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Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Ari, says the following: One correction to meditate on when saying the eleven

herbs of the Ketoret. The

ten are ten sparks of Kedushah (holiness) that descended down into the Klipot to subjugate them, and the one that is added to
them is the Surrounding Light to the aforementioned ten. Therefore, the correction is that you meditate to remove [the sparks
of Light] from within the [Klipot], and by doing that, the Klipot will be remained dead, with no livelihood. The second correction
is to bring people to do Teshuvah, because this subjugates the Klipah.

My teacher, of blessed memory, has taught another special meditation for times of a plague, may it not happen to us, as follows;
I have already informed you that all people’s souls are from what was refined from the seven kings of Edom that died. This is the
secret of what our sages have said that “Kol Yisrael bnei melachim hem” (All the Israelites are sons of kings; Tractate Shabbat
128a). When through the refining process there are some waist that was not refined it becomes venom and a potion of death
that kills a person during a plague. This is the secret of the verse “Yadbek Hashem becha et hadever” (God will make the pestilence
adhere to you; Deuteronomy 28:21). The idea is that these Klipot that were in the refining process, as was mentioned, when they
strike and plague a person during a plague, After they strike him, they do not separate from him and are always attached to him
and surround him from all sides, a radius of a few feet. Not only that, but one should even stay away from the neighborhood
where that person is, and any of his garments or vessels. Anyone who attaches themselves there, the aforementioned Klipot
attach to him too and he can be harmed. This is the reason why in all other diseases and curses of the portion of Ki Tavo it does
not say “Yadbek” (will cling) as it says about the Dever (pestilence) and the plague. Because in other diseases the Klipot do not
attached to them, while in the pestilence and the plague, which are from the aspect of the Klipot of the aforementioned refinings.
They are attached to him, to his garments, to his neighborhood, and all his vessels.

I have already informed you in the concept of Pitum Haketoret that the eleven herbs of the Ktoret are what is left in the Klipot
that were unable to be refined. These are eleven lights of Kdushah (holiness) that give life to the Klipot. Once [the sparks] elevate,
they will be removed from the Klipot and those will be left with no livelihood and die and will not harm. This is the secret of what
is said in the Zohar in the portion of Vayera in the Midrash Hane’elam, that it is good to say Pitum haktoret (compounding of the
incense) at the time of a plague. We also find in the plague of Korach’s people that it was stopped by Ketoret that Aaron burned.
Therefore it is good that at times of a plague, may it not happen to us, when saying Pitum haktoret during the prayer of Shacharit
and Minchah, to meditate on the aforementioned meditation at the order of the Ktoret. Also, when one gets up after midnight
to deal with Torah, after saying Tikun Chatzot, as mentioned at its place, then one should say Pitum haktoret with that meditation,
because after midnight the governing of the Klipah is subjugated. Particularly, if ten people who have the awe of the Creator (fear
of God) will get together and read Pitum haktoret together with the aforementioned meditation, it will make a great impression
in the upper worlds, if it is done after midnight, as was mentioned.

However, this is what needs to happen after midnight. After you complete the aforementioned order, say the verse: “Vayomer
Adonai el Moshe kach lecha samim, nataf ushechelet vechelbenah, samim ulevonah zakah bad bevad yih’yeh”. (Exodus 30:34)
Say it three times straight. Then say it three times backward, as follows: “Yih’yeh bevad bad zakah ulevonah samim vechelbenah
ushechelet nataf samim lecha kach Moshe el Adonai vayomer”. Then say the letters of the verse backward three times. Add the
dots of the four words Nataf ushechelet vechelbenah ulevonah. When done, go back and read them from beginning to end. This
is their order:
Hayahuye Devev Dev Hechazu Henovalava Muyemese Hnevlecha’u Telochashava Futne Meymes Ch’lo Chuk Hoshama La’u
Hvehey Rem’eyau.

‫אֲ ב ֹותֵ ינו‬ ‫ש ִה ְק ִטירו‬
‫ילה ֶׁ‬ ‫אֱ לֹהֵ ינו‬ ‫יְ הֹוָּײיאהדונהי‬ ‫ַא ָּתה הוא‬
‫ש ֵבית‬ ‫ֶׁ‬ ‫ִבזְ מַ ן‬ ‫הַ ַס ִמים‬ ‫ְקט ֹ ֶׁרת‬ ‫ֶׁאת‬ ‫לְ פָּ נ ָּ‬
‫עַל־ יַד‬ ‫א ֹותָּ ם‬ ‫ִצ ִויתָּ‬ ‫שר‬ ‫ַכאֲ ֶׁ‬ ‫ַקיָּם‬ ‫הַ ִמ ְק ָּדש‬
‫׃‬ ‫ְבת ֹו ָּרתָּ ְך‬ ‫ַכ ָּכתוב‬ ‫יא ְך‬
‫נְ ִב ָּ‬ ‫שה‬ ‫מ ֹ ֶׁ‬

‫סַ ִִּ֗מים‬ ‫לְ ָּך‬ ‫ַקח־‬ ‫שה‬ ‫מ ֹ ֶׁ֜ ֶׁ‬ ‫ֶׁאל־‬ ‫יְ ה ֹ ָּוָ֨ײיאהדונהי‬ ‫וַיֹאמֶׁ ר‬
‫ַבַּ֥ד‬ ‫ז ַָּכָּ֑ה‬ ‫ולְ בֹנָּ ה‬ ‫סַ ִ ִּ֖מים‬ ‫וְ חֶׁ לְ ְב ָּנָ֔ה‬ ‫׀ ו ְש ָ֨ ֵחלֶׁ ת‬ ‫נ ָָּּטָ֤ף‬
‫׃‬ ‫ִ ִֽי ְה ֶׁיִֽה‬ ‫ְב ַבִּ֖ד‬

‫וְ חֶׁ לְ ְב ָּנָ֔ה‬ ‫סַ ִ ִּ֖מים‬ ‫ולְ בֹנָּ ה‬ ‫ז ַָּכָּ֑ה‬ ‫ַבַּ֥ד‬ ‫ְב ַבִּ֖ד‬ ‫ִ ִֽי ְה ֶׁיִֽה‬
‫ֶׁאל‬ ‫שה‬ ‫מ ֹ ֶׁ֜ ֶׁ‬ ‫ַקח‬ ‫לְ ָּך‬ ‫סַ ִִּ֗מים‬ ‫נ ָָּּטָ֤ף‬ ‫ו ְש ָ֨ ֵחלֶׁ ת‬
‫׃‬ ‫וַיֹאמֶׁ ר‬ ‫יְ ה ֹ ָּוָ֨ײיאהדונהי‬

‫מֻ יְ מֵ סֶׁ‬ ‫ְהנֹבָּ לָּ ָּו‬ ‫ְהכָּ ֻז‬ ‫ֶׁד ְב‬ ‫ֵדבֶׁ ְב‬ ‫הָּ יָּהֻ יְ‬
‫ה ֹ ָּ‬
‫שמָּ‬ ‫חֻ ְק‬ ‫ְכלָּ‬ ‫מֶׁ יְ מֶׁ ְס‬ ‫פֻ ְטֵנ‬ ‫ְתלֹחָּ ָּ‬
‫ש ָּו‬ ‫ְהנ ְֶׁבלְ חָּ ו‬
‫׃‬ ‫ֶׁר ְמ ְאיָּו‬ ‫ְהוֵהֶׁ יְ‬ ‫לָּ ֻא‬

‫ר ֹו ֵקָּ֑חַ‬ ‫ַ ִֽמע ֲֵשה‬ ‫ִּ֖ר ֹ ַקח‬ ‫ְק ָ֔ט ֹ ֶׁרת‬ ‫אֹתָּ ה‬ ‫ָּשיתָּ‬ ‫וְ ע ִ ָ֤‬
‫הָּ ֵדק‬ ‫ִמ ֶׁמנָּה‬ ‫שחַ ְק ָּת‬ ‫׃ וְ ָּ ִֽ‬ ‫קֹ ִֶֽׁדש‬ ‫טָּ ַּ֥ה ֹור‬ ‫ְממֻ ָּ ִּ֖לח‬
‫אֲ ֶׁשֶׁ֛ר‬ ‫מ ֹו ֵָ֔עד‬ ‫ְבא ֹהֶׁ ל‬ ‫ָּ ִֽהע ֵֻדת‬ ‫לִ ְפנֵ ָ֤י‬ ‫ִמ ֶׁ֜ ֶׁמנָּה‬ ‫וְ ָּנִֽתַ ָ֨ ָּתה‬
‫‪.‬‬ ‫לָּ ֶׁ ִֽכם‬ ‫ִ ִֽת ְהיֶׁ ַּ֥ה‬ ‫שים‬‫ָּק ִָּֽד ִ ִּ֖‬ ‫ק ֹ ֶַּׁ֥דש‬ ‫ָּש ָָּּ֑מה‬ ‫ך‬
‫לְ ָּ ִּ֖‬ ‫ִאוָּעֵ ַּ֥ד‬
‫סַ ִ ָּ֑מים‬ ‫ְקט ֹ ֶׁרת‬ ‫ַ ִֽאהֲ ִּ֖ר ֹן‬ ‫עָּלָּ ֶׁ֛יו‬ ‫‪ :‬וְ ִה ְק ִ ַּ֥טיר‬ ‫וְ נֶׁאֱ מַ ר‬
‫׃‬ ‫ירנָּה‬ ‫י ְַק ִט ֶׁ ִֽ‬ ‫ֶׁאת־ הַ ֵנ ִּ֖ר ֹת‬ ‫יב ֹו‬ ‫יט ֶׁ֛‬
‫ְב ֵ ִֽה ִ‬ ‫ַב ִּ֗ב ֹ ֶׁקר‬ ‫ַבב ֹ ֶׁקר‬
‫ָּ ִֽהע ְַר ַבִּ֖יִ ם‬ ‫בין‬ ‫ֵ ַּ֥‬ ‫הַ ֵנ ֶׁ֛ר ֹת‬ ‫אֶׁ ת־‬ ‫ַ ִֽאהֲ ֹ֧ר ֹן‬ ‫ו ְב ַ ִֽהע ֲָ֨ל ֹת‬
‫יְ הֹוָּ ִּ֖ײיאהדונהי‬ ‫לִ ְפנֵ ַּ֥י‬ ‫ָּת ִ ֶׁ֛מיד‬ ‫ְק ֹ֧ט ֹ ֶׁרת‬ ‫ירנָּה‬ ‫י ְַק ִט ֶׁ ָּ֑‬
‫׃‬ ‫לְ ד ֹ ִֽר ֹתֵ ֶׁ ִֽ‬
‫‪ 1‬הַ צ ֳִּרי‬

‫‪ 2‬וְ הַ ִצ ִֽפ ֹ ֶׁרן‬

‫‪ 3‬וְ הַ חֶׁ לְ ְבנָּה‬

‫‪ 4‬וְ הַ ְלב ֹונָּה‪ִ ,‬מ ְש ַקל ִש ְב ִעים ִש ְב ִעים מָּ נֶׁה‬

‫‪ 5‬מ ֹור‬

‫‪ 6‬ו ְק ִציעָּה‬

‫‪ 7‬וְ ִש ִֽב ֹלֶׁ ת נ ְֵר ְד‬

‫ָּשר מָּ נֶׁה‬

‫שה ע ָּ‬
‫ָּשר ִש ָּ‬ ‫‪ 8‬וְ כַ ְרכֹם‪ִ ,‬מ ְש ַקל ִש ָּ‬
‫שה ע ָּ‬

‫‪ 9‬ק ֹ ְש ְט ְשנֵים ע ָּ‬


‫‪ִ 10‬קלופָּ ה ְשל ֹ ָּ‬


‫‪ִ 11‬קנָּמ ֹון ִת ְשעָּה‬


‫ֻנגִ ףֵ‬


‫לה‬ ‫נא‬ ‫רפא‬ ‫נא‬ ‫אל‬

‫יוד הא ואו הא‬


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