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Module 3: New Forms of Art

Larcade Arcana
BS in Marine Transportation

Lesson 3.1: Fliptop

Learning Task/ Activity
Instructions: Identify the similar characteristics of FlipTop and poetry. Follow the
format below.

Rhyme of

Conveys a Figurative
message Language

Literary Rhythm of
Words and Sound
Instructions: Provide your opinion to this statement: FlipTop is the new Balagtasan. The essay
should be composed of 3 paragraphs and each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences.
Follow the format below.

It is very hard for me who doesnt have any knowledge of hip-hop and
alternative rap to opinion Fliptop is the new Balagtasan, but both quite have
similarities in verbal jousts and rhyming of words when the rapper says their
verses. Some Filipino commentator have called Fliptop the Balagtasan which
dismay of some battle rappers. As I watched a video between Fliptop and
Balagtasan to gain information I can say that Fliptop is far from being the new
Balagtasan,I observed that Balagtasan poets are expected to entertain their
audience with bits of humor, with witticisms, with the spice of sarcasm, and
moreover, with theatrics like actors in dramatic presentations

Though both feature the nuances of poetry, there is a distinction between

their sensitivities.Both belong to different historical and cultural channels, and we
have to recognize those attributes. I saw Fliptop and it was a below-the-belt
insults that imply drug use and having sexual relations with the opponent’s
mother is a long shot from Balagtasan, or even its progenitor,and impromptu

It was fun to watch fliptop videos concluding that it has a significant role in
Filipino culture. Many FlipTop followers watch to be entertained. FlipTop shows
them that one can take pleasure in poetry, one can take pleasure in playing with
words,insulting and poking fun at the opponent is part of the battle. Somehow,
both Fliptop and Balagtsan influences the us to study language, music, and stage
performance by just simple watching videos. Considering it aas part of ouur
country’s oral literature and as a performance art. 
Name: Cabagnot, Maurice B. Subject: Humn 13n-M831
Course and Year: BSMB-2 Date submmitted:
Instructor: Enaya, Mary Grace P. Schedule: Tues 8:00-10:00 AM

Lesson 3.2: Stand-up Comedy

Learning Task/ Activity
Instructions: In this activity, you will make a brief anecdote about some hilarious encounters
you experienced in the university. You write it in a narrative. You may include additional
illustrations or pictures. Follow the format below for your heading.
One o

During our lab session in Organic Chemistry, we had to observe the different
chemical reactions in a test tube involving stirring a noxious concoction being heated
in a fume cupboard for three hours by hand . We each took 15 minute shifts and I
can’t begin to describe how hot and boring the process was.We finally finished the
session so it's time for cleaning the room  and we look weary and hacked off. But
suddenly a sudden sound of explosion coming from the sink, it was potassium nitrate
which reacted with water and then exploded and it was because of me I was so air
headed and tired that day, forgetting that the chemical I threw was explosive. It is
good reminiscing the face-to-face class tho.

Create your own script of a joke. It should contain the typical structure of a joke. Click this
link for

more information about the joke structure:

joke-structure-part-1/. Make sure that all three parts are part of your script.

Setup: When a grew up, I’m either gonna be a marine biologist….

Punch: or a jelly fish….no brain… thoughts…….just float in the ocean and look pretty..

Surprise: #trying hard

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