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School: Apayao State College Level: Tertiary

Detailed Lesson Plan Instructor: MARK NEIL A. GALUT Learning Area: Social Studies
Teaching Dates and Time: August 3, 2020 / 1:30 Term:

C. A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of the COVID 19 pandemic resulting to Conspiracy Theory.

D. B. Performance Standards Examine the relationship between the Conspiracy Theory and other learning theories.
C. Learning
E. Competencies/Objectives State your opinion about the Conspiracy Theory in relation to COVID 19 pandemic.

II. CONTENT / TOPIC Conspiracy Theory (a social studies related topic this COVID 19 pandemic).
Integration: Professional Education (Facilitating Human Learning)
A. A. References
Materials Projector, PowerPoint presentation, laptop, video clip
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous Good afternoon.
lesson or presenting the
Before we start our lesson, let’s have a short review on what
new lesson
coronavirus is.

Do you know what is Coronavirus Disease? Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease
caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

If a person gets infected by this virus what happened to them?

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will

experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover
without requiring special treatment. Older people, and
those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer
are more likely to develop serious illness.

How are we going to avoid the transmission of this virus to another The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be
person? well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it
causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others
from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-
based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of

How does this virus be spread?
saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person
coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice
respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed

Do we have a medicine or vaccine to combat this virus? At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for
COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials
evaluating potential treatments. World Health Organization
(WHO) will continue to provide updated information as soon
as clinical findings become available.
Class, I have prepared some pictures here which I want you to name

B. Establishing a purpose for the


Face Shield
Face masks



Now class, may I ask you, when someone is wearing the complete
COVID 19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare
Personnel would you able to know what is really inside those
protective gear? No sir.

That’s right.
This is the same as one of the biggest issues now around the world
about COVID 19 Conspiracy Theory.

Are you aware of this Conspiracy Theory on COVID 19?

No sir.
So, I need you to listen and watch carefully as I present this short
news from Global News.
This time I’ll show you a short report Global News about the
C. Presenting examples / Conspiracy Theory related to COVID 19 pandemic
instances of the new lesson The learners will watch.
After watching the news, will you give your opinion about what have
you seen in the video.
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1 What did you understand about the conspiracy theory in relation to
Covid 19 pandemic. The Learners will explain their understanding regarding the
Conspiracy Theory base on the details from the news.
Now, let us deepen our learnings regarding this Conspiracy Theory.

What are the principal characteristics that define a conspiracy theory?

A conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain the ultimate cause of a

significant event or situation as the result of a secret plot by a powerful
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
What does psychological science tell us about why certain people
embrace conspiracy theories and its relationship in Learning Theories.

The psychological research to date suggests that people are attracted

to conspiracy theories when important psychological needs are

1 Epistemic needs. - people are looking for knowledge and clarity

about important events. Indeed, research shows that people are more
likely to believe in conspiracy theories under conditions of uncertainty.

In Learning Theory:

Epistemology basic is a branch of philosophy that investigates the

origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. Such beliefs
influence the development of knowledge because they are considered
to be the central values or theories that are functionally connected to
most other beliefs and knowledge (Hofer & Pintrich, 1997).

Our own personal epistemology influences our own theories of

learning, and consequently, how we approach, design, and delivery
our classes. The terms used to describe epistemological positions
vary, depending on whether it’s describing the origin or the acquisition
of knowledge.

2. Existential. - people need to feel secure and in control of their

surroundings, and research indeed shows that people who feel that
they lack agency and power are more likely to believe in conspiracy

In Learning Theory:

Existentialists is subjective, and lies within the individual. The physical

world has no inherent meaning outside of human existence. Individual
choice and individual standards rather than external standards are
central. The focus is on freedom, the development of authentic
individuals, as we make meaning of our lives.

3 Social - people need to maintain a positive image of themselves and

the groups they belong to. Some evidence to support this is that
people who experience a strong need to feel unique compared to
others tend to show greater belief in conspiracy theories.

In Learning Theory:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology

comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as
hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

All of these needs are likely to be heightened in times of crisis, such as

the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether or not these needs are satisfied by
believing in conspiracy theories is another matter, though, and
research suggests that believing in conspiracy theories is not a very
good coping mechanism.

Example, instead of increasing feelings of power, conspiracy theories

seem to make people feel more powerless.

Thorndike’s Law of Exercise

The people to follow social distancing, proper hand washing, using

face masks and face shields in order to avoid the transmission of the

States that the connection between a stimulus and a response can be

strengthened or weakened. This connection can be strengthened by
practicing hard and often or it can be weakened by discontinuing the

Conspiracy theories that deal with public health can have serious
negative impacts on society. How does this relate specifically to

Conspiracy theories can indeed have negative consequences for

public health, especially in the area of vaccination where research
shows that people who believe and even just read about anti-vaccine
conspiracy theories are more vaccine hesitant.

Thorndike’s Law of Effect

If people believe that the virus is a hoax, they might be less likely to
take preventive measures such as social distancing in public places,
hand-washing, and working from home when possible. Wherein
Thorndike’s law of effect is applicable.

Violence have also been linked to COVID-19 conspiracy theories. For

example, one conspiracy theory argues that COVID-19 was designed
in a Chinese laboratory as a bioweapon against the West. There have
since been reports of racial attacks on people of East Asian
appearance. Another conspiracy theory argues that 5G technology
caused COVID-19. On the back of this conspiracy theory, there have
been multiple attacks on engineers installing 5G masts.

Thorndike’s Law of Readiness

So, if this Conspiracy theories are true then we must remember

Thorndike’s Law of readiness which states that, a satisfying state of
affairs results when an individual is ready to learn and allowed to do

What are the most relevant psychological science findings the public
should know and understand?

Conspiracy beliefs appear to be a response to unmet psychological

needs. We all experience these needs at some time or another, so we
are all “conspiracy theorists” to some extent.

Conspiracy theories have significant consequences. They are

associated with vaccine hesitancy and other risky health choices,
climate denial, violence, crime, and prejudice. They should not be
dismissed as harmless fun.

What is the one message people should know about conspiracy

theories during this crisis?

Conspiracy theories are important to study because they can have

harmful consequences. While people are drawn to conspiracy theories
to cope with difficult circumstances, they seem, if anything, to make
things worse.

What is the relationship of Conspiracy Theory to the learning

It is important to study because they can have harmful consequences.

Thus, if our needs are unable to satisfy regarding the information that
we have heard and watched from the news and other online flatforms,
we need to exercise some of the learning theories which facilitates
human learning as a whole during this pandemic.
F. Developing mastery Behind this COVID 19 Conspiracy Theory that are circulating in the
(leads to formative assessment) news, what other learning theory is applicable? Why? The learner’s answer will be varied.
G. Finding practical applications In Edward Lee Thorndike’s Connectionism, which of the three laws of
of concepts and skills in daily learning (Law of Readiness, Law of Exercise, Law of Effect) is best for
you to apply in your daily life behind this COVID 19 Conspiracy
Theory? Why? The learner’s answer will be varied.
H. Making generalization and What is your opinion regarding this COVID 19 Conspiracy Theory
abstraction about the lesson being presented in the short news at the beginning of the class? The learner’s answer will be varied.

I. Evaluating learning
Read and analyze the following learning theories and construct a
Conspiracy theory based on our experience in COVID 19 pandemic.
J. Additional activities for Create a poster showing the relationship between a Conspiracy theory
application / remediation and any learning theory of your choice.

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