, social and natural experiences and products
for leisure and business.
Mountain tourism

It takes place in a defined and delimited geographic space such as hills or

mountains, with characteristics and attributes inherent to a certain landscape, a
topography, a climate, a biodiversity and a local community.
This report presents some of the many types of tourism that exist, which are many,
there are many forms of tourism, there are even some forms of tourism that are
illegal, for example drug tourism that is also within the types of tourism.


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