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1 Maintenance Scheduie

A = Checks
B = Maintenance

A B Subsection MaintenanceservICe
X X 6.4,1 Gene「aiinspection

X 6.4.2 DrawingofftheSFegas
X Openai冊terrupte「unitsandwithd「awuppe「diffusersocket

X 6.4,3.2 VIsua=nspectionofcontactsystem
X 6.4,3.3 Reassemblyofinte「「upte「unit

X 6.4,3.4 RepIace靴er

X 6.4.4 EvacuatingandF冊ngtheci「cuiトb「eakerwithGas

X 6.4,5 CheckSF6P「eSSu「egauge

X X 6.4,6,1 CheckfunctionofSF6densitymonitor
X Checkoftheope「atingvaIuesoftheSF6densitymonitor

X 6.4.7 Checkfo=eaksonope「ationaIci「cuiトb「eaker

X X 6.4,8 Checksatd「ivemechanism

X 6.4.9 TeminaIstrip
X X 6.4.10 Anti-COndensationheate「S

X X Funct Onalcheck,trippingci「cuits

X X Fun億 Onaicheck,Rec10SingIock-Out

X X 6.4,11.2.2 Fund OnaicheckSF6lock-Out

X X Funct Onalcheck,Ant巾umpingfeatu「e

X X 6.4.12 Checkofmoto「cont「ol

X 6.4,13 Measu「ingtheSF6gaShumiditycontent

X 6.4.14 Measu「ingtheSF6ai「COntent

X X 6.4,15 Anti-CO「「OSionprotection

Tabie l l Maintenance Schedule

6,4  Wb「k fo be ca「ried out in acco「dance with the Mainfenance Schedule

The measu「es complied in the section 6,3 Ma肋tenance Schedr/伯a「e described in detaii beiow.

6,4.1 General Inspection

The gene「a」血spedion cove「s a visual check of the circuiトb「eake「 without it having to be dismantled. The
Visual check contents the foilowing checks:

一 Checkthe SF8柵ng with the ci「Cuit-b「eake「 P「eSSure gauge, See 6.4.1,1○

○ Contamination ofinsuiating parts

-  Damage to the porcelain body

-  Earthing terminai

-  Numbe「 Of operating cycles

6.4,1,1 Check of SF6 Fiiiing with the Cirouit-Breake「 Pressure Gauge

When measu「ing, the tempe「atu「e dependence of the p「essure as shown in the diagram SF6 m肋g ouIVe and
Opera蹄7g Vaルes of cfens殉y mon竹or (See 3. 1 ,7 Aro quench励g mec”um SF6) shouid be taken into account.

Remove the screws ma「ked with X and take off the cove「 22‘32.

The instaiiatio= POSition of the珊use「 socket 22・31 is secu「ed by screw Y

The 「emove the screws marked Y and take out the diffuse「 SOCket 22.31.

when taking out伽e di冊Ser SOCket, §uPpO刷in such a way that it does nottip up and the pin
22.9 (Fig. 42) and the contact cage KK (Fig" 43) are not damaged葛

6,4.3,2 Visuai inspection of confact system

ln new state, the contact pin 22,9 p「otrudes 37 mm beyond the nozzle guide 22.3・2 (Fig. 43). 1f the 「emaining
看ength T is -ess than 35 mml the co=tact SyStem and the moving ∞ntaCt need to be repIaced.

The contact laminations 22.3 shouid be checked 「egardless of the ∞ndition of the pin 22・9・

lf the c「ackle ma「ks, Which have fomed on the f「ont edge of the co=tact laminati。nS 22・3 0n a Part of their

gi皿have reached a width “b,】 of mo「e than 2 mm in the direcfron of the axis’the contact system and the
m。Ving contact need to be replaced'

22_ 1  」亀ck色書
22 3   Contac=amination
22 3.2  Nozzle guide
22.7  Moving Contact
22.9   P活

Fig. 43 Checking the d肝user socket

6,4.3,4 Reassembly of intermupter unit

Clean the sea=ng faces・

The s鍋iing向ces of仙e flange§ must be treated ca鴨fuliy §ince even minor damage may lead
to leaking join悔,

Before boIting togethe○○ the ¶anges wipe them with tissue pape「 o「 cIoth soaked in a 「ecommended cleane「
and g「ease them as §hown in Lubri飽ntS and c叩OSion p「OteCtion agents・

盛土 Tho §CreWS marked with X and Y have difforont dimensions, They must not be interchanged"

insert the sealing 「ing 22.29 with the app「opriate g「ease into the diffuser socket 22.3=nser=he d皿ser
socket 22.31 into the jacket 22.1 and secure the instalIation position with screw Y" Then tighten screws Y to
the ap叩Priate tightening torque" ln§ert the seco=d §eaiing血g 22・29・1 greased into the co「responding nut in
the d肝use「 socket 22.31. Then put on the cove「 22.32 and §eCure it with sc「ews X"

X  ̄崎  /「面詰霧32

閏    星重量重量∴言 、¥

22.29.う            へ,、、

22 29  Sea冊g 「ing
2229.1 SeaIIng面g
X Sc「ews M 12x55
Y Sc「ews M 8x25
a G「ease with Vaseline 8420
b G「ease with TectyI 506

Fig. 45 Trea血lent ofthe seaiing flanges

Fiiiing the breaker from the gas cylinder

Siemens offe「 a complete軸ng device of type W423 fo「輔ng the ci「cuit-b「eake「 with SF6 gaS from a gas
cylinde「 (Fig・ 47)

Fig. 47 SF6fii看ing device W423

1 000643a

「  Gas cy冊de「
2   P「色艶u「e 「educe=eさulat血9 Vaive
3   P「ecision p「essu「e gaし岨e (-1 up to 9 bar)
4   Safcty valve
WI F冊叩触nge

Fig. 48 SF6 f鞘ng device comected

To叩COuPle the service comection of the柵ng device with the珊ng comectjon Wl of the ci「c亜-b「eaker
(Fjg. 46). SIowIy open the reguiating valve (Fig. 48) at the p「essure 「educe「 with the vent vaive cIosed, tO
avoid any ioe fomation at the珊ng・ Monito「 the輔ng p「ocess at the p「ecision p「essure gauge 3.

Care must be taken that the軸ng p「essu「e, Which depends on the ambient tempe「ature言S COrrect. Fo「
nominai輔ng p「essu「e see diag「am in section 3.1 Technfoa/ Data.

At an ambient temperatu「e othe「 than +20OC, the SF6軸ng p「essure must be taken f「om the diagram (Fig.

When軸ng is compieted, unSC「eW the輔ng device and cIose the maintenance ¶ange W「 (f「om DiIo).
Tighten the union nut by hand (4 Nm),

To check the density monitor, 「emOVe union nut with pressure pin from the service comection W2・ Gas
camot escape from the ci「cuiトb「eake「l because the inne「 bal- valve is cIosed whe= 「emOVing the pressu「e

pin f「om service ∞nneCton W2. Service connection W2 is now connected directry with the densfty monito「・
such that, afte「 connection of the testing devi∞ W424・ the ope「ating points of the density monitor (Chapte「
3.1.7 Aro Ouenchhg Med元/m SF6) can be checked.

6,4,7 Check for Ieaks on operational cirouit心reake「

丁he rated p「es恥n Of the SF6-gaS can be found in the tab-e in the sedion 3.1 "6 Aro Quenching鵬くれm SF6・
when the軸ng of the ci「cu冊reake「 is ∞mPleted. aI- new comections must be checked fo「 leaks" This car'
occu「 vvith a leak-detecto「 o「 leak-detecting sp「ay e"g・ f「om Wobst・一f neithe「 is ava帖b!el ieaks can also be
checked using soap solution.

1f a ieak i§ detected:

Reiease the SF6“p「es§ure befo「e working on皿e screw connections of仙e gas chamber・

If a ieak is discove「ed, undo the -eaking connection and check the sealing surface fo「 damage o「 foreign
bodies. Then fit a new seai, 「emake the connection and repeat the leak test.

6.4.8  Checks at d「ive mechan!sm

Du血g the inspection, Check for inegu-arities such a§ damage§, inc「eased wea「 On COmPOnentS Of the
operating mechanism o「 -oosened screws. Aiso check that訓COmPOnentS On the ope「さting mechanism a「e
甜ed co「rectly and §eCu「ely.

The a§Sembiies whe「e a 5PeCiaI check is requi「ed a「e o曲ned beiow with the ne騰S§さry WO「k §tePS.

6,4,8.1 AuxiIiary switch

The bea血gs of the aux掴ary §witch a「e maintenance-free・ The coup=ng gea「 must be checked for wear and
damage (Fig. 50).

18. 1O Coup=ng 「Od fo「 auxilia「y switch

1 8. 22  Auxiiia「y Switch

Fig. 50   Auxiiiary switch

6.4.9 Tem盲nai st「ip

Check the teminai connections for fim seating and the terminaIs fo「 damage.

6.4,10 Anti-COndensation heaters

Check the effediveness of the anti-COndensation heating and the function of the existing monito血g device if

6.4.11 Function checks

6,4,1 1.1 Functiona1 check, tripping circuits

Check the tripping adion of the ci「Cuiトb「eake「 Via ali the existing tripping paths'

6.4.1 1.2  FuれCtionai check lock-Out

6.4,11.2.1 Functionai checkずreCiosing lock巾ut

Du血g the process of cha「ging the cIosing sp「ing, the e簡ectiveness of the reciosing iock-O山must be checked
by means of an electrical CLOSE ∞mmand. The t匝Ping coiI must not ope旧te・

6, Functio11al check SF610Ck“out

At a ievei beIow the operating pressu「e, Check the signai and the effectiveness of the fundion iockout SFe
fockout by means of elect「icaI CLOSE and OPEN commands in ai=巾Ping paths. The breaker must not

6.4.1 1.3  Functional check, anti-Pumping devIce

Ci「Cuiトbreaker in cIosed position: (C10§ing spring tensioned)

- Firs=ssue elect「icai con軸uous command CLOSE and then keep button pressed and issue addition自I

COntinuou§ COmmand OPEN

The ci「cuit-b「eake「 must only switch off.

6.4.12 Check of moto「 controi

Check whethe「 after a cIosing operation the motor is activated by a Ijmit switch, and. whether after the
Cha「ging process of the cIosing spring the moto「 is deactivated via a Iimit switch.

6.4.13 1VIeasuring the SF6 gaS humidity content

Befo「e commissioning, Check the moisture content of the SF6-gaS.丁he SF6 anaiyzer should be used fo「 this.
A comme「Cially available dewpoint measu「ement device can also be used, The highest pemissibie dewpoint
tempe「atu「e at ope「ating p「essu「e, CO「「eSPOnding to the pe「missibie mojstu「e content is listed below.

CriticaI humidity iimit 5 0C (十230F)

Maximum pemissible humidity d而ng commissioning/in ope「ation

Table 12 Dew point

Commissioning Repo轟for Circu冒t-Breaker 3API FG (72“5 kV):

Customer: Commi§Sioningperformedby:

しocation: Signatu「e:       MobNo:

Ci「cuitB「eakel'Rating:    kV    KA CustomerRepresentative:

CircuitBreake「Sr,No: Signatu「e:       MobNo:


Switching dutY: Overhead Iine. transfome「・ gene「atOr’CabIe・ tie ci「cuit廿eaker・ Other…

〈Piease tick on app「op「iate)









Spi「itleveiofs=P OrtStruCtu「eandtheBase-f「amebYuSingspirit ievei.










F=iSF6Gastoratedpressureleve=bar/OC] ….Ba「    i,.oC






1留暢 Adv亀的ingpaw川場e-
相,6∴ C急m申温情
18.7 」eve「

18枢 丁両脚肌gCO弾くロ「印伯幽g)
18ト9 凸印刷咽聞融
lB.10 Co剛I合〇両g「Qd (如c厨川日

18言5 D嶺叩印可的rop即症9〉
1富士馬 丁叩かれ轡c〇時fe「 c厄S旧臼〉
「急白7 軸0別れ9廊飾
18う8 常駐きkstop
†8言9 C嶺柵
「8豊里 〇匹ra帥g軸を埴
1乱24 0瞥色旧個‡自eVe「
肥.27 寄omeG帥日子同母「珊瑚田野
18臆27」1 0照e「嶺血g mec南川S請「°d
18証 Da叩ロe「陣「c10S周g)
22. 面e「r∪p触「 u画

Fi軌1 書冊ctio巾dia9ra調。章sp「壬ng drive鵬e繭訓i亀町



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