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Unit 2 Grammar Worksheet 2


For and Since

1 Write the phrases in the correct box.

two years March

a long time I was seven years old

2014 one semester we moved to the US

last year six months

I’ve studied English for … I’ve studied English since …

two years

2 Read and circle the sentence that best describes the situation.
0. Kelly has been a teacher since 2012. 3. They haven’t visited their parents since last year.
a. She is still a teacher. a. They are visiting their parents now.
b. She is not a teacher anymore. b. They visited them last year.
1. She has lived in the same house for five years. 4. They haven’t had a dog for six months.
a. She lived in a different house six years ago. a. They had a dog seven months ago.
b. She moved last year. b. They had a dog a few weeks ago.
2. Janet and Mark have been married for two years. 5. Karla hasn’t sailed on a boat for three years.
a. They got married two years ago. a. Karla has never sailed on a boat.
b. They are not married anymore. b. Karla sailed on a boat four years ago.

3 Change the verb in each sentence from past to present perfect.

0. I ate sushi. 3. Brian changed his look.
I have eaten sushi.
1. We went to New York. 4. I didn’t have a dog.

2. My grandparents didn’t sail on a boat. 5. You learned to play the flute.

5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 5.2.G2

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