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NOTE : - Do all the given work on loose narrow lined sheets . use pointer for
headings and pencil for detailed written work .
Make a portfolio and submit all subjects work in that portfolio with your proper
full name and class.

 Define parts of speech with at least five examples.
 Revise and write five verbs with their forms daily ( simple present , simple past , past
participle and present participle e.g write wrote written writing)
 Write an application to the principal for two days leave due to fever and for urgent
piece or work.
 Write structure of present Indefinite , Past indefinite and Future indefinite with five
example each.
 Write a paragraph on the given topics comprising 50 – 100 words
 Rainbow .
 My favourite subject.
 My favourite personality.
 Eid celebration.
 Internet.
Q no 1. Write down 4 digit , 5 digit , 6 digit , 7 digit & 8 digit numbers and place them in
International place value chart.
Q no 2. What do you know about fractions?
Write few sentences about
i. like fractions
ii. Unlike fractions.
Iii. Proper fractions.
Iv. Improper fractions,and also give example.
Q no 3. Add / Subtract biggest 6 digit number with smallest 4 digit number.
Q no 4. Find the area of your maths book ( any book) using formula method.
Q no 5. Differentiate between factors and multiples? Give atleast two examples
of each.
1. Vertebrates are those animals which have back bone . we observe many
vertebrates in Zoo. Can you name them ? ( any 10)
2. visit your garden and write names or any 5 invertebrates from garden soil / pot
3. Plants need water, fertilizer ( food of plant), sunlight to grow well. Pick any plant
from your home and answer these questions.
i. what do you think the plant food ( fertilizer ) will do to the Plant ?
ii. what do you think would happen if you didn’t feed or water your plant?
iii. A couple weeks down the road , Do you think your plant looks any bigger ?
Greener? Leafier ?
iv. draw diagram of chosen plant at day 1 and day 7

Day 1 Day 7

 Conduct research on the different kinds of computers and prepare a booklet
 Open MS Excel and create your own mark sheet also insert bar, line and pie chart for the
mark sheet ( table)
 Open MS power point and create 7 slides.

On independendence day of Pakistan also insert picture , shape and smart art.

Q no 1.Draw the map of Pakistan in order or show rivers by seeking help from internet

Q no 2. Write the names of planets and differentiate between a planet and satellite.

Q no 3. Write down the names of different languages spoken in Pakistan and paste
pictures of various cultures flourishing in Pakistan?

Q no 4. Draw and name different means of communication.

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