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République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Ministre de l'enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

Université 20 Aout 1955 Skikda

Département Génie Electrique

3er Année Licence

Unit 1 : Conductors, insulators and semiconductors

Exercice01 :

1. An electric current is the flow of free electrons.

2. Conductors are materials that belong to the first group.
3. Conductors are materials that allow an electric current to pass through.
4. Some flow of electrons is allowed by all insulators.
5. Germanium exhibits properties of both an insulator and a conductor at different

Exercise 2 :

1. All material can be classified into three groups according to how readily they permit an
electric current to flow (line 3):

b) All materials

2. Under certain conditions, they allow a current to flow easily but under others they behave as
insulators (line 16):

a) Conductors

3. These are known as thermistors. (line 18) :

c) Mixtures of certain metallic oxides.

4. They are therefore used in temperature-sensing devices:

a) Thermistors.

Exercise 3:

1. False. "Electrons flow from negative to positive."

2. True. "Copper is an excellent conductor."
3. False. "Not all metals are good conductors. For example, copper is an excellent
conductor, but gold is a poor one."
4. False. "Not all good conductors are metals. Graphite, for example, is a good
conductor even though it is not a metal."
5. False. "Air is a very poor conductor and is often used as an insulator."
6. False. "Rubber is a good insulator."
7. True. "These are known as thermistors. Mixtures of certain metallic oxides in which
the resistance decreases with an increase in temperature. They are therefore used in
temperature-sensing devices."

8. II. Use of English:

1. The coil is connected in a series with a resistor, WHOSE VALUE IS 249 OHMS.
2. The supply is fed to the distribution substation WHERE THE SUPPLY IS REDUCED TO
415 V.
3. Workers require a high degree of illumination WHILE THEY ASSEMBLE VERY SMALL
5. The signal passes to the detector WHERE THE SIGNAL IS RECTIFIED.
6. A milliammeter is an instrument USED FOR MEASURING SMALL CURRENTS.
7. Workers require illumination of 300 lux WHILE THEY ASSEMBLE HEAVY MACHINERY.
8. Armoured cables are used in places WHERE THERE IS A RISK OF MECHANICAL

2. Reason and result connectives 1 :

1.Soft iron is used in electromagnets because it can be magnetized easily, therefore allowing
for the generation of a magnetic field.

2.The voltage is 250 V and the current 5 A, therefore the resistance is 50 ohms.

3. Pvc is used to cover cables because it is a good insulator, therefore preventing electric
shocks or current leakage.
4. Transistors can be damaged by the heat, therefore care must be taken when soldering
5. Capacitance is usually measured in microfarads or pico-farads because the farad is too
large a unit.
6. Output transistors are mounted on a heat sink because output transistors generate heat,
therefore requiring the use of a heat sink to dissipate the heat.
7. It is easy to control the speed of DC motors because DC motors are used when variable
speeds are required.
8. A cathode ray tube screen glows when an electron beam strike it because the screen is
coated with a phosphor, therefore causing the screen to emit light when struck.

3. Mathematical symbols used in electrical engineering and electronics:

1. Power (P) is equal to current (I) squared times resistance (R).( P = I^2 x R)
2. The total resistance (Rtot) is equal to the inverse of the sum of the inverse of each individual
resistance (R).
3. Flux density (B) is proportional to magnetic field intensity (H). (B α H)
4. Inductive reactance (XL) is equal to the square root of the square of the impedance (Z) minus
the resistance (R).
5. The frequency tolerance is approximately 0.04% per degree Celsius.( ≈ 0.04 % / o C)
6. Impedance (Z) is equal to the square root of the product of 5 and 4 times the quantity 200
multiplied by 10 to the power of 10 divided by 100 multiplied by 10 to the power of 10.
Unit 2 : Circuit élements

Exercise 1 : Rewrite sentences replacing the words in italics with expressions from the passage
which has a similar meaning:

1. A lamp converts electrical energy into light

* A lamp transforms electrical energy into light.

2. The generator provides the circuit with electromotive force.

* The generator supplies the circuit with electromotive force.

3. The metal frame of the oscilloscope is part of its transmission system.

* The oscilloscope's metal frame is part of its transmission system.

4. The rheostat controls the current flow in the circuit.

* The rheostat regulates the current flow in the circuit.

5. A battery of a solar cells supplies power to the circuit

* A battery composed of solar cells supplies power to the circuit.


1. Current moves from a point of high potential energy to one of low potential. (line 1)

*Refer to (Current)

2. For example, it may be a generator or a battery. (line 7)

*refer to (The source)

3. It is often possible, however, for the metal frame of a unit to be one section of its transmission
system. (line 13)

* refer to (The unit's)

4. Although the function of this circuit is much more complex than that of the flashlight, it too
consists of the four elements. (line 27)

*refer to (This circuit)


1/ True. "A difference in potential is required before current can flow in a circuit."

2/True. "A generator is a source of electromotive force."

3/ False. "Loads convert electrical energy into light and heat." There is no mention of wires in this

4/True. "A rheostat may be used as a control."

5/False. There is no mention of a solar cell in the flashlight circuit.

6/True. "Loads convert electrical energy into light and heat."

7/False. There is no mention of a satellite circuit or a solar cell.

8/False. There is no mention of a satellite circuit or a relay.

9/False. There is no comparison made between the flashlight circuit and the satellite circuit.

II. Use of language :

Describing function :

a./ Capacitor - The function of a capacitor is to add capacitance to a circuit. Capacitance is the ability
to store an electric charge.

b./ Rectifier - The function of a rectifier is to rectify alternating currents. A rectifier converts an AC
current, which periodically reverses direction, into a DC current, which flows in only one direction.

c. /Resistor - The function of a resistor is to add resistance to a circuit. Resistance is the opposition to
the flow of electric current.

d. /Ammeter - The function of an ammeter is to measure very small currents. An ammeter is a device
that measures electric current in amperes.

e./ Fuse - The function of a fuse is to break a circuit when the current flowing through it exceeds a
certain level. This is done to protect the circuit from damage due to overheating.

f./ Circuit breaker - The function of a circuit breaker is to protect a circuit by interrupting the flow of
current when the current exceeds a certain level.

g./ Rheostat - The function of a rheostat is to vary the current in a circuit. A rheostat is a device that
can adjust the resistance in a circuit, which in turn controls the amount of current flowing through
the circuit.

h. /Transformer - The function of a transformer is to transform AC voltages. A transformer is an

electrical device that can increase or decrease the voltage of an AC current.

i./ Antenna - The function of an antenna is to receive RF (radio frequency) signals. An antenna is a
device that is used to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves.

j./ Bandpass filter - The function of a bandpass filter is to select a frequency. A bandpass filter is a
device that allows a specific range of frequencies to pass through, while blocking frequencies outside
of that range.

Describing purpose:

*A voltmeter is used to measure voltage.

*A soldering iron is used to join metal surfaces with melted solder.

*A milli-ammeter is used to measure very small currents.

*An oscilloscope is used to display and analyze electrical signals.

*A heat sink is used to dissipate heat from electronic components.

*Wire-clippers are used to cut wires.

*A mega-ohmmeter is used to measure very high resistance.

*An ohmmeter is used to measure resistance.

*A signal generator is used to produce electrical signals for testing and measurement purposes.

*A battery charger is used to charge batteries.

3. Relative clause 2: making definition

1/A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

2/An insulator is a material that does not readily release electrons.

3/ An alternating current is a current that flows first in one direction then in the other.

4/ A direct current is a current that flows in one direction only.

5/ A resistor is a device that impedes the flow of current in a circuit.

6/A conductor is a material that readily releases electrons.

7/A light meter is an instrument that measures light.

8/An ammeter is an instrument that measures current.

4. Terms used in electrical engineering and electronics:

Identify the following components in the circuit of the amplifier and wire out their value in full:

1/the current is equal to the voltage divided by the value of resistance

2/ Flux density (B) is proportional to magnetic field intensity (H). (B α H)

3/ Power (P) is equal to current (I) squared times resistance (R).( P = I^2 x R)





8/y equal the inverse of power p



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