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Using less paper Reduce, reuse, and


Stop sending trash and

Conserving water
chemicals into our waterways

Planting trees Choosing sustainable


Activity 2

1. Shampoo What I know about shampoos is that it has

chemicals that could be harmful to the
2. Soap Soap, just like shampoo have harmful chemicals
which could have negative effect to our
3. Egg Intensive production of egg could also give
negative effects to the environment like soild
and water contamination.
4. Dairy products Dairy product production could produce gases
that could add to the greenhouse gases to our
5. Paper Paper are produced from tress and too much
production of paper causes more plants to be
cut off.
6. Toothbrush  Tooth brush are made of plastics,
and plastic harms
the environment due to the
materials used to make it.
7. Toothpaste The chemicals of toothpaste are composed of
different materials that could be a cause of water
8. Cellphone From the manufacturing of cellphone up to using
it causes environmental problems. I have read
news that bees could be affected by
electromagnetic radiation
9. Electricity Almost all form of electricity could produce
waste. These includes air pollution and water
10. Rice Product Rice production requires high inputs of
water, higher than any other grain.
Diverting freshwater to irrigate rice
paddies can have detrimental
environmental effects

Activity 3.

1. The pictures are about the destruction of nature especially climate change. We could see the effects
of our actions to the environment. It is sad to see these kinds of images that reflects our negligence in
handling our environment. These images are made to spread awareness and make statement that we
have to take good care of our environment.

2. The relevance of there pictures to our environment is it shows us the reality of what is really
happening to our environment. Just like the melting icebergs. Melting of these gigantic ice bergs means
that the poles are heating up and it would mean rise of water levels to our oceans. Reports and studies
suggested the rise of water level on different areas of our planet. In the Philippines some areas have
already been submerged in water.

3. These consequences affects our lives in different ways. Example the first picture
shows us a child inhaling air from a compressed plant. It shows that if we continue
cutting our tress it will greatly effect the oxygen level In our environment. The
melting of Icebergs affects the balance in the ocean levels. The last picture gives us
the idea that we are killing our land due to too much heat entering our atmosphere.
With too much greenhouse traps the heat in our planet that causes too much heat.

Activity 3
I pledge that I will take good care of the environment around me. I will put every
effort to make the planet earth a better and greener place to live in and in order to
achieve it, I will try to protect it and educate others. I will also reduce consumption of
all sorts of products and to no over use the nature’s resources. I will also not litter and
do efforts in managing my waste. I will also join campaigns that promote planting of

Activity 6

We are on this point of our times that we are experiencing the wrath of nature and it
goes down to human’s greedy nature. We are taking too much from our nature and
most often not replacing it. Example, papers and wood products came from tress but
sad to say some of those who cut these tress are not replacing or not planting new
tress to compensate for what they have cut. Over fishing also greatly affects the
environment. Fishes are not growing enough because unrestricted fishing. Videos
showing sharks being cut off of their fins and are thrown away lifeless. This is clear
evidence of overfishing and a clear evidence of human’s greediness and negligence.
Rivers are also being poisoned by chemicals from the factories near it which kills the
animals that are relying to it. These all are because we want to earn something and not
doing anything to sustain it. We have to think of our future generations. What if we
have use all of nature’s resources what will happen to the next generations. I saw a
quote that says "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and
the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money." These
quotes explain our lack of compassion to the environment.

Activity 7

Solving the problem of climate change will be a though job if only few people will do
it. I want to educate others about it and, I hope to encourage others to learn about the
cause and effect of climate change. Given the platform of social media I will use it as
a medium for informing others about climate change. I will share and post contents
about climate change and hope to reach many people. It will be a chain reaction if
enough people are aware about the cause and effect of climate change.

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