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Common Grammar and

Usage Error
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Modifying Verbs
 Verb
 Modifying Adjectives
 Idiomatic Expression: Choosing the
 Modifying Adverbs
Correct Preposition after Certain Verbs
 Faulty Comparisons
 Misused and Confused
 Double Negatives
 Pronoun Shift
 Pronoun Number

Subject-verb Agreement
 A singular subject takes a singular verb.
Collective nouns such as jury and team may be
A penny saved will hardly buy you very much. (penny
singular or plural, whether they are intended to be
= single subject will buy = singular verb) taken as a whole group (singular) or as separate

 A plural subject takes a plural verb: individuals (plural).

Cobras are not the best choice of pet for small

children. (cobras = plural subject are = plural verb) The jury has made its decision.

Sleepy and Grumpy were unable to keep up with

Snow (The jury here is one singular body, so it takes the

singular verb, has made.)

White on her new jogging regimen. (Sleepy and

Grumpy = plural subject were = plural

The committee have been unable to agree to any sort of
consensus or compromise among themselves, so the item

was tabled.

(In this case, each member of the committee is

involved, so the subject is plural and takes the plural

verb have been.)

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