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Office Manual – is a printed communication of general understanding between employer

and employees and thus a intended to foster goal relation written then.

- Relieves the manual and/or supervisor of having to disseminate information,

explanation or instructions to employees from time to time.


 Organizational Manuals – described the organizational structure of the

company its major objectives and product produced or service rendered.
 Policy Manual – is a basic guide to action in that it prescribed the overall
boundaries within which activities are to take place.
 Manual of Procedure – these condition will finally necessitate some clear cut
method of bringing together all general to specific instructions, and binding these
in such a manner that they can be used as “bible” or source of reference.
 Employees Manuals – it purposed to familiarize employee with those things that
relate to their employment relationship with the organization.


 Sales Manual – deals with such topics of identifying prospective customers

making an effective sales presentation designed to overcome sales resistance
and of course, finally how to close a sale.
 Desk Manual – it deals with such topics are typing, taking dictations,
transcribing, scheduling conference and appointments letter writing and others.
 Filing Manual – matters involving filing of letters, document, records,
memoranda and the like are included in manuals of office rules and regulations.
 Correspondence Manual – is published for the purpose of providing
standardization of written communication within an organization and moreover
assist in solving most letter writing problems that a company have.
 Manual of Purchasing – large organizations engaged in manufacturing have
given close attention to the function of procurement so much so that for the guide
of the purchasing officer and members of his staff, important guidelines are set
forth in a manual of purchasing.

Important matters included in this matter:

1. Quantity
2. Timing
3. Source of Supply

 Equipment Manuals – are frequently formulated by the supplier of office

equipment to describe its proper operation and the services for maintenance and
repair that are available from the supplier.
Important Guidelines:

1. Use simple, easy to understand, words and phrases which are not susceptible to
any misinterpretation. As such, in keeping with the requirements of good
language, sentences must be accurate clear and concise.
2. Discussions or explanations should be appropriate to the circumstances.
3. The manual must be composed of these R’s easy reading, reference and
4. The manual to be continuous help to the office.


Values and Importance of Supervisions

- Values and Importance of Supervisions of Management Supervision may be
described as “the function of assuring that action is taking place correctly in
accordance with plans and instructions.

Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisor

- A supervisor has varied duties and responsibilities.

Such duties and responsibilities according to Leslie R. Beach and Elon L. Clark in the
book “Psychology in Business” consist of the following :

a. To schedule and allocate work for employees.

b. To coordinate and supervise the performance of employees.
c. To see that the work is done promptly, efficiently, and at minimum cost.


Supervisor Guide to the Supervision of Office Employees.

a. Always be Courteous to your employees as well as to the various public

company deals with.
b. Recognize the fact that questions from your employees are generally the result of
their understandable lack of knowledge- and not on stupidity.
c. All such questions should be entertained with an attentive and listening ear.
d. Never forget the feedback coming from your employees for whatever instruction
given to them.
e. Answer only questions pertaining to your individual responsibility.
f. Always adopt an open communication policy.
g. Always respect the dignity of the employee.
h. In the event some misunderstanding to listen to both sides of the story.
i. If a penalty is to be imposed, such penalty should be tailored fit to the offense.
j. Make your decision as prompt as called for the circumstances.

- Most women don’t work for the same reasons than men do. Nor are they
enveloped by the same ambitions. Women usually are not as keenly interested
as men in getting ahead on the job.

Effective Management of Women Employees

1. Never generalize about women
2. Use care in replacement
3. Be courteous and considerate
4. Treat woman as individuals
5. Be impartial
6. Stress consistency
7. Try to pay attention to improving working conditions
8. Develop social relationships
9. Follow-up on new employee
10. Spot the cause of grievance to effect a solution

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