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EEMUA Publlc~tlon 218 " Quallty requlrements Far duplex stalnle.. ,teeI, @ EEMUA EEMUA Publlc.!

Publlc.!:lon 218 - Qu~lIty requiremerlts Far duplex stalnless steels © I"E'MUA


The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users' Association, more commonly Legal Aspects
known as EEMUA, Is a European non-profit membership Associatlon helping
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EEMUA Members pursue these alms through collaboratlon for mutual benefit,
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- developlng user guides, specificatlons, training and competency schemes; contalned herein are based on the most allthoritative Information available at the
- facilitating Members' partlclpatlon In national and International standards maklng; time of writing and on current good engineering practlce, but it is essential for the
- Influenclng relevant national and European legislatlon and regulations. user to take account of pertlnent subsequent developments and/or legislation.

Formed In 1949 as the Engineering Equipment Users' Assoclation, and re-named The use of standards IS not a legal requirement In some countries In Europe and
In 1983 (as a I"esult of taking over the materials assoclation, OCMA), EEMUA has around the world. However, it is stressed that where a contract is placed which
for more than fifty years given companles that own and operate process plants, states that manufacture Is to be In accordance with speclfled standards, thls may
power stations and other significant Industrlal facillties, a collaboratlve voice in be determined as a legal requirement. Manufacturers of equipment may offer
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A list of EEMUA publlcations for sale is given at the end of this Publication. The
full list is also on the Assoclatlon's website, inciliding details of on-line shopping EEMUA encourages constructive comments on thls Publicatlon from both Members
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feedback form, a copy of whlch Is provided towards the end of this Publication.
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on the EEMUA webslte.


EEMUA acknowledges the assistance of Mr. John Marlow, of John Marlow Limited,
In the productlon of thls Publlcatlon.

II lii
EEMUA PlIblicatlor1 218 .. QlIality rcqulromonts for duplex stalnles, steel, @ EEMUA EEMUA Publication 218 - Q~lality rcqulrements för duplex $tainle$::i steels @ EEMUA

1. Introduction N.NNNNNN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N~HNNNIoNNNN"H"• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1
2. Scope 3
3. Definitions 5
4. Metallurgical Considerations 7
5. Manufacturer Quality Assurance Requirements 9
6. Manufacturer Quality Contro• ... u . u •• H.Hh.u." u u •• u HU.uU •••••••••••••• u 11
7. Establishing a Purchaser Enqulry Document 13
8. Manufacturing Procedures, and Inspection and Test Plan 15
9. Manufacturing Controls 19
10. Certlfication 21
11. Compliance Audit 23
12. MaterialS Purchased from Stockists 2S
13. Positive Material Identification N.U.N~H "un"n"i1!1!1 ••• !II1 .. l I n .. h " N . h h " N l l i I " " n n U U 27
14. References 29

Table 1 Commonly used standards and grades of duplex stainless steel .. 4

Iv v
l:oMUA Publi<otion ~18 - Quolity requirement. for duplex (c) oEMUA ol:MUA PubllcI1tlon 21.8 " Quality roquirement. for duplex .toinles••teel.

1. Introduction
ThlS EEMUA publlcatlon Is almed at manufacturers, designers, purchasers,
stockists and end-llsers of duplex stainless steel components.

It provides requirements and recommendations for the manufacture and supply of

these materials In order to ensure that they meet the minimum in-service -~
requirements of end-users In the process industries, both on- and offshore.

These minimum requlrements and recommendations for manufacture and supply

are COl1sidered necessary for the followlng reasons:

• In the experience of EEMUA members, there has been an inconsistency in

the quality of duplex stainless steel components from manufacturers and
stockists globally despite most end-users having detailed manufacturing
speclflcatlons In place.

• The inconslstency In quallty appears to have been largely due to variations

in manufacturlng process and the quality controls used by manufacturers.

• Until now, there has been little detailed guidance on this toplc.

• End-users have generally not empioyed stringent surveillance on

manufacturers and stockists to ensure that their specified requirements
have been strictly adhered to.

...... • Most manufacturers have their quallty systems certified to recognised

international quality standards. However, there is no guarantee that
stringent manufacturing quality controls will be conslstently maintained.

• The consequences of uslng dllplex stalnless steel components that fail to

meet the purchaser'S speclfled requlrements can be extremely serious.
Slgnlflcant project delays can be Incurred as weil as other consequences,
leadlng to environmental and personnel safety Issues. Fallures can also be
extremely costly and result In signlflcant business losses.

vi 1
EEMUA Publlcatlon 218 " Quallty requlrernents fer duplex st1:1lnless steels © EEMUA EEMUA Publicotlon 2.t8 • Quolity req"irement5 for duplex .toinle...teel. @ EEMUA

2. Scope
ThlS document covers all grades of duplex stainless steel and all components for
both offshore (subsea and topsides) and onshore applicatlons In the energy,
chemlcal and other process industries. It deals wlth duplex stalnless steel
components pllrchased directly from the manufacturer or from stockists.

Orders for duplex stainless steel components are often placed through
stock1sts and it is strongly recommended that stock1sts should adopt the
requlrements detalIed in thls EEMUA publication.

There are many grades and designations of duplex stalnless steel wlth three
generic types principally used in the aforementioned industries. These are
generally distinguished by their Pitting Reslstance Equlvalent Number (PRENr:

• 22% chromium duplex stainless steels with a PREN generally > 35;
• 25% chromium duplex stalnless steels with a PREN <40; and
• 25% chromium super duplex stalnless steels with a PREN <: 40.

In addition, there are flirther proprietary variations such as "Iean" and "hyper" ~
grades. Further information can be found in Table 1 (overleaf) and assoclated ~
footnotes in EEMUA 1941 .

The more commonly used standards and grades are listed in NORSOK (Norwegian
standards authority) Standard M-630 2 and In Table 1.

The main manufacturing processes for duplex stainless steel are plate and pipe
rolling, forging, casting, tube drawing, extruslon and hot isostatic pressing. All
these processes are followed by solution annealing and water guenching.
~ .,"',<..................
••• J: ................""",.,. ""~"~

Typlcal components that are regularly manufactured In duplex stainless steel are:

• process vessels, pipework and pipelines (seamless and welded);

• flanges, hubs and fittings such as tees, elbows and bends;
• valve bodles and valve trlm;
• pump casings;
• weJlhead equlpment and downhole tublng and accessorles;
• hydraulic control and chemlcal InJectlon tublng;
• plates and bars;
• bolts and fasteners; and
• heat exchanger tubes/tube plates.

'" PREN ;;;;; '!lQ:Cr + 3.3%Mo + 16%N (sever;;ll other equatlons cxIst)

ccMUA Publlcotlon 218 • Quollty roqulrements far duplex stolnless steels ~) EEMUA EEMUA Publlcotlon 2.18 " Quollty t'equlrements for ,ILlplex "teei. (t) E;'EMUA

Table 1 Commonly-used standards and grades of duplex stainless steel 3. Definitions

Generlc Grade
- ,....---.
Product Type Standard
- Grade Throughout this EEMUA publication, the followin9 definitions apply .
._-- .
22% Cr 5eamless Pipe A5TM A 790 UNS S31803 Roles recognised
"\Jl'J5 532205 ..-
Welded Pipe ASTM A 928 UNS S31803 Designer t An organisation that takes responslbility for equipment 01'
Wrought Fittings

ASTM A 815
--- UNS S31803 , ... "
system design, including material selection.
........................................... ....................•".".

- -- UN5532205 End-user t An owner 01' organisation that is responsible for operation of

r-----'" "
Forglngs ASTM A182 F5:l an Installation/facility.
F60 -----_..__._---_......
Plates ASTM A 240 UN5531803 Manufacturer The company that carries out the primary steelmakin9 and/or
_._-_.._----_._--_._-----_._-_._--_._------ -_.. .
_--~ ~"
UNS S32205 further processing of the dupiex stainless steel components,
Castings ASTM A 995 4A (UNS J92205)
ASTM • A 890_ _ _ _ _ _
"mw'··'··_ .. ··_~,~.~ ..."·,,·,_,_ _·__·__·,·,,
purc;haser The company that places the contract 01' purchase order for
Bars ASTM A 479 UNS S31803 the manufacture 01' supply of the duplex stalnless steel
UN5532205 components. The purchaser may be an end-user, designer 01'
.~.~.=.m"""'""''' .. M=•. "",.",,,~ ,,~ ...
,_.~_~~ .. ,w

Tubes ASTM A 789 UNS S31803 stockist.

-------_.- UN5532205 -------
25% Cr 5eamless Pipe A5TM A 790 UN5532550 Stoc;kist The company that acts as an intermediary supplier between
""."'''''''''''''''.''.''''..''''''"'''''".. ..,..,...... ....
" ,

UNS S32750 the manufacturer and the purchaser but does not itself carry
_\JN5 532760 out manufacturing operations.
UNS S 32974
+--- Terms used
Welded Pipe ASTM A 790 UNS 532550
UNS 532750 "-,~~~~~~~"~""-"~~~
Approval A written response from the purchaser confirming agreement
• ____ UNS S32760
~~"~ " M ' W ~ " ~ _ ~ ~

to a proposal by the manufacturer 01' stockist.

Wrought Fittings ASTM A 815 UNS 532550
UNS S32750
May Is used to indicate that the manufacturer 01' stockist is
UNS- -532760
- A5TM A :l82
--- -
UNS 532550
------- permitted to do something, 01' that the purehasel' reserves the
~"m."~'h"M'"""~WN"~'_'~'~M ___•_____

right to do something, according to context.

UNS S32750 -
UN5532760 Shall Is used to indicate that the manufacturer 01' stockist is
F53 ..
-'-,_._ _-_.__
.._.., - " requlred to take action.
._. F61 Should ls used to indicate that the manufacturer 01' stockist is
Plates A5TM A 240 J1N5 532550_.~,, __ recommended to take action.
UNS S32750
UNS S32760
Castings A5TM A 995 5A lUNS J93404)
ASTM A 890 6A-(UNS J93380J__
Bars A5TM A 479 and UN5 S3~??Q ____
A5TM A276 UNS S32750 __

"~~"" w,"".~".mN~'
UNS S32?&'!2.,,_ _
Tubes A5TM A 789 UN5 S32550
UNS S32750
___ ~ __,_,____ ,,,·,,,,~~,w,,,~~~_

- -----------------_.,,,. _." ""'''''' ".UNS

__ 532974

,', From DIS/ISO 21457.

EEMUA Pl,lblic.c.ltion 218 ~ Quality requlre.mcnts for duplex stalnless steels @ EEMUA EEMUA Publlcotlon 218 " QlIallty requlrements For duplex st"lnless steel. @ EEMUA

4. Metallurgical Considerations
In order to appreclate the problems that can arise dllrlng the manufacture and
processing of dllplex stainless steel It is helpful to have a basic level of ,
understandlng of the assoclated metallurgy.

Durlng steelmaklng and casting, duplex stalnless steels COOl from the liquid phase
and solidlfy wlth a ferritlc microstructure. On further coollng they undergo apart
transformation to austenite. The structure at ambient temperature is comprised
of austenite in a ferrite matrix. The Ideal ratio of ferrite/austenite is wldely
considered to be 50/50 In order to provide an optimum combination of stren9.tht-

/ .~obuotfl~~lfea.n~~~a~ds,~Otr:gb'~~~~~~·su~~I:~~e::~b~eu~~~d~~~~~~'r~~~~ ~~"~~~~. to
heat affected zone from 35% to 65% ferrito/

In order to achleve an optimum balance of austenite and ferrite in duplex

components, the correct thermal processlng is required. This entails rapid cooling
after casting, hot formlng and SOlution annealing. ""-"",,
~~, _." . .- .. ~-

Rapid cooling is generally done by efficient water qllenchlng In order to extract

the heat from the components as quickly as posslble. This 15 usually achleved by
rapid transfer of the duplex components from the a~ling (yr..nace to the water
quench in less than 60 s, and employlng a high volume ratloof water together
with extremely ~WJ?,\i;§.agitation in the water quench tank,

The aim of rapid cooling from the solution annealing temperature to ambient
temperature Is to avold the formation ot9~"'eter.L9,!JJ' intenn~~!3llicpreclpitates.
,'" (also known as deleterlous third phases). For example, Sigma, Laves and Chi
phases, whlch are rlch in chromium and/or molybdenum, can lead to dimlnished
toughness, embrittlement and reduced corrosion resistance. These intermetallic
preclpltates are most likely to develop when cooling through the temperature
range from approxlmately 10000 C to 550°C, so it Is particularly important to
ensure rapid cooling In thls range.

The development of sllch intermetailic preclpltates Is invarlably responslble for

the fallure of duplex stalnless steels to meet the speclfled mechanical properties
and corrosion reslstance. Water quenchlng Immedlately after hot forming wlil

! reduce the tendency to form embrittllng Intermetallic preclpltates which have

been known to cause crackll1.g,dutI119. cC'9,!lng. Also, once these Intermetallic
precipitates have formed they can be dlfflcult to re-dlssolve durlng solution
annealing without extended hOld times.
""'<~'''''.'....,:",'.~,.'''~'''''''''''' , ..• ~ ..'" 'i':'\'~":'.~'~··~:;;·~-

Caution should be exerclsed when welding duplex stainless steels In partlcular In

thln wall sectlons, typicaily < 6mm, slnce heat dissipation from the weid and heat
affected zone can be SIOW, leadlng to heat build up In these regions. Thls can
result In very slow coollng through the temperature range where deleterious
intermetailic phases form. Measures to increase the cooling rate through this
temperature range shoUld be adopted e.g. allowing interpass cooling to ambient
temperature or using forced dry air coollng to ambient tempel"ature after each
. weid pass has been deposlted. The effectiveness of these measures shall be
/ demonstrated through weldlng procedure quallficatlon.

6 7
EEMUA Publlcatlon 218 " QlIallty reqllirement. for duplex stainle,. 5teels © EEMUA EEMUA PlIbllc.tlon 218 - Quollty req"lrements for duplex stainle,s 5tcels @ EEMUA

Thls is a simplified explanation and there have been many papers published over 5. Manufacturer Quality Assurance Requirements
the past 30 years that explaln the complex metallurgical changes that can occur
in duplex stalnless steels. A useful overview has been provided by Gunn • Manufacturers of duplex stainless steel components shall have a quallty
~1 management system (QMS) and working practlces in place to ensure th,e
In addition, API TR 938-C 4 is a summary of appllcations and technlcal maintenance of metallurgical quallty throughout all manufacturlng operations.
requlrements applied In the refinlng Industry.
The QMS shall be based on ISO 9001'/ISO TS 29001" or an equivalent standard.
Certification in such standards will ensure that the manufacturer has the
necessary level of control in place to progress an order competently through all
stages of manufacture. However, it is important to reallse that the requirements
for a QMS are generic and appllcable to organisations across a range of industries
regardless of the product. For exarnple, ISO 9001 and ISO TS 29001 do not
establish requlrements f9r products.
.... -.......""","'-,.."""" ...

In order to deal wlth the special process aspects of the manufacture of

components In the varlous grades of duplex stalnless steel and other high alloy
austenitic steels, NORSOK has developed NORSOK M-650 7 . Quallflcation and
' compliance with NORSOK M-6S0 essentially bridges the gap between the QMS
; and the manufacturing practice.

Prior to establishing a bid list or placement of an order, purchasers shall verify

that manufacturers and suppliers of duplex stalnless steel components are
I qualified to ISO 9001/150 TS 29001 or an equivalent standard acceptable to the

~ The manufacturer Should also possess a NORSOK M-6S0 qualification for duplex
I1 components relative to the specific order,

/ In the absence of a NORSOK qualification, manufacturers shall demonstrate their

ability to conslstently control their manufacturing processes and associated
( testing to an equlvalent standard acceptable to the Purchaser.

Purchasers should satlsfy themselves that the prlnclples of these documents are
contlnuously applied during manufacture. NORSOK M-650 quallflcations are valid
for up to flve years If no essential variables are changed. Nevertheless, audits or
~ -~-
verlflcatlons of the actual manufacturer should be performed on a regular basis
dependlng on the crltlcality of the manufacturlng process, material grade,
components, etc. Further details on Compllance Audits are In Chapter 11 .

Purchasers should verlfy that all qualification and production quality control ,

testlng is performed at a test laboratory that has fOLiTlal accreditation (e.g. UKAS, / / /)
I DAR) and has the competence to do the required testing including metallography.

8 9
EEMUA Public1ltlon 218 " QU1IlIty requirements for duplex "tol"le.. "teei. © EEMUA EEMUA Publication <w . Quolity requirement. for duplex stoinle...teds © EEMUA

. - The duplex component certl!b~jon shall be traceable back to the base material 6. Manufacturer Quality Control
_':'::r source I.e. back to the steelmaKlng source and for each stage In the manLlfacture
,. / thereafter e.g. forglng, weldlng, etc. Whatever QMS approvals a manufacturer may have, It Is the correct application of
their approved manufacturing procedures that will determine wh ether or not a
duplex stainless steel component meets the purchaser's speclflcatlon. Thls will
only be achieved if the manufacturer has in place an acceptable and consistent
level of quallty control over all manufacturing and testing activlties.

Manufacturers shall be able to demonstrate to the pLlrchaser that they are

consistently applying thelr approved manufacturlng procedures and testing
procedures at every stage during the manLlfactLire of dLlplex stainless steel
components. This will require a commitment by the manufacturer to employ
sultably quallfied and experienced quallty control inspection personnel to ensur-e
) manufacturlng and testing standards are correctly and consistently applled.
The practlcal appllcation of inspection and testing shall be controlled by a
./ manufacturer qU9jl~Y_.Qian or an Inspection_~I1~_J~st plan as described in Chapter 8
of this EEMUA publlcatlon.
_ •...-. u __ ~ ~ _ · ~

10 :ll
EEMUA publlcatlorl 218 - Quolity requlroments for duplex .toinles, stccls @ EEMUA EEMUA Publicatlon 218 - Quollty rcqulrements for duplex <talnless 5tools @ EEMUA

7. Establishing a Purchaser Enquiry Document

The purchaser should establlsh a clear and concise enquiry document that obllges
the manufacturer to commit to meeting the technlcaf"manufactürlng-requirements
I speclfled by the purchaser. It is assumed that the purchasers will have technlcal
I speclflcatlons for the duplex components or will reference recognised
i speclflcatlons such as NORSOK Standard M-630~.

The enqulry document should include sufficient requirements that will form the
basis for the establl.Shl':\1ent of a purchase order or contract for the supply of
/ duplex stainless steel components based on the response by the manllfacturer.

In general, purchasers will have thelr own enqulry document format, but as a
minimum, It should ensure that the manufacturer provides the following technlcal
and quallty requirements.
V • Exceptlons to technlcal/quality requirements (if necessary).

• ISO 9001: 2000 certlflcate or declaration of compliance.

• Organisation chart(s) complete with key functlon description.

• Proposed list of vendors/subcontractors and their pre-quallficatlon status.

• Source and country of manufacture of the prlmary duplex stalnless steel.

• Example Inspectlon and Test Plan relevant to duplex component


• List of appllcable quallty control procedures as listed in Chapter 8.

• Index of the Quallty Manual wlth the relevant revision status.

• NORSOK M-650 Quallflcatlon Test Report or statlstlcal test results fram

prevlous production.

• Requirements for competence of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) operators.

• Any statutory or regulatory requirements.

12 13
EEMUA Publlcotlon 218 " Quality rcqulrements For duplex stalnless steel. © l:EMUA EEMUA Publlcatlon 218 ~ Quallty requlrBments far duplex stalnless steels (i;) EEMUA

8. Manufacturing Procedures, and Inspection and Test

8.1 Manufacturing Procedures

The purchaser should review and approve the followlng detailed procedures, as
approprlate, from the manufacturer. Speclfic requirements shall be detailed in
the purchaser speclflcatlons, The procedures shall be written in the Engllsh
language unless speclfied otherwise in the purehase order or contract. NORSOK
M·650 shall be used as a basis for the quallflcatlon and qualification
iimits/qualified ranges,

• Steelmaklng and refining.

• Heat/cast and product analysis,

.-' • Casting, Indudlng details of break out temperatures and sUbsequent

thermal treatment, defect rectlflcatlon and weid repalr procedures,
-01 (Note: weid repalrs should be C!'Jrrled out before final heat treatment).
..'. ..,,~> .'~':,:;;';;';;.:.=m.."'JI"II

• Forging induding proposals for intermediate re-heatlng and post forglng

quenching, Temperatures and method of measurement for thls and all
other operations should be requested. Forged/hot formed components
shall be formed as dose as posslble to the finished shape. In exceptlonal

! c1rcumstances and with the written approval of the purchaser, small Items
without Integral flanges can be machined from forged bar.

• Powder manufacture for Isostatlc pressing.

.I • Seamless pipe rolllng,

Welded pipe/fitting manufacture,

! • Fittings Indudlng starting material.

I • Inductlon bending,

Welding Indudlng proposed weldlng procedure speclfications (PWPS's) or

r In the case of pre-quallfled weldlng procedures, Internatlonally recognised

thlrd party approved weldlng procedure speclficatlons (WPS's) and
associated weldlng procedure quallflcatlon records (WPQR's),

• Heat treatment Including:

- furnace type e,g, electrlcal, gas-fired, oll-flred;

-- furnace thermal profile and thermal tolerance that meet wlth the
requlrements of the purchaser;
~ component arrangement and minimum separation in the furnace to
allow even heating throughollt the furnace charge (a digital photograph
of the loadlng arrangement can be advantageolls);
furnace calibratlon and location/number of thermocouples (contact
thermocouples shall be used whenever posslble);
calibratlon standard and date last calibrated;
- charge loadlng temperature;

14 15
EEMUA Publiootion Z18 - Quallty roqulrernents for duplex stalnless steels @ EEMUA EEMUA Publicijtlon 218 - QualJty requlrement5 for duplex stainle~s steels @ Ef,MUA

heating rate to solution annealing temperature; dedleated for use on stalnless steel. All grlndlng shall be carried out using
- solution anneallng temperature; eonsllmables that are dedicated for use on stainless steel.
proposed hold time;
- maximum transfer time from furnace to quench tank; and • PMI prior to despateh.
details of quenching medium including volume, clrculation rate,
agitation system, proposed Initial and final quenching medium • Packing.
(Note: duplex components should be rough machined as closely as • Shlpment.
possible to their finished dimensions before final heat treatment in
order to optimise the material properties). 8.2 Inspectlon and Test Plan (ITP)
• Heat treatment equipment shail comply wlth API RP 6HT or equlvalent The eomplete manufacturing process shall be provlded by the manufaeturer in a
Standard. detalled ITP. The ITP shall list eaeh individual manufacturlng activlty for a
eomponent wlth reference to the relevant purehaser specifieatlon clause/s, the
• Non-destructive testing (NDT), for example: relevant manufaeturlng procedure/s and the Intervention points for the
manufacturer and purehaser (or purchaser's representatlve). The ITP shall be
visual; approved by the purchaser. A pre-produetlon meeting should be held at the
radiography; manufacturing faeility whenever posslble.
ultrasonlc testing;
dye penetrant Inspeetion (DPl); The ITP shall detail all the technical requirements detailed in the purchaser
ferrite meter; and speciflcation for particular components either in the body of the ITP or in
positive material Identlfication (PMI). attaehments to the ITP.

For ultrasonle testlng, reference should be made to Appendix D of DNV OS The ITP shall Indlcate all key phases of manufacture that are subject to inspection
F-l0l and specificaily: Clauses 6400 for welded eomponents, D300 for and testlng aetlvitles (inspeetlon points), and the Information resulting from such
forglngs and E300 for castings. aetlVltles (quality reeords).

• Destruetlve testing, for example, tenslle testlng at amblent and elevated The developed ITP shall Inelude as a minimum the followlng Information.
temperature, Charpy impact testing (where posslble, with the notch In the
transverse direction), metallographie examlnatlon (ferrite content, grain • Formal doeument administration (e.g. numberlng, revision, Internal
slze, resliit of third phase evaluation), maerographie examination including review/approval, ete.) In aeeordanee wlth manufaeturer's quallty
hardness testing, bend testing, eorroslon testing. For metallographie and management system and any proJeet speelfle requlrements under the
maerographic examinatlon the etehant should be Identlfied and agreed purehase order or eontraet.
wlth the purchaser. The test pieee/s for destruetive and non-destructive
testing shail be either a prolongation or a saerlflelal eomponent (at the • Organisation Chart(s) for the exeeutlon of the services. Thls shall Identlfy
purehaser's option) representlng the maximum ruling section of the key personnel responslble for product quallty and quallty eontrol.
eomponents heat treated. All meehanleal testlng, metallographie and
eorroslon testing should be taken from the 1/2T position in the test piece. • Deserlptlon of Inspeetion/test aetlvlty for eaeh key phase and the nature of
All speelmens shall be retalned by the manufaeturer for a minimum of 3 the type of Inspectlon point, for example:
months from the date of testlng.
monltoring point;
• Grlndlng. The manufacturer ShOlild have a proeedure for grlndlng that - wltness point;
demonstrates that no signlfleant mlerostruetural modification oeeurs as a hold point; and
result of grlndlng. review.

• Plckling and passlvation. • Applleable control procedure(s), codes, regulations, standards and
• Coating.
• Acceptance criteria and frequeney of test (where appropriate).
• Identification Includlng traeeabllity.
• Planned quallty reeords demonstratlng that the duplex eomponents are in
• Handling. Components shall not come in to eontaet wlth earbon steei eompliance wlth purchase order or contraet reqllirements.
bearers or any earbon steel swarf, debrls or tools. lf wlre brushes are
used for any operation they shall be made from stainless steel wlre and be

l~ 17
EEMUA PubllC:o;Jtion 218 - Q~l.c.llity req~llremcnts for duplex stalnll\!SS steels @ EEMUA EEMUA Publicotion 218 - Quolity requlrements for <Iuplex stolnle•••te.l. @ EEMUA

The format shall allow for the purehaser and other Involved partles (e.g. 9. Manufacturing Controls
regulatory/eertlfleatlon bodles) to Inelude thelr quality surveillanee
requlrements and intervention points. Manufaeturlng eontrols are the speelfie responsibility of the manufacturer. The
purchaser, or appolnted representative, should carry out surveillance inspeetlons
All manufaeturing procedures shall be qllalified and documented. A durlng the manufacturlng phase with speclflc wltness/hold inspeetlons at erltlcal
manufacturing procedure qualification (MPQ) shall be required for eaeh type activities. The purchaser shall verify that the surveillanee Inspeetor 15 eompetent
and size of product unless the manufacturer ean provlde hlstorleal quallfleatlon and experlenced In the inspectlon of duplex stainless steel eomponents. Critical
test data whieh Is aeeeptable to the purchaser, obtained on eomponents of aetlvlties inelude:
similar size manufaetured to an identical proeedure and heat treatment, using
similar materials wlth the same UNS number. • hot forming;
• casting;
• hot isostatle presslng;
• welding including repair welding;
• induction bending;
• heat treatment and water quenching;
• non-destruetive testlng;
• destruetlve testlng, metallographie and eorroslon testlng;
• Identlfleatlon;
• final vlsual Inspeetion prior to paeklng and shlpment;
• certifieation; and
• final document review.

18 19
EEMUA Publlcatlon Zla - Quolity requlrerrlents far duplex stalol.s. stoels © EEMUA EEMUA Publlcatlon Zl8 - Quollty requirerrlent. for duplex ;talnle,s steels @ EEMUA

10. Certification
The manufaeture of duplex stainless steel should be certifled In accordance wlth
BS EN 10204 3.2 8 I.e. the material test eertiflcate (MTC) shall be slgneq and
stamped by both the quallty representatlve of the manufacturer and by the
purchaser representative. The MTC shall Include complete details of the souree of
the duplex material and the results of all the tests reqllired In the ITP. If only a
BS EN J.0204 3.1 8 certificate is available, the purchaser should require further
tests In aeeordanee with Seetlons 12.6 and 1.2.7 of this EEMUA document.

20 Zl
EEMUA Publlcatlon 218 " Quallty requirements for duplex stalnloss stools © EEMUA EEMUA I'ubllcatlon 218 • Quallty requlrements for duplex stalnl.". "teeis @ EcMUA

11. Compliance Audit

The purch8ser should carry out a technlcal compllance audit on the duplex
stainless steel manufacturing process particularly in the cases of new suppliers or
product forms at an appropriate stage during manufacture. The approprlate
stage can be consldered to be when Initial destructlve and non~destructive tests
are avallable for the first components to be manufactured.

Compliance audits should focus on critlcal parameters sllch as heat treatment,

test sampie extraction and traceability.

A compliance audit should be a technical quality audit and not a quallty assurance
audit. As such, the audit personnel should comprlse a qualified metallurg ist and a
quallty control special1st. These personnel shall be fully conversant wlth the
technlcal and quallty requlrements for the manufacture of duplex stalnless steel

The compliance audit findings shall be discussed with the manufacturer du ring a
dose out meeting. Any observations andjor non-conformances should be
dlscussed In detail and agreements for dose out made during the meeting.

22 23
I:cMUA Publlcatlon 218 " QlI"lIty roquirement. Far duplex stall1l"", steels © EEMUA EEMUA Publlcatlon 218 - Q1I1J1ity reqllirements Fer duplex st"lnless steels © EEMUA

12, Materials Purchased from Stockists

Whilst it may be deslrable to purchase duplex eomponents directly from a
carefully selected manufaeturer, It Is inevitable that for so me fast-track ,projects
and for material top-up orders, so me duplex components will be purchased from
stocklsts. The purchaser should ensure that the stock1st operates a QMS based
on ISO 9001/150 TS 29001 or an equlvalent standard relevant to the components
that are being supplied. The stoeklst should preferably be following this EEMUA

Where large bulk orders are required, stockists often provide the best soilition for
procurement of a wide variety of duplex components since they are able to source
from numerous manufacturers worldwlde. In thls way, they effectively perform
the detalled prOCllrement actlvity on behalf of the purchaser. Whilst this can be
regarded as a very cost-effectlve approach, the purchaser should be aware that
the important technical manufacturing controls that can be Instltuted when
deallng directly with a manufacturer are devolved to the stock1st.

The purchaser should employ all the necessary controls over stockist materials
that would be employed when procuring directly from the manufacturer including,
but not limited to, the following;

1. The purchaser should treat the stockist as if they were the manufacturer of
the duplex components and Institute the requlrements of this EEMUA
publlcatlon as far as It Is posslble.

2. The purchaser should never assume that the stock1st has the technlcal and
quallty control skills to verlfy all the manufaeturlng processes requlred by
thls EEMUA publicatlon, nor should they assume that the duplex
components are fully compliant with the purchaser's detailed technical

3. The duplex component certification shall be traceable back to the base

material source i.e. back to the steelmaking source and for each stage in
the manufacture thereafter e.g. forging, welding, etc. It isunlikely that
stockists will produce material test certlficates in accordance with BS EN
102043.2 as a matter of course since they are unlikely to involve either
their own quality control inspection or a third party inspection to cover the
critical actlvities involved in duplex component manufacture.

4. The minimum level of certification for duplex components purchased from

a stockist shall be to BS EN 102043.1.

5. It Is common praetiee for the primary steelmaker to report chemlcal

composltlon, mechanical and corrosion test results and metallographie
observations on an In-house processed sam pie on the 3.1 certiflcate.
Further processing such as forging and heat treatment Is often carrled out
by a different manufacturer and whllst there will be no change to the
chemlcal composition, the mechanical and corrosion test results and
metallographie observations wlli reflect the metallurgical changes resulting
from the further processing. The later manufacturer often reports the
chemicai composition originally reported by the steelmaker along with the
mechanical and corrosion test results and metallographie observations
resultlng from the further processlng. If thls Is the case, the chemlcal

24 25
I,EMUA P"bllcotion 218 - Quollty requlrements Far duplex stalnless steels @ EEMUA
EEMUA PI,.Iblici;ttlon 21.8 ~ Qualltv reqt,.Ilrements far duplex $tainl1::1ss steels @ EEMUA

composition should be checked at an Independent laboratory by either the

stockist or the purchaser.
13. Positive Material Identification
Positive material Identification (PM!) shali be carrled Ollt elther under the
6. A material test certlflcate in accordance with BS EN 10204 3.1 should not
observation of the pllrchaser's representatlve at the manufacturer or stock1st
be relied llpon as aeeurately reflectlng the propertles of duplex
facility or Independently as dlrected by the purchaser. The requirements for PMl
components purehased from a stockist. Often, the tests are taken from
shali be clearly stated In the plirchaser's speeificatlons.
sampies that do not reflect the maximum ruling section of the components
being supplied and tests are often taken from the 1/4T position rather
PMI should be performed in accordance wlth API RP 578 9 by the applieatlon of
than the 1/2T position recommended in this publicatlon. The purchaser
portable eqllipment such as the X-ray Fillorescence Speetrometer or Optlcal
should carry Ollt selective sacrlfieial testing on a representative sam pie of
Emission Speetrometer.
the components before aeeepting them.

7. Positive material identifleatlon (PM!) and ferrite meter testing shali be

earrled Ollt on all eomponents In accordance with the requirements of the
purchaser's speclfieatlons. The resliits of these tests shall be Included in
the final certificatlon. Ferrite meter testlng should be supported by
metaliographie testing (destrllctive or surfaee metallography) since small
but slgnlfieant amollnts of Intermetalilc phases may be present even with
acceptable ferrite meter readings. Where any dOllbt exlsts abollt the
qllality or Integrity of any component, further investigatlve testlng shall be
performed. Tests sueh as surface replica metallography or fleld
microseopy should be sufficlent to determine the quality of the component.
However If there Is stili doubt about the component quality, destruetive
testlng shall take place on a component determlned to exhibit the most
doubtful properties.

~6 ~7
:,~!m~"T'/:,i, I


ooMUA Publlcatlon 218 " Quallty requlr.m.nts for dupl.x stalnless steels @ EEMUA EEMUA Publieation 218 - Q".lity reqlllf'ements for duplex 'teeis

14. References
1. EEMUA 194 Guldellnes for the material selectlon and corrosion control for
subsea oll and gas productlon equlpment, 2nd Edition, 2004 ISBN 0 85931
2. NORSOK Standard M-630 Material data sheets and element data sheets for
3. Duplex Stainless Steels. Microstructure, propertles and applicatlons. Edlted by
Robert N Gunn. ISBN 1 85573 318 8
4. API Technical Report 938-C First Edition, May 2005
5. ISO 9001, Quality management systems - Requirements
6. ISO/TS 29001, Petroleum, petrochemlcal and natural gas industrles - Sector'-
speciflc quality management systems - Requlrements for product and service
supply organizatlons
7. NORSOK M-650 - Quallflcatlon of manUfacturers of special materials
8. BS EN 10204 Metallic products - types of inspection documents
9. API RP 578 Material Verification Program for New and Exlstlng Alloy Piping

28 29
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181 A Glilde to Risk Based Assessments of In-sltu Large Ex 'e' and Ex 'N' Machines
EEMUA Pog< par~gl'aph TypC:l of COMMoNTS ~t'oposed change OBS.RVATIONS 161
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Fig :z E ThlS 15 an example only; No chßngc (0 wordfng Examplc only 148
re ulMd;- Reliability Speciflcation - Model c1auses for incluslon In purchaslng
speclfications for equipment items and packages

Automation and electrical equipment

222 Gulde to the Application of IEC 61511 to Safety Instrumented Systems in

the UK Process Industries

214 Toolbox Glilde - Electrical Installation, Inspection and Maintenance in

Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

201 Process Plant Control Desks Utilising ~Iuman-Computer Interfaces _ A

Gulde to Design, Operatlonal and Human Interface Issues

191 Alarm Systems - A Gulde to DeSign, Management and Procurement

189 A GUlde to Fieldbus Application for the Process Industry

187 Analyser Systems - A Guide to Maintenance Management

186 A Practitioner's Handbook - Electrlcal Installation, Inspection and

Malntenance in Potentlally Explosive Atmospheres

178 A Design Guide for the Electrical Safety of Instruments, Instrument /

Control Panels and Control Systems

175 Code of Practlce for Ca libration and Checklng Process Analysers

When you have completed thls form with all your comments, please save and
155 Standard Test Method for Comparatlve Performance of Flammable Gas
e-mail to or post a paper copy to: Publlcations Department, Detectors against POisoning
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138 Design and Installation of On-Une Analyser Systems
13851 Design and Installation of On-Une Analyser Systems. A Gulde to Technical
Enquiry and Bid Evaluation

Materials selec::tion, plant design and construction Pressure equipment

197 Specificatlon for the Fabrlcatlon of Non-Prlmary StrLIctural Steelwork for 208 Guide to life-cycle management ofPressure.Rellef Systems
Offshore Installations
204 Plping and the European Pressure EqUlplTl~~t Directive: Guidance for Plant
194 Guldellnes for Materials Selectlon and Corrosion Control for Subsea Oll and Owners/Operators
Gas Productlon Equipment
196 Valve Purchasers' Guide to the European Pressure Equlpment Directive
185 Gulde for Hot Tapplng on Piplng and other Equlpment
184 Gulde to the Isolation of Pressure Relieving Devices
182 Specificatlon for Integral Block and Bleed Valve Manlfolds for Direct
Connectlon to Pipework 177 Gulde to the UK Pressure Systems S,lfety Regulations (2000)
179 A Worklng Gulde for Carbon Steel Equipment in Wet H2 S Service 168 A Gulde to the Pressure Testlng of In',Servlce Pressurised Equlpment
176 Speclflcatlon for Structural Castings for Use Offshore 149 Code of Practice for the Identlfication and Checklng of Materials of
Construction In Pressure Systems in Process Plants
158 Construction Specificatlon for Flxed Offshore Structures in the North Sea

154 Guldance to Owners on Demolltlon of Vertical Cylindrical Steel Storage Process pipework, valves and machinery
Tanks and Storage Spheres
215 Industrlal Coollng Tower Fans and Fln Fans - Guide for Design
149 Code of Practice for the Identlflcation and Checklng of Materials of Maintenance and Operation '
Constructlon In Pressure Systems in Process Plants
205 Guide to the Production Testing of Valves for the Energy, Process, Oil and
147 Recommendatlons for the Design and Construction of Refrigerated Gas Industries
L1quefied Gas Storage Tanks
204 Piplng and the European Pressure Equipment Dlrective: GUldance for Plant
146 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Plplng for Offshol"e Applicatlons - Speclfication: Owners/Operators
200 Gulde to the Specification, Installation and Maintenance of Spring Supports
145 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Applications - Specificatlon: for Piping
Flanges Composite and Solid
.1.99 On-Line Leak Sealing of Piplng - Gulde to Safety Considerations
144 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piplng for Offshore Applications - Speclficatlon:
Tubes Seamless and Welded 196 Valve Purchasers' Guide to the European Pressure Equipment Directive
143 Recommendations for Tube End Weldlng: Tubular Heat Transfer 192 Gulde for the Procurement of Valves for Low Temperature (non-cryogenic) Service
Equlpment, Part 1 - Ferrous Materials
188 Guide for Establlshlng Operating Periods of Safety Valves
141 Guide to the Use of Noise Procedure Specificatlon
185 Guide for Hot Tapplng on Piplng and other Equlpment
140 Noise Procedure Specificatlon
182 Specification for Integral Block and Bleed Valve Manlfolds for Direct
133 Specificatlon for Underground Armoured Cable Protected against Solvent Connection to Plpework
Penetratlon and Corrosive Attack 164 Seal-less Centrifugal Pumps: CI ass 1

1.05 Factory Stairways, Ladders and Handrails (including Access Platforms and 153 EEMUA SUPPlement to ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, Process Plping
151 liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors
104 Noise: A Guide to Information required from Equipment Vendors

101 lifting Points - A Design Guide

storage and containment systems

207 Double Concrete Tanks for Liquefied GaS: Guldellnes on design,

construction and operation

190 Guide for the Design, Constructlon and Use of Mounded Horizontal
Cylindrlcal Bulk Storage Vesseis for Pressurised LPG at Ambient

183 Gulde for the Prevention of Bottom Leakage from Vertlcal Cyllndrical Steel
Storage Tanks

180 Frangible Roof Joints for Flxed Roof Storage Tanks: Guide for Designers
and Users

159 Users' Gulde to the Inspectlon, Malntenance and Repair of Above·ground

Vertlcal Cyllndrlcal Steel Storage Tanks

154 Guidance to Qwners on Demolltion of Vertical Cylindrical Steel Storage

Tanks and Storage Spheres

147 Recommendatlons for the Design and Constructlon of Refrlgerated

Uquefled Gas Storage Tank

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