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Bộ môn Kỹ thuật điện - điện tử

Unit 2
Circuit elements
I. Reading and comprehension:

Current moves from a point of high potential energy to one of low potential. It
can only do so if there is a path for it to follow. This path is called an electrical
circuit. All circuits contain four elements: a source, a load, a transmission
system and a control.

The source provides the electromotive force. This establishes the difference in
potential which makes the current to flow possible. The source can be any
devices which supplies electrical energy. For example, it may be a generator or a

The load converts the electrical energy from the source into some other form of
energy. For instance, a lamp changes electrical energy into light and heat. The
load can be any electrical device.

The transmission system conducts the current round the circuit. Any conductor
can be part of a transmitting system. Most systems consist of wires. It is often
possible, however, for the metal frame of a unit to be one section of its
transmission system. For example, the metal chassis of many electric devices are
used to conduct current. Similarly, the body of a car is part of its electrical
transmission system.

The control regulates the current flow in the circuit. It may control the current
by limiting it, as does a rheostat, or by interrupting it, as does a switch.

Study figure 2.1. In this simple flashlight circuit, the source comprises three
1.5V cells in series. The load is a 0.3 W bulb. Part of transmission system is the
metal body of the flashlight, and the control is a sliding switch.

Compare figure 2.2. The function of this circuit is to operate a television camera
aboard a space satellite. Here the source is a battery of solar cells. A solar cell is
an electric cell which converts sun light into energy. The load is the television
camera. The transmission system is the connecting wires. The control is a relay
actuated bys transmissions from ground control. Although the function of this
circuit is much more complex than that of the flashlight, it too consists of the
four basic elements.

Exercise 1: Rephrasing

Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the words in italics with expressions
from the passage which has a similar meaning.

1. A lamp converts electrical energy into light.

2. The generator provides the circuit with electromotive force.

3. The metal frame of the oscilloscope is part of its transmission system.

4. The rheostat controls the current flow in the circuit.

5. A battery of a solar cells supplies power to the circuit.

Exercise 2: Contextual reference

What do the pronouns in italics in these sentences refer to?

1. Current moves from a point of high potential energy to one of low potential.
(line 1)

A- Current.

B- Energy

C- A point
2. For example, it may be a generator or a battery. (line 7)

A- The source

B- A device

C- Electromotive force

3. It is often possible, however, for the metal frame of a unit to be one section of
its transmission system. (line 13)

A- The metal frame’s

B- The unit’s

C- The circuit’s

4. Although the function of this circuit is much more complex than that of the
flashlight, it too consists of the four elements. (line 27)

A- This circuit

B- The function

C- The flashlight

Exercise 3: Checking fact and ideas

Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). Quote from the passage to
support your decisions.

1. A difference in potential is required before current can flow in a circuit.

2. A generator is a source of electromotive force.

3. Loads converts systems must consist of wires.

4. A rheostat may be used as a control.

5. The load in the flashlight circuit is a solar cell.

6. Loads convert electrical energy into light and heat.

7. The source in the satellite circuit is a solar cell.

8. The current flow in the satellite circuit is regulated by a relay.

9. The flashlight circuit differs basically from the satellite circuit.

II. Use of language

1. Describing function

When we answer the question what does it do? We describe the function of It.


What does a fuse do? It protect a circuit.

We can emphasize function by using this pattern:

The function of a fuse id to protect a circuit.

Now identify and explain the function of each component with help of this list.

a- adds capacitance to a circuit. f- protect a circuit.

b- rectifies alternating currents. g- varies the current in a circuit.
c- adds resistance to a circuit. h- transforms AC voltages.
d- measures very small currents. i- receives RF signal
e- breaks a circuit. j- selects a frequency

2. Describing purpose

When we answer the question What is it for?, we describe the purpose of It.


What is an ammeter for? It is for measuring current.

Other ways we can describe the purpose of an ammeter are:

1. It is used for measuring current.

2. It is used to measure current.

3. We measure current with an ammeter.

4. We measure current using an ammeter.

Now describe the purpose of these instruments and tools using any of the
structures presented above.

1. a voltmeter 6. wire-clippers
2. a soldering iron 7. a mega-ohmmeter
3. a milli-ammeter 8. an ohmmeter
4. an oscilloscope 9. a signal generator
5. a heat sink 10. a battery charger

3. Relative clause 2: making definition

Study these two sentences:

The cables were undamaged.

The cables were armoured.

We can link in two ways using a relative clause:

1. The cables WHICH WERE ARMOURED were undamaged

2. The cables, WHICH WERE ARMOURED, were undamaged.

Sentence 1 means that only armoured cables were undamaged. Other cables, for
example PVC coated cables, were damaged. The relative clause is a defining
one. It defines the type of cable which was undamaged. It carries essential

Sentence 2 means that all the cables were undamaged and all the cables were
armoured. The relative clause is a non-defining one. It adds extra information to

the sentence still makes good sense. It is separated from the rest of the sentence
by commas.

One use of defining relative clauses is to make definition. Study this diagram.

We can make a definition of a solar cell by joining (a), (b) and (c).

A solar cell is an electric cell which converts sunlight into electrical energy.

Now make eight definitions using information in this table. You must decide the
correct combinations of (A), (B) and (C).

4. Terms used in electrical engineering and electronics

Study and write out the following expressions in full

5. Describing component values

Study this table

Identify the following components in the circuit of the amplifier and wire out
their value in full

III. Further reading

Electric circuits

You might have been wondering how electrons can continuously flow in a
uniform direction through wires without the benefit of these hypothetical
electron Sources and Destinations. In order for the Source-and-Destination
scheme to work, both would have to have an infinite capacity for electrons in
order to sustain a continuous flow! Using the marble-and-tube analogy, the
marble source and marble destination buckets would have to be infinitely large
to contain enough marble capacity for a "flow" of marbles to be sustained.

The answer to this paradox is found in the concept of a circuit: a never-ending

looped pathway for electrons. If we take a wire, or many wires joined end-to-
end, and loop it around so that it forms a continuous pathway, we have the

means to support a uniform flow of electrons without having to resort to infinite
Sources and Destinations: Each electron advancing clockwise in this circuit
pushes on the one in front of it, which pushes on the one in front of it, and so on,
and so on, just like a hula-hoop filled with marbles. Now, we have the capability
of supporting a continuous flow of electrons indefinitely without the need for
infinite electron supplies and dumps. All we need to maintain this flow is a
continuous means of motivation for those electrons, which we'll address in the
next section of this chapter.

It must be realized that continuity is just as important in a circuit as it is in a

straight piece of wire. Just as in the example with the straight piece of wire
between the electron Source and Destination, any break in this circuit will
prevent electrons from flowing through it:

An important principle to realize here is that it doesn't matter where the break
occurs. Any discontinuity in the circuit will prevent electron flow throughout the
entire circuit. Unless there is a continuous, unbroken loop of
conductive material for electrons to flow through, a sustained flow simply
cannot be maintained.


• A circuit is an unbroken loop of conductive material that allows electrons to

flow through continuously without beginning or end.

• If a circuit is "broken," that means its conductive elements no longer form a

complete path, and continuous electron flow cannot occur in it.

• The location of a break in a circuit is irrelevant to its inability to sustain

continuous electron flow. Any break, anywhere in a circuit prevents electron
flow throughout the circuit.

Unit 3
I. Reading and comprehension
When free electrons are dislodged from the atoms, electrical energy is
released and made available to do work. Chemical reaction, friction, heat and
electromagnetic induction will cause electrons to move from one atom to
another. Scientists proved electrical energy to be released from matter by
chemical reaction (batteries), heat (thermocouples), electromagnetic induction
(generators), and friction (static generators). Whenever energy in any form is
released, a force is developed. Electrical energy being released, a force called
electromotive force (e.m.f) is developed. And e.m.f is present, then, whenever
free electrons are moved from atoms, any of the above named methods being
used to produce such electron motion.
If the force exerts its effort always in one direction, it is called direct; the
force changing its direction of exertion periodically is referred to as alternating.
The chemical reaction in a dry cell produces a negative charge or potential
on the zinc. This charge being always negative, the e.m.f is unidirectional (one
way). Heat and friction, too are sources of a unidirectional force.
Electromagnetic induction, however, is certain to produce an alternating force.
If the south of a bar magnet (see the figure 1) is passed into a coil of wire
connected to a force-measuring instrument (voltmeter), the meter needle will
move in one direction. If the south pole of the magnet is withdrawn from the coil,
the needle will move toward the opposite side of the meter, thus showing the
force to be alternating. The direction of force effort is seen to be dependent upon
the direction in which the field is cut. The magnitude of the electrical force
depends on the conditions at the source, such as the number of magnetic lines of
force per unit of time.

Figure 1. Electromagnetic induction

In the battery, the determining factors are kinds of electrolytes and the kind
of the metals to be used for the plates. The common dry cell is found to develop
1.5 volts of electrical force regardless of the size of the cell. Large amounts of
force can be obtained only by putting many cells in series.
The force developed by the generator depends on the number of coils in the
armature, on the speed of the armature, and on the strength of the magnetic field
from the field magnets, i.e., the number of lines of magnetic force cut by a coil
per second. The volt is known to be the unit of measure for electrical force.
Wherever an e.m.f is developed, there is also a field of energy called an
electrostatic field. This field can be detected by an electroscope, the strength
being measured by an electrometer.

2. New words:
dislodge // - tách khỏi
thermocouple / – cặp nhiệt điện
induction / – sự cảm ứng
e.m.f – electromotive force / – sức điện động
certain /- chắc chắn
alternating / - xoay chiều
withdrawn /  - rút ra
cell / – 01 đơn vị pin hoặc ắc quy
zinc / – kẽm
unidirectional / – đơn cực, một chiều
bar magnet /  – thanh nam châm
coil / – cuộn dây
needle / – cái kim (đồng hồ đo)
armature / – phần ứng
meter / – dụng cụ đo (đồng hồ)
plate / – bản, tấm
in series / – nối tiếp
exertion / - tác động
3. Read the words of the text and make 3 sentences:

measure, methods, heat, friction, obtain, electrolyte, source, figure, south,
field, however, exertion.
4. Find synonyms in the text the following words:
to make, substance, to name, force, to indicate, movement, to receive,
amount, since, usual, to apply, velocity, dimension, to define.
5. Give the English equivalents in the following words:
phụ thuộc vào, lực, trong điều kiện đó, trong một đơn vị thời gian, bất cứ khi nào,
bất cứ nơi nào, có sẵn, ở trên, về phía, lớn hơn
6. Translate following sentences from English into Vietnamese:
1. A compensator allows the motor to take an excess current without putting
a heavy overload on the mains.
2. We know water to flow with less resistance in a large pipe than in one of small
3. If we double the force pushing the electrons around the circuit, we expect them
to move twice as fast, all other things being equal.
4. To produce a current of one ampere in a copper wire one millimeter in
diameter we need that the average velocity of the electrons be only about 0.01 cm
per second.
5. The only way to stop or control the anode current is to decrease or remove the
anode voltage.
6. When the temperature becomes high enough for the atoms to evaporate, the
material or solid that they compose rapidly disintegrates.
7. A conducting material allows a continuous current to pass through it under the
action of a continuous e.m.f.
8. To measure current we use an ammeter connected in series with the resistance.
9. The action of an e.m.f causes electrons to move in some definite direction.
10. To break the electron loose from its atom the force tending to move it is not
7. Discuss one of the following topics:
1. Different methods of releasing electrical energy from matter.
2. The development of the electromotive force.
3. The direction of the e.m.f.
4. Batteries as a source of electrical energy.
5. The force developed by the generator.
6. The electrostatic field.

Unit 4


Being heated a magnet loses some or all of its magnetism. A magnet being

broken in two, each piece becomes a magnet with its own pair of poles. This

subdivision could be carried on until we were down to the smallest particle of

iron, a molecule. Conversely, two identical bar magnets being brought end to end

with opposite poles in close contact, the poles touching seem to disappear and we

have but two poles at the extreme ends. A tube of iron filings may be magnetized

by stroking it with a magnet in the usual way. The filings being shaken, the

magnetism disappears.

These facts give rise to the very plausible theory of magnetism generally

accepted. We know iron molecules to be magnets at all times. When they are

arranged in a bar of steel or iron so that the fields of force of all or most of the

molecules are in the same direction, their fields are added to one another and the

bar is a magnet. The little magnet molecules form chains, their poles

disappearing except at the ends of the chain. This condition is not an equilibrium

condition because of the like poles in adjacent chains repelling each other. The

rigidity of steel holds the molecules in this position. In soft iron, however, as

soon as we take the bar out of the magnetizing field, the molecules adjust

themselves on account of the repulsions of like poles of molecules in adjacent

chains, leaving the iron un-magnetized. We can see why hard steel makes

permanent magnets and soft iron does not.

We can also explain why soft iron has a higher permeability than steel.

When placed in a magnetic field, the molecules of steel do not readily turn

around in the direction of the lines of force. But this alignment is necessary if the

body is to absorb lines of force. Heating which increases molecular motion, or

jarring causes a magnet to be demagnetized due to its permitting the molecules to

adjust themselves to the equilibrium position.

1. New words:

bar magnet – thanh nam châm

filing – mạt giũa

plausible – đáng tin cậy

equilibrium – trạng thái cân bằng

adjacent – gần kề, liền kề

repel – đẩy

rigidity – sự cứng (rắn), tính chất cứng

pole – cực (từ),

like poles – cùng cực tính

unlike poles - khác cực tính

alignment – sự sắp xếp thẳng hàng

2. Study the following synonyms group of words and expressions. Make

suggestions, using expression data:

conversely, on the contrary;

under consideration, in question;

at hand, in point;

to meet the requirements, to fill the requirements;

meet the demands, to fill the demands;

thanks to, due to, owing to, because of, on account of, by virtue of.

3. Find in the text the following words antonyms. Make deals with them:

to appear, different, to attract, hard, low, to decrease, to acquire, up, likewise,


4. Examine the use and meaning of the word take in various combinations.

Translate the following sentences:

1. The escape of neutrons from any quantity of uranium is a surface effect

depending on the area of the surface, whereas fission action takes place

throughout the body and is therefore a volume effect.

2. The varying current from the television takes the place of the voice currents

from the microphone.

3. The discovery of the atomic battery may take its place alongside with nuclear

reactors in providing the world with new sources of electricity.

4. Many radio amateurs take advantage of radio transmitters with one vacuum

tube only.

5. It would take 100 million of small thimble sized atomic batteries to produce

enough electricity to light a 100-walt bulb, but its discovery is a very important


6. In atomic power plants special safety precautions must be taken to protect the

workers from the danger of radioactivity.

7. It will take not very much time to see the widespread use of semiconductors in

every-day life.

8. In metals conduction takes place through the motion of electrons.

5. Read the text again and answer the questions

1. What happens to a magnet: a) when it is heated or broken in two? b) when two

identical bar magnets are brought end to end with opposite poles in close


2. When does a bar become a magnet?

3. When do the molecules adjust themselves?

4. Why does hard steel make permanent magnets and why has soft iron a higher

permeability than steel?

6. Read the dialogue, restoring individual replica of one of the interlocutors


Demonstrator: What would happen if a freely suspended needle (compass) were

brought near a conductor carrying a current?

Student: In this case the needle would tend to place itself at right angles to the


Demonstrator: Well, --------------------------------------------------------?

Student: This indicates that a field about the conductor is reacting upon the field

about the magnetized needle.

Demonstrator: Why is the field ---------------------------------------------?

Student: We know the magnetic lines of force to tend not to cross over each

other. That’s why, the field about the conductor must be of a circular nature.

Demonstrator: All right. And how is a stronger magnetic field about the

conductor created?

Student: The conductor being wound into a coil, the fields about each tern

combine and create a strong magnetic field.

Demonstrator: How ----------------------------------------------------------?

Student: If a piece of iron is placed in the coil, the iron will become magnetized

by the electromagnetic field and an electromagnet is produced.

Demonstrator: When would the iron be demagnetized?

Student: If the electron flow through the coil ceased, the magnetic field would

collapse and the iron would no longer be magnetized.

Demonstrator: What can you say about permeability and retentivity in soft iron

and steel?

Student: Well, the soft iron has high permeability and low retentivity, while steel

has low permeability and high retentivity.

Demonstrator: -------------------------------------!!!

7. Dialogue new words

needle – (cái) kim

cease – dừng, ngừng, thôi

collapse – suy giảm nhanh, mất đi

permeability – độ từ thẩm

retentivity – từ dư

Unit 5

1. Read the text and highlight the main themes of the narrative


Electronics is the science dealing with devices operated by control of the

movement of electric charges in a vacuum, in gases, or semiconductors: or with

the processing of information or the control of energy by such devices. This

definition covers the whole complex family of vacuum and gaseous electron

tubes and their applications. It also includes metallic contact or semiconductor

rectifiers and the transistors which utilize the control of electrons or positive

charges (holes) to process information or to convert energy.

Electronics was born in the 19-th century. Like hydrolysis chemistry it has

come into its own only recently. Electronics first established itself, however, in

wireless telegraphy. Industrial applications of electronics include control

gauging, counting, heating, speed regulation, etc. But in a larger field, electronics

leads to automatic control of large-scale industrial operations.

Today, electronics has started a new era. Electronics devices are doing

simple, just human-like thinking. Some industries are controlled by electronic

robots. Automation is the industrial keynote of the day. Planes and rockets are

electronically controlled. Some radio-telescopes work like radar to receive radio

waves from outer space. Shortly speaking, electronics is not so much a new

subject as a new way of looking at electricity.

2. New words:

charge – điện tích

semiconductor – bán dẫn

tube – ống, ống phóng điện tử

rectifier – bộ chỉnh lưu

utilize – dùng, sử dụng

hole – lỗ trống

convert – biến đổi

has come into its own – nó nhận được (có được) một vị trí xứng đáng

keynote – chủ đạo

3. Read the following questions, get answers to them in the text and read


1. What is electronics?

2. When was electronics born?

3. Where did electronics first establish itself?

4. What does electronics lead to in a larger field?

5. What thinking is electronics doing?

6. In what branches of science and technology is electronics used?

4. Change the sentences using the passive voice, according to the model. Pay

special attention to the correct use of time.

Model: T.: Electronic devices have revolutionized life.

St.: Life has been revolutionized by electronic devices.

1. Our engineers have developed many new devices.

2. Mendeleyev observed interesting regularities in the properties of elements.

3. We use boilers for many purposes.

4. We frequently cannot burn fuels completely.

5. The application of electronics is changing the entire life of people.

6. Our engineers will design and construct new thermal power stations.

5. Change the proposal from the passive voice in sentences with active voice,

using a sample.

Model: T.: Human-like thinking is done by electronics.

St.: Electronics does human-like thinking.

1. A new phenomenon of electricity was discovered by Edison.

2. Tremendous hydro potential will be seen by the delegates in Siberia.

3. Computers are used by engineers in all the branches of economy.

4. Considerable scientific and technical progress has been achieved by our


5. Large atomic power stations are being constructed by the engineers in our

country, US, and UK.

Unit 6

1. Look at the text and try to understand what is at stake.


In 1948 a revolutionary concept was introduced to the electronics world: the

invention of the transistor, a crystal which amplified, was announced. Nothing

like this had happened in electronics since the discovery of the triode vacuum

tube in 1907; some years later radio tubes replaced the crystal detectors of the

wireless era.

Now a crystal amplifier, the transistor, challenges the vacuum tube because

transistors are smaller, simpler, more efficient, more rugged and longer lived.

Already transistors have replaced tubes in hearing aids, with unheard-of battery

economy. Moreover, many transistor circuits have fewer components than the

vacuum tube circuits, such as multi-vibrators. For example, in switching circuits,

such as multi-vibrators, one point-contact transistor will do the work of two

triode tubes.

The transistor is a current-operated device, whereas the vacuum tube is a

voltage-operated device. The transistor seems destined to become a relatively

high current, low-voltage device, although the vacuum tube is a high-voltage,

low current device. Transistors, because of their desirable properties, shortly may

replace electron tubes to a large extent in communication equipment, computers,

radio, and television receivers.

2. New word:

amplify – khuếch đại

unheard-of – chưa từng thấy

rugged – bền bỉ

challenge – thách thức

aid – trợ giúp

switch – chuyển mạch

point-contact transistor – transistor tiếp xúc

the transistor seems destined to become – transistor trở thành

receiver – bộ thu (nhận)

3. Ask general questions to the following proposals and give short answers:

1. The beginnings of all science lie far back near the dawn of human history.

2. The transformer grew out of the experiment of Faraday.

3. Both elements differ in their chemical and physical properties.

4. This mixture is placed into a test tube.

5. The rotor of a steam turbine consists of many-bladed fanlike wheels.

6. The resistivity of semiconductors will depend upon the direction of the current


7. The signal can be amplified, recorded, or modified by an electric circuit.

5. Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1. When were transistors invented?

2. When was the triode vacuum tube discovered?

3. What is the difference?

4. Why does the transistor challenge the vacuum tube?

5. What can you say about the destiny of transistors?

Unit 7

1. Read the text, try to understand its basic content and present what you

know about the devices, referred to herein. Did your knowledge about these

devices, understanding of the text?


The thyristor is a solid-state semiconductor device with four layers of

alternating N and P-type material. They act as a switch, conducting when their

gate receives a current pulse, and continue to conduct for as long as they are

forward biased (that is, as long as the voltage across the device has not reversed).

Some sources define silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) and thyristors as

synonymous; others define SCRs as a subset of thyristors, along with gate turn-

off thyristor (GTO), triode ac switch (triac), static induction transistor (SIT),

static induction thyristor (SITH) and MOS-controlled thyristor (MCT). Among

the latter, the International Electrotechnical Commission 60747-6 standard

stands out.

Non-SCR thyristors include devices with more than four layers, such as

triacs and DB-GTOs.

Figure 1. Structure on the physical and electronic level, and the thyristor symbol

The thyristor is a four-layer semiconducting device, with each layer

consisting of alternately N-type or P-type material, for example P-N-P-N. The

main terminals, labeled anode and cathode, are across the full four layers, and the

control terminal, called the gate, is attached to p-type material near to the

cathode. (A variant called a SCS - Silicon Controlled Switch brings all four

layers out to terminals.) The operation of a thyristor can be understood in terms

of a pair of tightly coupled Bipolar Junction Transistors, arranged to cause the

self-latching action.

Thyristors have three states:

Reverse blocking mode - Voltage is applied in the direction that would be

blocked by a diode.

Forward blocking mode - Voltage is applied in the direction that would cause a

diode to conduct, but the thyristor has not yet been triggered into conduction.

Forward conducting mode - The thyristor has been triggered into conduction and

will remain conducting until the forward current drops below a threshold value

known as the "holding current".

Figure 2. V-I Characteristics Figure 3. Layer diagram of thyristor

Function of the gate terminal

The thyristor has three p-n junctions (serially named J1, J2, J3 from the anode).

When the anode is at a positive potential Vak with respect to the cathode

with no voltage applied at the gate, junctions J1 and J3 are forward biased, while

junction J2 is reverse biased. As J2 is reverse biased, no conduction takes place

(Off state). Now if Vak is increased beyond the breakdown voltage VBO of the

thyristor, avalanche breakdown of J2 takes place and the thyristor starts

conducting (On state).

If a positive potential VG is applied at the gate terminal with respect to the

cathode, the breakdown of the junction J2 occurs at a lower value of Vak. By

selecting an appropriate value of VG, the thyristor can be switched into the on

state immediately.

It should be noted that once avalanche breakdown has occurred, the

thyristor continues to conduct, irrespective of the gate voltage, until either: a)

the potential VG is removed or; b) the current through the device (anode−cathode)

is less than the holding current specified by the manufacturer.

Hence VG can be a voltage pulse, such as the voltage output from a

unijunction transistor (UJT) relaxation oscillator.

These gate pulses are characterized in terms of gate trigger voltage (VGT)

and gate trigger current (IGT). Gate trigger current varies inversely with gate

pulse width in such a way that it is evident that there is a minimum gate charge

required to trigger the thyristor.

2. Read and learn:

solid-state – trạng thái rắn (thể rắn)

bias – độ lệch, phân cực; (bias voltage - điện áp phân cực)

subset – tập con

gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) – thyristor có thể khóa bằng cực cửa

triode ac switch – triac (công tắc xoay chiều 3 cực)

static induction transistor – transistor cảm ứng tĩnh

static induction thyristor – thyristor cảm ứng tĩnh

MOS-controlled thyristor (Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor – controlled thyristor)

- thyristor điều khiển bằng MOS

tightly – chặt, chặt chẽ

Silicon Controlled Switch – Công tắc silic điều khiển được

holding current – dòng giữ (duy trì)

gate terminal – cực cửa, cực cổng

UJT (unijunction transistor) – transistor một tiếp giáp

relaxation oscillator – dao động tích thoát

DB-GTO (Distributed Buffer Gate Turn-Off Thyristor) - GTO có tầng đệm

reverse blocking – khóa ngược

forward conducting – dẫn thuận

gate terminal – cực cửa

avalanche breakdown - hiệu ứng đánh thủng kiểu thác lũ

3. Read the words and phrases and call their equivalents in Vietnamese.

layer to conduct to define control terminal

gate self-latching threshold value junction

avalanche breakdown to occur irrespective

hence gate trigger voltage gate trigger current

4. Find a word in the text corresponding to the definitions given below:

1) a piece of equipment, a machine or tool used for a specific task;

2) the substance of which a thing is made or composed;

3) an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts;

4) a brittle metalloid element that exists in two allotropic forms; occurs

principally in sand, quartz, granite, feldspar, and clay;

5) the condition of a person, thing, etc., with regard to main attributes;

6) the course or line along which a person or thing moves, points, or lies;

7) a flow of electric charge through a conductor;

8) the attribute of matter by which it responds to electromagnetic forces

responsible for all electrical phenomena, existing in two forms to which the signs

negative and positive are arbitrarily assigned;

9) the least possible amount, degree, or quantity;

10) the linear extent or measurement of something from side to side, usually

being the shortest dimension or (for something fixed) the shortest horizontal


5. Find synonyms in the text to the words and make sentences with them

Рroducer, to take place, gadget, carry on, to form, case, to enlarge, acceptable,

substance, to assign, to incorporate.

Unit 8

1. Read the text and transfer it to the main content in Vietnamese


V. V. Petrov (1761–1834) was the follower of Lomonosov in studying

electricity in Russia. He deserved the right to be called a pioneer of the world

electrical engineering.

An actual member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences and professor of

the Medical Academy of Surgery, he was always in the course of all the

achievements of the world scientific thought, he mastered its most progressive

ideas and contributed much to the cause of science. His good knowledge of

Latin, English, French and German greatly helped him in doing this.

Petrov’s investigations on the nature of the luminosity of bodies which is

called luminescence are widely known. This problem occupied the minds of the

progressive scientists tending to divine its nature during many centuries.

Having carried on many experiments and tests on luminescence, Petrov

published a great number of articles on this subject. According to Academician

Vavilov’s conclusion he succeeded in dividing the two conceptions:

luminescence and semi-luminescence. The range of his scientific interests was

extremely wide. For example, he carried out an extensive work, practically

proving Lavoisier’s theory of oxygen and, besides, studied the oxidation of

various bodies.

Up to the 90-ties of the 18-th century it was only immovable distribution of

electrical charges in bodies that was known. In 1791 Luigi Galvani discovered

the electrical current, i.e., the motion of electrical charges through conductors.

Galvani was succeeded by Volta who carried out a good deal of investigations in

the field of Galvanic electricity. In 1800 Volta constructed an apparatus known to

everybody at present as the voltaic pile.

Petrov’s attention was immediately drawn to the first generator of electric

current and he built a gigantic voltaic pile of his own. Having constructed the

generator of Galvanic electricity of unusual size, the Russian investigator was

able to make many discoveries of great importance. Petrov’s book (1802) in

which he clearly described his battery made him an innovator in this field of

science and enabled everybody to make a battery and to carry on experiments

with it.

Only electrical sparks jumping between two electrodes were known before

Petrov’s time. In 1802 something entirely different was discovered by him,

namely – the permanent flame, setting up between two char-coals under current.

He pointed out the possibility of using the electric arc lighting. Three years

before the famous London voltaic pile was constructed, the Russian innovator

had constructed his own one having 100 Galvanic couples more than that

presented by Davy.

The electric arc discovered by Petrov became later the first source of

electric lighting put to service. Another Russian innovator F. Yablochkov used

this idea in his electrical lighting known abroad under the name of the “Russian


Petrov was the first to discover the possibility of getting metals out of ores

by means of electricity. The very fact of these discoveries gives the right to call

Petrov a pioneer of modern electrical engineering and electrical metallurgy.

2. Read the following words of the text:

electricity extensive pile

achievement oxygen Galvanic
contribute oxidation generator
luminosity charge gigantic
investigation current spark
luminescence conductor electrode
divine apparatus permanent
scientific voltaic

3. Find synonyms, examples of their use.

To be called, to achieve, broad, different, age, movement, research, branch,

uncommon, constant, to show, well known, pair, to reach, motion, field, to point

out, wide, various, to be named, unusual, investigation, permanent, couple,


4. Correct the sentences. Start your answer with the following expressions:

Far from it.

I fully agree.

I differ from you.

I doubt it.

Nothing of the kind.

If I remember rightly... Exactly so.

1. Petrov was the follower of Lomonosov in studying metallurgy in Russia.

2. Petrov investigated the nature of the luminosity of current which is called


3. In the 18-th century not only distribution of electrical charges in bodies was


4. In 1802 Petrov discovered the electrical current.

5. In 1791 Luigi Galvani constructed an apparatus known to everybody at present

as the voltaic pile.

6. Petrov built a gigantic voltaic pile of his own in 1800.

7. In 1802 Petrov’s book was published where he clearly described his battery.

8. Galvani pointed out the possibility of using the electric arc lighting.

9. Later the electric arc discovered by Volta became the first source of electric

lighting put to service.

10. Petrov is a pioneer of modern electrical engineering.

5. Make sentences using the following words and phrases:

to deserve the right, a great number of, to draw the attention, a good deal, to put

to service.

6. Answer the following questions:

1. Whose follower was V.V. Petrov?

2. What name does he fully deserve?

3. What helped him greatly in his scientific work?

4. Which of Petrov’s investigations are widely known?

5. What did Petrov succeed in according to Academician Vaviliv’s conclusion?

6. What was known about the distribution of electrical charges in bodies up to the

90-ties of the 18-th century?

7. When was the electric current discovered?

8. What do you know about Volta’s investigations?

9. What device did Petrov build?

10. When did Petrov’s book appear?

11. What was discovered by Petrov in 1802?

12. What device became the first source of electric lighting put to service?

13. What other discoveries by Petrov do you know?

14. What Russian innovator used Petrov’s idea?

8. Read the dialogue and learn the parts of A or B.


А.: Where does the word “electricity” come from?

В.: It comes from the Greek word “electron” meaning amber.

А.: When was electricity discovered?

B.: The idea of electricity was known as early as about 600 years before our era.

A.: When was the study of electricity begun?

B.: It was begun in 1600 by Dr. Gilbert who made experiments with electricity.

A.: Did Russian scientists play any part in the development of electrical science?

B.: Yes, they did. Many Russian scientists and inventors made a great

contribution to the world science of electricity.

A.: Name some of them, please.

B.: The name of Lomonosov should be mentioned first. It is he who discovered

that electricity is a form of movement.

A.: What did the Russian scientists Petrov and Yablochkov do for the

development of the science of electricity?

B.: Petrov V.V. discovered the electric arc that later on became the first source of

electric lighting put to service. And Yablochkov used this idea for his “candle”

called “the Russian light”.

A.: I see, that is why Petrov V.V. is called the pioneer of modern electrical


Unit 9


1. Read the text and translate to Vietnamese

The principles underlying magnetism, electromagnetism and

electromagnetic induction are combined in the creation of electrical energy from

mechanical energy (generators) and in the creation of mechanical energy from

electrical energy (motors).

The generator consists of an outer frame or yoke to which are attached the

pole pieces, always even in number, about which are erected the field windings.

A cylinder of laminated iron called the armature, with longitudinal slots to

contain the armature coils, is mounted on bearings so that it can rotate in the

magnetic field set up by the pole pieces. One end of the armature terminates in a

pair of slip rings. These are solid brass alloy rings fixed to the armature, the

respective armature coil terminals being connected to each ring. Carbon brushes

rest upon the slip rings in order to provide the current with a path to an external


We know the field poles to be wound with wire in such a direction that the

magnetic field strength is increased when direct current from an outside source is

supplied to the field windings. A variable resistance, referred to as a field

rheostat, is placed in this circuit to permit control of the field strength.

Armature: The armature of a generator is rotated in the magnetic field

between the field poles by some mechanical device. This may be a steam engine,

a gasoline engine, an electric motor or some other agency. The rotation of the

armature upon which the armature coils are wound causes the coils to cut the

magnetic lines of force between the field poles. Inasmuch as the direction of

electron flow is determined by the direction of conductor movement in relation to

magnetic flux, current will flow in opposite directions in the opposite coil sides.

This occurs because during one half revolutions one side is moving up through

the field, the other side moving down through it. In the next half revolution,

however, the first side moves down through the field, while the second moves

up. It is apparent that alternating current is generated and fed through the slip

rings and brushes to the external circuit.

Frequency. The number of times per second the current reverses itself is

known to be its frequency and is determined by the speed of the armature and the

number of field poles. Thus a generator with two sets of field poles, whose

armature turns 1 complete revolution per second (rps), would have frequency of

2 cycles. With one set of field poles, an armature must turn 2 rps to attain the

same frequency.

2. New words:

yoke – gông (magnetic yoke - gông từ)

laminated – dạng lá mỏng
longitudinal – theo chiều dọc
slot – rãnh
slip ring – vành trượt
solid – cứng
brass – đồng thau
rheostat – cái biến trở
agency – trung gian
inasmuch as – bởi vì
revolution – vòng quay
rps – vòng/giây

Unit 10


1. Read the text and translate to Vietnamese

Induction-Motor Principle: In the electric motor, conversion of electrical

power (or energy) to mechanical power (or energy) is known to take place in the

rotating part of the machine. In the d-c motor and in one type of a-c motors, the

electrical power is conducted directly to the rotor through brushes and a

commutator; in this respect it is possible to designate such a machine as a

conduction motor. In the most common type of a-c motors electrical power is not

conducted to the rotor directly; the rotor receives its power inductively in exactly

the same way as the secondary of a transformer receives its power. It is for this

reason that motors of this type are known as induction motors. In fact, it will

become apparent, as the analysis proceeds, that it will be extremely useful to

think of an induction motor as a sort of rotating transformer, i.e., one in which a

stationary winding is connected to the a-c source, while the other winding,

mounted on a structure that is free to turn, receives its power by transformer

action while it rotates.

The principle of the induction motor was first discovered in 1824, when the

following interesting phenomenon was shown: if a non-magnetic disk and a

compass are pivoted with their axes parallel, so that one or both of the compass

poles are located near the edge of the disk, the compass will rotate if the disk is

made to spin, or the disk will rotate if the compass is made to spin. The direction

of the induced rotation in one element is always the same as that imparted to the

other. Such an experiment can be readily performed if a simple copper or

aluminum disk and a rather large compass are both mounted on the same vertical

stem so that each may be rotated in its own bearing independently of the other.

There is no more effective way to demonstrate the principle of the induction

motor, of which there are several types. If the disk were rotated, the compass

would follow at a speed always less than that of the disk; if the compass were

rotated, the disk would follow the former at a lower speed.

It should be clearly understood that motor action (rotation of the disk) is

developed by induction. The current in the rotor (disk) is the result of

electromagnetic induction, which, it will be remembered; requires that there be

relative motion between flux and conductors. Thus, if the mechanical load on the

rotor increases, the rotor slows down; this slowing down means greater relative

motion between flux and rotor, a greater voltage and current, and hence more

power to take care of the added load. In other words, the power developed by the

rotor automatically adjusts itself to the power required to drive the load.

In the actual motor, the rotor is obviously not a disk, but a well designed

structure consisting of a laminated core containing a winding; nor is the main

field a single concentrated pole moved by hand, but an even number of poles

formed by a distributed winding in a slotted stator. The stator poles are formed

by the interaction of the fields of two or three phases, their result being the

creation of an effect that is equivalent to a set of revolving poles.

2. New words:

brush – chổi (than)

commutator – chuyển mạch

induction motor – động cơ cảm ứng (động cơ không đồng bộ)
to pivot – xoay
relative motion – chuyển động tương đối
axe – trục
flux – từ thông
to spin – quay tròn
added load – chất tải, thêm tải

Unit 11


1. Read the text and translate to Vietnamese

Unlike the generator, a transformer cannot be used to convert mechanical

energy into electrical energy, it being able to transform electrical energy from

one circuit at the same or some other voltage.

Essentially, a transformer consists of two coils, not electrically connected to

each other, but wound over a common core. The core may also be of open type

or it may be merely a tube of some insulating material, the latter being referred

to as an air core.

If a varying voltage be applied to the primary coil, the electromagnetic field

set up around the coil will rise and fall in accordance with the e.m.f. variations

applied. This moving field cuts the turns in the secondary coil and induces an

e.m.f. therein. The value of this induced e.m.f. depends upon the strength of the

applied e.m.f. and the ratio of secondary turns to primary turns. Should there be

twice as many turns in the secondary as in the primary, the voltage in the

secondary would be twice that applied to the primary. If there were half as many

turns in the secondary, the voltage would be half that applied to the primary. This

voltage step up or step down in proportion to turn ratio will hold good for all

combinations. Where the voltage is raised, however, amperage is lost in the

same proportions, and vice versa. Therefore, the power in watts supplied to the

transformer is the same as that drawn from it, assuming the transformer to be 100

per cent efficient. The copper losses, or ohmic resistance of the windings, and the

core losses due to induction of eddy currents in the core material, as well as

hysteresis or molecular friction caused by changing polarity of the current

applied, all combined to reduce modern transformer efficiency to about 90


Transformers are classed according to the use they are designed for. Where

it is desired to step up a low-voltage a.c. supply to a value useful for radio

receivers and transmitters, a power transformer is used. The windings are

sufficiently heavy to carry the current without undue heating, and the secondary

may consist of two or more separate windings to provide various voltages from

the one input source.

As the iron core increases, the inductive reactance of the transformer

increases, and inasmuch as this type of reactance also increases. With the

frequency of the applied alternating current, there is a limit to the frequencies

that can be efficiently used in transformers with metallic cores. Where very high

frequency alternating current is used, such as in the r-f circuits of receivers and

transmitters, air core transformers must be used to eliminate prohibitive core


2. New words:

to convert – biến đổi

voltage – điện áp
coil – cuộn dây
core – lõi (từ)
insulating material – vật liệu cách điện
turn – vòng (dây)
to induce – cảm ứng

amperage – đo dòng điện
eddy – xoáy, eddy current - dòng điện xoáy
core losses – tổn thất lõi thép
undue – quá mức
inductive reactance – điện kháng
e.m.f. – sức điện động


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