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Mabini St., Tagum City


Activity 4
Answer the situation using the view of Aristotle regarding “Good Life”.
Situation: You are a victim of a broken family, you are the eldest with 3
brothers ages 8 ,5 and 3 . Your mother is a self employed individual selling
fish, clothes, and anything that can be sold .In the situation given , how can
you attain good life? Support your answer.

Being a single parent may be one of the most demanding yet rewarding
experiences one can have. Rather than counting sheep, make a list of things
for which you are grateful. A life-changing event such as divorce can be
difficult, but it can also help them discover strengths and develop new
coping abilities.
As the eldest child of the broken family, I have to take the responsibility and be
hopeful in everything. While my mother is selling anything that can be sold, I'll initiate
to do the household chores and to take care of my siblings. My brothers are still
young, I can't let them do and learn the things that is unpleasant. Siblings who are
closer in age may establish stronger relationships and learn to rely on one another
more since it dealing with their parents' divorce together They need my guidance and
my mother need me to lessen the burden. Attaining a good life is not all about having
a complete family nor the things that we desire, it is all about providing the needs of
my family and having God in the center despite of everything. If God is the center of
everything, we are able to appreciate small things in life, to forgive others that they
have done wrong to us, to strengthen our hope and could feel the happiness within
our heart.
Bringing Out the Positive There will be ups and downs in the process, but teens can
cope successfully with their parents' divorce and the changes it brings. You might
even discover some unexpected positives.

I’m saying that despite what I’ve been through and where I
came from, I’m proud that I turned out alright. I didn’t let my
circumstances define me, I define myself by the choices I made
and will make

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