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Learning Area Grade Level 9

ICT-Computer System Servicing (NC II)
Quarter 4th Date
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1: Determine the criteria for testing electronics components.
▪ Define testing criteria to ensure that components meet technical and
quality requirements.
- Effectiveness
- Performance
- Computer Hardware Servicing- Grade 9 Learner’s Material First
Edition, 2013, pages 165-272pages 57-63
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 1 day Presentation
Computer systems are made of several parts, and these parts
comprise electronic components. Electronic elements are susceptible to
damage if not properly taken care of. That is why they should be tested for their
functionality. In this lesson, you will understand and find out different criteria for
testing electronic components.

A. Using the concept map, give your ideas on the qualities of a good
technician in testing electronic components of a computer. Write
your answer in separate sheet of paper.

Qualities of
a good

B. List at least three (3) criteria/standard of a good technician in

testing component of a computer. Write your answer in separate
sheet of paper.



B. Development 1 day Electronic Components are essential elements of a circuit that help in its
functioning. These elements are found in the tangible aspect of the computer
system, which is commonly known as the computer hardware. Most of these
elements are found mainly inside the box of the system unit.
The two basic types of electronic components which are essential to
recognize before going to the testing procedure are:

Active Components Passive Components

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Active Components. Active devices supply energy to the circuit. (Transistor,
Batteries, Cathode Ray Tube)
Passive Components These are the components that obstruct the current or
supplied energy. (Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor)

Criteria for Testing Electronic Components

Functionality - This verifies that the hardware or software product exactly
functions as designed.
Compatibility - This makes sure that the product functions in its targeted use
Performance - This validates that the product functions acceptably for the
market where it is being released.
Usability - This provides an independent analysis of how easy or difficult a product
can be used.
Automation - Allows repetitive testing quickly and easily by scripting the product
with one of the many different industry tools.
Competitive Analysis - Compares products to similar products already in the

Criteria for Testing Electronic Components Based on Skills of Computer Hardware

/ Network Technician
Interacting with computers. Using a computer or computing system for a
computer hardware, field technician means speaking the machine’s language.
Collecting data and information. Being a computer hardware field technician is
not unlike being a private eye.
Problem-solving and decision-making. Problem-solving is vital to being a
computer hardware field technician.
Communicating. Communication is a key skill in almost any job.
Consulting and advising others. A computer hardware field technician often
ends up advising others on a variety of tasks.
Inspecting equipment, structures, or material. A computer hardware field
technician must ensure that the equipment is operating properly within its
Documenting and recording information. There are baseline metrics that
computer hardware field technicians must keep track of to diagnose a healthy
network or computer system properly.
Developing objectives and strategies. To create a smooth working network.
Training and teaching others. There are two main tiers of training for a computer
hardware field technician.

Learning Task 1: USE IT!

Directions: Complete the following words by supplying the missing letters. Then,
identify each element as active or passive component. Put a check (/) if you
encounter this element. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
(/) if you

1. example: C A T H O D E ACTIVE

2. _ _ T _ _ R Y

3. I _ _ _ C _ _ R

4. C _ _

5. _ E _ _ S _ O _
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

Learning Task 2: CROSSWORD

Directions: Find the words that are connected in the testing electronics
component in the given crossword puzzle. The list of the words is in the box. Write
the answer in the separate sheet of paper.

C. Engagement 1 ½ days Product testing matters because it ensures that a product is designed and
manufactured with quality. As a technician, you must know the criteria and you
must be knowledgeable in testing electronic components.

Learning Task 3: IDENTIFY

Direction. Choose alternative word/words for the following criteria of testing
electronic components. Select your answer inside the box and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
D. Assimilation ½ day Electronic components are not only found in the computer hardware but also in
various appliances that can be found in your household.

Learning Task 4: Spot that!

Directions. Spot the components found in the picture below. Categorize them
whether they can be run by electricity or battery. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Things that can be run by electricity Things that can be run either by
battery or electricity

A. As a future technician, what are you going to do if your electric fan at

home suddenly stopped working? Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

V. ASSESSMENT ½ day Learning Training 5: Multiple Choices

(Learning Activity Sheets for Directions: Read the statement carefully and choose the best answer from the
Enrichment, Remediation or options below. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Assessment to be given on
Weeks 3 and 6) 1. This refers to making sure your product functions correctly with other products
in the “real world” when released.
a. Automation b. Compatibility c. Functionality d. Usability
2. It pertains to keeping the staff members up-to-date on new developments in
the IT field.
a. Interacting with computers c. Performance
b. Coaching d. Training and teaching others
3. It describes the product’s capabilities and limitations.
a. Competitive Analysis b. Functionality c. Automation d. Communication
4. It pertains to sharing information and solving the problems that arise in their
everyday life.
a. Communication c. Functionality
b. Automation d. Compatibility
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
5. It allows you to perform repetitive testing quickly and easily by scripting your
product with one of many different industry tools.
a. Consulting and advising others c. Automation
b. Training and teaching others d. Usability
VI. REFLECTION ½ day • The learner communicates the explanation of their personal assessment
as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
• The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about the
lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Noland M. Santiago II Checked by: Walter Cristobal
Teacher I, San Mateo NHS Head Teacher I

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