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Name: Nikki Shann V.

Casas Course&year: BEEd- III

Date: February 17, 2021 Final exam
Course Title: Educ 321

1.  School culture plays an important role in the success of every educational

institution.  How do you understand School Culture?  Discuss your idea
thoroughly. (10 pts)

 School culture is the way things are done in the school, it is basically the
personality of a school, where underlies the norms, values that shape the
behavior, attitudes and expectations between stakeholders in the school. School
culture is important because it provides safe and supportive environment that
leads to the achievement of the school. It contributes to how the school manifests
and runs the system in the school of how one should act from the head to staff
and students. It is about how the staffs work together with the set of values and
beliefs and assumptions are shared to have a harmonious and peaceful

2. What are the four existing school culture.  Explain each culture thoroughly.  (10

 The four existing cultures are: Individualism, Collaboration, Contrived

collegiality, Balkanization
a. Individualism – it is a self-dependent culture which choosing to oneself rather
than a group. This culture is isolating oneself to work alone cause for one, it is
better to do activities alone without getting support from anyone to teachers,
staffs and students.
b. Collaboration – collaboration is culture that work together as one to achieve
one common goal. There is diversity, sharing, support and communication. This
mean to work as a team, there should be a collaboration. It is having mutual trust
and respectful environment.
c. Contrived Collegiality – it is how the authorities or the school staff especially
among teachers imposes ideas for the organization or school. This is regulated
by administration and it is mandatory.
d. Balkanization - Teachers within balkanized culture are strongly isolated and do not
usually participate in other groups. Here, teachers’ professional development occurs
within the limits of the cultural group.
3. What are the elements of school culture?  Give a brief description of each.  (10 pts)
 The elements of school culture are: mission, vision, values, rituals, traditions and
a. mission – school’s mission is the underlying purpose and foundation of school
through embodied statement and organizational statements.
b. vision – it is the clear overview of the schools values and objectives. It is the
schools provides purpose, meaning, and significance to the work of
the school and enables them to motivate and empower the staff to contribute to
the realization of the vision.
c. values – it is the positive characteristics that should be showed by the staff
and students of the school. It is desirable attitudes that should students aim to
d. rituals – these are the school’s practices that are meaningful that have a real sense
of purpose.

e. traditions – these are special small events that has significant meaning that
occur yearly.
d. ceremonies – it is a major event and transition point for students, parents, and
teachers. It is a time for students, parents, and teachers to celebrate their hard work and

4. Discuss briefly the levels of school culture.(10 pts)

5. What makes a school culture toxic?  Discuss 5.  (10 pts)
 These are what makes a school culture toxic:
1. Lack of clear sense of purpose. This means that the school has no definite
direction. Schools is not driven by purpose to have direction and to achieve the
2. Have the norms that reinforce inertia. This means that forcing everyone to
do the same track uniformly.
3. Blame students for lack of progress. It is one of toxic culture that school
should avoid. It is not the students should be blame for the lack of progress
because it is the schools responsibility and accountability to give students
programs to achieve the success of students learning. Passing the students the
mistakes while it should be the system of the school may lack of programs and
4. Discourage collaboration. Depriving collaboration means depriving
cooperation, respect, trust, and teamwork. Working alone is better than together.
It is surely toxic environment that letting students to be selfish.
5. Often have actively hostile relations among staff. It is student lack of
relationship to staff making students lack of being pleasant, respect and friendly.
6. How will innovation takes place successfully in school?  (10 pts)
 Innovation will takes place successfully in the school by the school is willing to
take risks, open to new knowledge, letting their teachers to attend seminars and
development program that will enhance their skills and acquire knowledge that
will lead to successful innovation. School will be successful if innovation is
initiated by the teacher leader. If the school let its teachers to gain expertise and
experiences that will help them to become effective and efficient as well as
productive individual.

7. How many years of teaching experience should a teacher have in order to be ready
in assuming leadership role?  Support your answer.  (5 pts)
 According to the book, most teachers who took leadership role, it takes 33 years.
It is because a teacher must gain expertise become effective and efficient leader.
This should be done gaining degree that give competence to a teacher. It took
years to build credibility to be competent. To have leadership development, one
must undergo programs like masteral to doctoral degree.

8. How do you understand Teacher Leadership?  Discuss your ideas.

 Teacher leadership is a teacher which has administrative function. One who is
competent to facilitate learning while have management skills to run organization.
A role of leading in best practice, accumulated wide experience and
collaboration. They are the one who act as a role model. They improve
curriculum and instruction and promotes innovation for schools improvement and

9. What do you think are the hindrances that turn teachers from assuming leadership
roles?  Discuss 3 reasons.

 Lack of experience and expertise. It is because leadership roles need wide

range of professional experience. Gaining knowledge and mastering how to
make decisions for betterment of the organization.

 Lack of support and encouragement from administrations. This is hindrance

because there is no encouragement and the teachers are no development in
their proficiency. There will be lack of progress.

 Ensuring Egalitarianism. Teachers also questioned the premise that a peer

could possess expert knowledge or presume to act on it.
10. As a teacher leader in the 21 century, what should you possess in order to become

effective.  Discuss 3.

As a teacher leader in the 21st century, I should possess the following in order to
become effective:
 Research skills – this will be able a teacher to ability to find an answer to a
question or a solution to a problem. Research skills include the ability to gather
information about your topic, review that information and analyze and interpret
the information in a manner that brings us to a solution.
 Innovation skills – this ability to make new ideas or creating for improvement.
Teachers must have this to not be stagnant in their skills and abilities and to
contribute for success.
 Planning - The ability to think about and successfully manage activities, with the
help of any available resources, to achieve specific goals.

11. Before a teacher can assume leadership roles, he she has to go through different
phases or stages.  Write some steps sequentially.

The major findings of this study are as follows:

(1) Teacher leaders are classroom teachers first, who are primarily focused on positively
impacting students;
(2) teacher leaders are introspective about their roles;
(3) teacher leaders overcome their fears;
(4) teacher leaders successfully navigate egalitarianism, seniority, and administrative
gatekeeping on their path to action and agency;
(5) teacher leaders positively build, maintain, function and communicate in a learning
community; and
(6) teacher leaders engage themselves and others in positive change within the school.

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