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Summative Test in Trends

I. Identification. Choose the correct answer in the box.

Fad trendspotter
Trend starters Trends
Social media
1. It is an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis
in the object’s qualities.
2. They use an established idea but are looking for something that will be effective in a long term period.
3. Websites and applications used for social networking.
4. It is a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
5. Refers to independent individuals who aren’t afraid stand out and have more creative thoughts than others.

II. Identify the features of trends. Choose the answer in the box.

Broad application sustainable

Easy consistent

6. Trends generate uniform and tangible results.

7. Trends are consumed by a large group of people from different sectors of society and various walks of life.
8. Trends do not require many adjustments on the part of the subscribers.
9. Trends exist and can be maintained for a long time.

III. Identify the types of trend based on the ff. description.

Gigatrend macrotrend
Megatrend nanotrend
10. These are the trends that are yet to be expected. It can be an alternative trends that exists in trends.
11. These are the trends that can endure for surprisingly a long time. It's also the trends that affect the society.
12. It is a megatrend that goes on for half a century or more. These are the trends that are so general, they affect
most areas of human life.
13. These are the little things that happen all around us. Trends that are so common we get used to it.
14. These are the trends that can stay healthy for decades or lasts for 10 years.

IV. Identify the Elements and characteristics of trend.

Cultural basis Transitory increase or decrease

Acceptability duration of time
15. A trend shows a transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event or phenomenon.
16. Trends are popularly accepted by many industries and people.
17. A trend is rooted on the people's cultural traditions, beliefs, and values. A trend persists and continues because
people have seen it as part of a society's culture.
18. The lifespan of products or ideas that become trends do not disappear quickly. Trends have long staying power
and enjoy a long period of popularity.

V. True or False
19. Tangible fads and trends are those that can be felt by the five senses.
20. Both fads and trends are products of people’s reaction to events.
21. Trends do not affect the society.
22. Intangible fads and trends are about the behavior and attitude of the people.
23. Trends are very important to businesspeople, entrepreneurs and marketing people.
24. Trends are brief and fads are for the long-term.
25. Diet pills, fashion and gadgets are tangible fads and trends.
VI. Determine which is a trend and which is a fad from the items below.
1. facebook
2. Barbies
3. wearing ripped jeans
4. street foods
5. Tamagotchi
6. Ice Bucket Challenge
7. cellphones, televisions
8. Harlem Shake
9. Mariah Carey
10. south beach diet

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