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United High School, Hassan

First Preparatory Examination April -2021

CLASS: 10 Subject: Science Time: 3hour 15mins
Date: 27.04.2021 M.M: 80
Part – A – Physics
I. Four alternatives are given for each of the incomplete statements /
questions. Choose the correct alternative and write it in your answer
script along with the alphabet: 2x1=2
1. The phenomena of electromagnetic induction is due to the process of
A. Charging a body
B. Generating magnetic field due to current passing through a coil.
C. Producing induced current in a coil due to relative motion between a
magnetic and the coil.
D. Rotating a coil of an electric motor.

2. A major problem in harnessing nuclear energy through nuclear fission is

A. Sustaining chain reaction
B. Splitting the nucleus
C. Converting nuclear energy to electric energy
D. Disposal of nuclear wastes

II. Answer the following in one sentence each: 2x1=2

3. Filament of the bulbs are enclosed in a glass envelope. Give reason?
To avoid oxidising of tungsten element with atmospheric oxygen.

4. What is the expression for electric power in a circuit of resistance ‘R’. When a
constant current ‘I’ flows through it.
Electric power, P = I2R
Where ‘P’ is power, I = current, R = Resistance

III. Answer the following in 2 – 3 sentences each: 3x2=6

5. Draw a neat diagram showing the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.
State the direction of magnetic field lines outside the bar magnet.
Refer 119 Part I textbook.
Figure 13.4 Field lines around a bar magnet.
• The direction of magnetic field lines outside the bar magnet will be from
north to south.
6. How much current will an electric bulb draw from 220V source if the resistance
of the bulb is 1200Ω? If in place of bulb, a heater of resistance 100 Ω is
connected to the sources, calculate the current drawn by it.
V = 220V
R1 = 1200Ω
R2 = 100Ω
I1 = ?
I2 = ?
Using Ohm’s law.
V = I1R1
𝑉 220
I1 = = = 0.18A
𝑅1 1200

∴ I1 = 0.18 A
𝑉 220
I2 = = = 2.2A
𝑅2 100

∴ I2 = 2.2 A

7. State the qualities of a good fuel?

Qualities of good fuel:
• It should have a high calorize value i.e it should provide adequate amount
of energy per unit mass.
• It should be easily available and convenient to use.
• It should be easy to store, handle and safe to transport.
• It should be economical or affordable.

IV. Answer the following questions in 3 – 4 sentences each: 3x3=9

a) List the factors on which the magnetic field produced by a current carrying
straight conductor depends.
• Strength of electric current flowing in the conductor.
• The distance of the point from the conductor.

b) State the rule which gives the direction of its magnetic field.
The rule which gives the direction of magnetic field is Right hand thumb
c) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines due to a straight current carrying
Refer Pg. no.121 - fig 13.6 (a) – Part I textbook.

Two coils of insulated copper wire are wound over a non-conducting cylinder
as shown. Coil I has larger number of turns.

Write your observation:

a) When the current is passed continuously through coil I. Give reason

for your observations.
When current is passed continuously through coil – I, no deflection is
observed in the galvanometer. Because there will be no change in
magnetic field lines passing through the coil – II. Hence no induced
current will be set up in coil 2.

b) Name and state the phenomenon responsible for the above

The phenomenon observed in above cases is electro magnetic
induction. The phenomenon of producing induced current in a closed
circuit due to the changing magnetic field is called electromagnetic

c) Write the name of the rule that is used to determine the direction of
current produced in the phenomena.
Fleming’s Right Hand Rule.

9. a) State ohm’s law.

Ohm’s law states that the potential difference ‘V’. across the ends of a given
metallic wire in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the current flowing
through it, provided its temperature remains the same.
b) Observe the given Circuit

Calculate the total resistance in the circuit and the total current flowing in
the circuit.
V = 6V

R1 = 2Ω

R2 = 4Ω

R3 = 4Ω

Rs = 5Ω

Rp = ?
For parallel connection :
2 2 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 2 2
= 𝑅1
+ 𝑅2
+ 𝑅3

1 1 1
= + +
2 4 4
2+1 + 1
= 4
= 4

Rp= 1
Total resistance in the circuit
R = Rp + Rs
= 6Ω
∴ Current in the circuit is
V = IR
𝑉 6
I= =
𝑅 6
I = 1A

10. A. Explain why we are looking at the alternative sources of energy.

We are looking at the alternative sources of energy because fossil
fuels are non – renewable sources of energy which means they are
not available in abundant quantities and cannot be replenished.

B. Mention the advantages and disadvantages associated with solar

1. Solar cells do not have moving parts.
2. Less maintenance and work quite satisfactorily without the use of
any focusing device.
1. Availability of the special grade silicon for making solar cells is
2. The process of manufacture of solar cells is very expensive as silver
is costly.

V. Answer the following question in 4 – 5 sentences: 1x4=4

11. With the help of a neat labelled diagram. explain the working of simple electric
Diagram : 13.15 – 126 – A single electric motor.
It works on the principle of magnetic effect of current. When a current
carrying conductor is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field, it
experiences a force.
Consider at the beginning, the arms AB and CD are perpendicular to the
direction of applied magnetic field.
a) Initially, Let the current in the coil flows along the path ABCD. Then
according to the Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, a downward force acts on
the arm ‘AB’ pushes it downwards and an upward force on arm ‘CD”
pushes it upwards. These forces cause the coil to rotate in anticlockwise
about its own axis.
b) After completing half rotation, the position of split rings interchanges
due to which direction of current flows along the path ‘DCBA’. Again
according to Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, the force acting on the arms AB
and CD also gets reversed. This makes the coil to rotate and complete
the next half cycle of rotation in the same direction.
Thus, the interchanging of split rings at each half turn, makes the coil to
rotate continuously in the same direction as long as the current is
passing through it.

Function of split rings:

It reverses the direction of current in the armature coil.

VI. Answer the following question in 5 – 6 sentences: 1x5=5

12. State Joules’ Law of heating. How is heat generated in an electrical appliance.
List the expression for the heat produced by electric current. Explain the
working of a bulb and fuse on the heating effect of electric current.

Joule’s law states that “The heat generated in the conductor is directly
proportional to
(i) Square of the current flowing in the conductor.
(ii) To the resistance of the conductor.
(iii) To the time for which the current is passed through the conductor.

The expression for the heat produced by electric current are:

i) H = VIt
ii) H = I2RT
𝑉 2𝑡
iii) H =
Where ‘H’ is heat
‘V’ is voltage
‘I’ is current
‘t’ is time
‘R’ is Resistance

Bulb : Electric bulb grows when electric current is passed through the filament of the
bulb. The filament is made up of tungsten when current is passed through a thin
filament whose length is more, area of cross section is less and resistivity is more the
overall resistance of the filament increases and when current flows over it, it develops
heat and this heat converts into light and the bulb glows.

Fuse: A fuse is a safety device that breaks the circuit when high electric current flows
through it.
It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of less melting point. If a
current larger than the specified valve flows through the circuit, the temperature of
the fuse wire increases. This melts the fuse wire and breaks the circuit.

Part B Chemistry
I. Four alternatives are given for each of the incomplete statements /
questions. Choose the correct alternative and write it in your answer
script along with the alphabet: 3x1=3
13. Aluminum is used for making cooking utensils which of the following
properties of aluminum are responsible for this
i. Good thermal conductivity
ii. Good electrical conductivity
iii. Ductility
iv. High melting

A. i & ii B. i & iii C. ii & iii D. i & iv

14. Generally, metals react with acids to give salt and hydrogen gas which of
the following acids does not give H2 gas on reacting with metals.
A. Sulphuric acid B. Hydro chlorine acid
C. Nitric acid D. All of these

15. Arrange the following elements in the order of their increasing non- metallic
O, C, F, N
A. F < O < N < C B. O < F < C < N
C. C < N < O < F D. N < C < F < O


II. Answer the following in one sentence each: 3x1=3
16.A green layer is gradually formed on a copper plate left exposed to air. What
could this green substance be?
The green substance formed on copper is carbonate. It is copper carbonate

17.What is gangue?
The unwanted impurities like sand, rocky material, earthy particles etc present
in an ore are called gangue.

18. State Modern Periodic law.

Modern Periodic Law States that the properties of elements are a periodic
function of their atomic number.

III. Answer the following in 2 – 3 sentences each: 2x2=4

a. How the metals at the top of the reactivity series can be extracted form
their ores? Explain with an example.
These metals are extracted by electrolysis reduction.
Example: Aluminium is obtained from bauxite by electrolytic reduction.

b. Give two methods to prevents thee rusting of iron.

The two methods to prevent the rusting of iron.
i) Painting (ii) Galvanisation
20. A) Give reason to justify that aluminum oxide is an amphoteric oxide. Give
another example of amphoteric oxide.
Aluminium oxide reacts with acid as well as base therefore it is amphoteric
Aluminium oxide reacts with a base such as sodium hydroxide.
Al2O3 + 2NaOH 2NaAlO2 + H20

Aluminum oxide reacts with a acid.

Al2O3 + 6HCl 2AlCl3 + 3H2

Another example of amphoteric oxide is Zinc oxide.

B) Differentiate between roasting and calcination.
Calcination Roasting
❖ It is carried out by heating ore in the ❖ It is carried out by heating ore in the
absence of air. presence of air.
❖ It converts carbonate ores into ❖ It converts sulphides ores into oxide.
❖ CO2 gas is liberated. ❖ Sulphur dioxide gas is liberated.

IV. Answer the following questions in 3 – 4 sentences each: 3x3=9

21.Explain the Ionic bond formation in magnesium chloride by electron dot
Ionic bond formation in Magnesium chloride.
Magnesium has a atomic number of 12.
So its electronic configuration is
Mg12 – 2, 8, 2
It has two electrons in its outermost orbit. So, it will lose two electrons.

Mg Mg2+ + 2C–
2, 8, 2

Chlorine has a atomic number of 17. So, its electronic configuration is

Cl17 – 2, 8, 7

It has 7 electrons in its outermost orbit. So, it will gain one electron.

Formation of Ionic bond takes place when magnesium gives its two electrons
to two atoms of chlorine.

or MgCl2

22. How do the following changes on going from left to right in a period of the
periodic table and state the reason?
i. Across a period ii. Ionisation energy
(i) Across a period :
Atomic size decreases in moving from left to right along a period. This is
due to an increase in nuclear charge which tends to pull the electrons closer
to the nucleus and reduces the size of the atom.

(ii) Ionisation energy :

Ionisation energy increases in moving from left to right along a period
because the number of electrons increases and its needs more energy to
remove the electrons from its outermost orbit.

23. A) Observe the given table and answer the following question.
Elements A B C D E
Atomic no 11 4 2 7 19

a) Identify the two elements that belongs to the same period and two elements
that belong to the same group. Give reasons for your conclusion.
The elements that belongs to the same period are element B and D with
atomic number – 4 and 7 because they have same number of shells [2
The elements that belongs to the same group are elements A and E with
atomic number 11 and 19 because they both have one electron in their
outermost orbit and hence same valency.

b) Name the element with atomic number 19 in the periodic table and state
its valency.
The element with atomic number 19 is potassium and its valency is 1.

B) An elements ‘X’ belongs to group 2 and another element ‘Y’ belongs
to group 15 of the periodic table.
a) What is the number of valence electrons in X and state its valency?
The number of valence electrons in X is 2 and as it has two electrons in
its outermost orbit it will lose two electrons to attain stability and hence its
valency is 2.
b) What is the number of valence electrons in Y and state its valency?
The number of valence electrons in Y is 5 because it belongs to group 15
and it has 5 valence electrons. Since element ‘Y’ has 5 electrons in its
outermost orbit it has gained 3 electrons to attain stability so its valency
will be 3.
c) Explain how you have arrived at your answers.
The number of electrons lost or gained by an atom of an element to achieve
the nearest inert gas configuration gives us the valency.

V. Answer the following question in 4 – 5 sentences: 2x4=8

24. Explain the reaction of aluminum with steam. Write the balanced equation
and represent a neat labelled diagram to show the action of steam on a
Reaction of Aluminium with steam.
Aluminium reacts with steam to form the metal oxide and hydrogen.
2Al(s) + 3H2O Al2O3(s) + 3H2(g)
Aluminium oxide is formed and hydrogen gas is liberated.
Refer 43 Part – I textbook
Fig(3.3) Action of Steam on metal.

25. A) How did the anomalies of Mendeleev’s classification of elements

disappear when the elements arranged according to their atomic number.
Modification in Mendeleev’s periodic table:
With the adoption of atomic number is the basis of classification of
elements. Some of the anomalies in the Mendeleev’s periodic table
(i) Position of Hydrogen:
The atomic number of hydrogen is 1 and hence, it should occupy
the first position in group 1 of the periodic table.
(ii)Position of isotopes:
As the isotopes of an element have the same atomic number, they
show occupy the same place in the periodic table.
(iii) Position of Anomalous pairs:
The position of anomalous pairs of elements i.e pairs of elements
in which the element with the higher atomic mass proceeds the
element with lower atomic mass, is also decided. These elements
were arranged according to their atomic number, they occupy
their right places in the periodic table.
B) State Newland Law of octaves and List out the demerits of Newton law of
Newland land of Octaves states that “When elements are arranged in
increasing order of atomic mass, the properties of the eighth element are
the repetition of the properties of their first elements respectively.
Demerits :
i) The law was applicable to element upto calcium only.
ii) Newland assumed that only 56 elements existed in nature and no
more elements would be discovered in the future.
iii) Newland adjusted 2 different elements with different properties in
the same slot.
iv) Elements with similar properties such as Iron, Nickel and Cobalt were
placed away from each other.
Part C Biology
I. Four alternatives are given for each of the incomplete statements /
questions. Choose the correct alternative and write it in your answer
script along with the alphabet: 3x1=3

26. The major driving force in the movement of water in the Xylem is
A. transpiration
B. evaporation of water by leaves
C. difference in the concentration of ions
D. translocation

27. The substances which is not reabsorbed into the blood capillaries
surrounding the tubule of a nephron is mainly.
A. glucose B. amino acid C. urea D. water

28. Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly but bids have
feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that
B. A. reptiles have evolved from birds
C. B. these is no evolutionary connection between reptiles and birds.
D. C. feathers are homologous structure in both the organisms.
E. D. birds have evolved from reptiles.

II. Answer the following in one sentence each: 3x1=3

29. What is Osmoregulation?
Osmoregulation is the maintenance of optimum concentration of water and
salts in the body fluids.

30. The gene for red hair is recessive to the gene for black hair. What will be
the hair colour of a person if he inherits a gene for red hair from his
mother and a gene for black hair from his father.
The hair colour of a person will be black.

31. The forelimbs of a frog, a bird and a man show the same basic design or
basic structure of bones. What name is given to such organs.
Homologous organs.

III. Answer the following in 2 – 3 sentences each: 3x2=6

32.What is lymph? List out any 2 functions of lymphatic system.
Lymph is a tissue fluid that contain plasma, proteins and blood cells which
escapes into intercellular spaces.
❖ It carries digested food.
❖ It drains excess fluid from extracellular space back into the blood.

33. List out any 3 methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products.
❖ Plants get rid of gaseous products through stomata in leaves and
lenticles in stems.
❖ The plants get rid of stored solid and liquid waste by the shedding off
leaves, peeling off bark and felling off fruits.
❖ The plants get rid of wastes by secreting them in the form of gums and
❖ Plants also excrete some waste substances into the soil around them.

34.What are fossils? Name the methods to detect the age of fossils.
The remains or impressions of dead animals or plants lived in the remote
past are known as fossils.
The methods to detect the age of fossils are :
❖ The relative method
❖ Carbon dating method

IV. Answer the following questions in 3 – 4 sentences each: 3x3=9

35. A) Plant absorbs water from the soil. Explain how does water reach the
tree top.
❖ In Xylem tissue, vessels and tracheid’s of the roots, stems and leaves
are interconnected to form a continuous system of water. Conducting
channels reaching all parts of the plant.
❖ Roots also take up mineral salts, water moves in as a result creating
pressure, the root pressure pushes the water up.
❖ Even the evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates
a suction force which pulls water from the Xylem cells of roots

B) Describe the structure of a Nephron and state the function of tubule.
Structure of Nephron:
Each kidney is made up of large number of excretory units called
as Nephrons. The Nephron has a cup shaped bag at its upper end
which is called bowman’s capsule. The lower end of bowman’s
capsule is tube – shaped and it is called a tubule. The bowman’s
capsule and the tubule taken together make a Nephron.
The one end of the Tubule is connected to Bowman’s capsule and the
other end is connected to urine collecting duct. The Bowman’s capsule
contains a bundle of blood capillaries called as glomerulus. One end of the
glomerulus is attached to the renal artery which brings the dirty blood. The
other end of glomerulus comes out of Bowman’s capsule as a blood
capillary and surround the tubule of Nephron and finally joins a renal vein.
The function of tubule, is to allow the selective reabsorption of the useful
substance like glucose, amino acid, salt and water into the blood

36. Genetic drift and natural selection together result in the formation of new
species of organism. How? Explain?
Genetic drift is the random change in gene frequencies in a small population,
and it provides the diversity without any adaptations.
Natural selection is the process of evolution of a species where characteristics
are passed in to their offspring or progeny.
The struggle for survival within population eliminate the unfit individual and
those with favourable variations survive and pass on these variations to their
progeny to continue. The favourable variations are accumulated over a long
time period leading to the origin of a new species.

37. Draw a neat diagram of a human heart. Label the following parts:-
a. the part which separates the right and left side of heart.
b. Chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood.
Refer Page. No 72 – Figure (6.10)
Schematic structural view of the ‘Human Heart’.

V. Answer the following question in 4 – 5 sentences: 1x4=4

38. What is dihybrid cross? Represent the result obtained in F2 generation of
dehybird cross when a tall pea plant bearing yellow seeds (TTYY) is crossed
with a dwarf pea plant bearing green seeds (ttyy) with the help of checker
The inheritance of two pairs of contrasting characteristics of plants by their
first generation and second generation.


A cross between two plants involving two pairs of contrasting characters.
Tall pea plant with yellow seeds
Dwarf pea plant with green seeds
tt yy
In F1 generation, all plants were tall with yellow flowers Tt Yy when they
were left for self pollination in F2 generation the gametes obtained as
TY Ty tY ty

Gametes TY Ty tY ty
Ty TTyy TTyy TtYy Ttyy
tY TtYY TtYy ttYY ttYy
ty TtYy Ttyy ttYy ttyy

Genotype ratio is 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

Tall and Yellow : 9

Tall and green :3
Dwarf and yellow: 3
Dwarf and green : 1




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