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In consortium with


First Semester
A.Y. 2021-2022

NAME: Chloe Niña A. Cabingatan YEAR & SECTION: Level 1- B

SUBJECT: Anatomy and Physiology DATE SUBMITTED: February 11, 2022

Respiratory System

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 Nasal Cavity- humidify and warm the inspired air

 Nose- allows air to enter your body, then filters debris 

 Mouth- allows air and nutrients to enter your body

 Oral Cavity-  secondary external opening 

 Epiglottis- tissue flap that keeps food and liquids out of your airways

 Pharynx (Throat)- carries air, food and fluid down from the nose and mouth

 Larynx (Voice Box)- allows you to talk and make sounds

 Trachea- passage connecting your throat and lungs

 Right Bronchus- carries air to your right lung

 Right Lung- brings in air and pass oxygen into the bloodstream

 Diaphragm- helps the lungs pull in and push out air

 Alveoli- exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place

 Left Bronchus- carries air to your left lung

 Bronchioles- carry air to small sacs in your lungs

 Left Lung- brings in air and pass oxygen into the bloodstream


Cleveland Clinic medical professional (2020). Respiratory System. Retrieved on January 24, 2020 from

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The COVID-19 Virus, also known as the
Coronavirus, is a common virus that causes
respiratory infections. It is a disease caused by
SARS-CoV-2 that can affect your upper
respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or
lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs). If
you're infected, symptoms can appear in as little
as two days or as many as fourteen days. It
differs from one person to another. According to
research, the most common symptoms are fever,
fatigue, cough, sore throat, loss of taste and
smell, body aches, shortness of breath, and mucus or phlegm. Most of the infected people are those
who have a weak immune system. The virus can lead to pneumonia, respiratory failure, heart and liver
problems, septic shock, and sometimes even death.
The coronavirus, or COVID-19
infection, begins with droplets from an infected
person's cough, sneeze, or breath. They could be in
the air or on a surface that you touch before
touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus
moves down your respiratory tract. Your mouth,
nose, throat, and lungs are all part of this airway.
The supporting structures for the nerve cell sheet in
the top region of the nose have also been revealed

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to have ACE2 receptors. As a result, COVID-19 is more likely to invade the body than viruses like the
common cold. It's likely the lungs will get inflamed, making it difficult to breathe. This can lead to
pneumonia, which is an infection of the alveoli, the tiny air sacs in your lungs that exchange oxygen and
carbon dioxide between your blood vessels.
Two years have passed, and the Coronavirus
has left all of us battered and shattered. Most
of us are still learning and surviving all the
hardships that we are facing. Others are still
trying to live, even with the sorrow that the
pandemic has brought. We live in exceptional
times, and the fight against the pandemic is
still centered on the cities. Since COVID-19
continues to spread, preventive measures like
physical or social distancing, ventilation of
indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes,
hand washing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face are necessary. In order to reduce the
risk of transmission in public situations, wearing of face masks or covers has been highly proposed. A
vaccine is currently being distributed around the world to help curb the spread. 


Nazario, B. (2021). Coronavirus and COVID-19: What You Should Know . Retrieved on December 22, 2021

Ratini, M. (2022). Coronavirus: What Happens When You Get Infected?. Retrieved on January 21, 2022 from

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