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Jl. Conge Ngembalrejo Kotak Pos 51 Telp. (0291) 432677 / Fax. (0291) 441613


Major : Tadris Bahasa Inggris Subject : Teaching English to Speaker of Other
Semester : V (Five) Languages (TEFL)
Date : Thursday, November 5 , 2020 Lecturer : Muhammad Arif Al Hakim, M.TESOL
Time : 12.00 – 15.00 WIB (180 mins)

Name : Dewi Lutfiyah

Student ID : 1810510111
Class : TBI C

Please answer these following questions carefully!

1. What is the difference between TEFL, TESL, TESOL, and TEFLIN?

TEFL courses aim to equip teachers with the skill set required to teach English to students living in
countries where English is not the native language.

TESL Similarly to TEFL, TESL prepares educators to teach English to non-English speakers. The
significant difference between these two certifications is the intended teaching location. TESL
courses are geared toward teachers planning to teach English to speakers of foreign languages living
in a native-English speaking country.

TESOL courses have been designed more recently than both TEFL and TESL. A TESOL course
draws on broader elements of each of the latter teaching certification to provide the base for teachers
to teach in both non-native English countries and within English speaking countries.

2. Please explain the differences between approaches, methods, and techniques in English language
teaching! Give examples of them.
Approaches An approach is a theory about language learning or even a philosophy of how people
learn in general. They can be psychologically focused such as behaviorism or cognitivism. They can
also be based on older philosophies such as idealism or realism.

A method is an application of an approach in the context of language teaching. An example of a

method is the grammar-translation method.

Procedures are the step-by-step measures to execute a method. These step-by-step measures are
called techniques and will be discussed next. 
3. How is the way Kumaravadivelu (2006) classified language teaching? Explain it!

a. Languange – Centered Methods (what to teach)

• Grammar Translation Methods (GTM)
• Direct Methods (DM)
• Reading Methods (RM)
• Audiolingual Methods (ALM)
b. Learning – Centered Methods (how to teach)
• Silent Way, Suggestopedia
• Total Physical Response
• Natural Approach
• Community Language Learning
c. Learner – Centered Methods (who to teach)
• Commuincative Language Teaching (CLT)
• Task – Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
• Project – Based Learning (PBL)
4. Please explain the definition, procedures, techniques, benefits, and weaknesses of the Total Physical
Response Method and Audio-Lingual Method!
Total Physical Response
Total Physiscal Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and
ation. It was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Joe State University,
California. It is linked to the trace theory of memory, which holds that the more often or intensively a
memomry connection is traced, the stronger the memory will be.
• It is not a very creative method. Students are not given the opportunity to express their own
views and thoughts in a creative way.
• It is easy to overuse TPR.
• It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method. It must be combined with
other appoarche
Benefits :
• It is fun and easy.
• It does not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher.
• Class size does not need to be a problem.
• There is no age barrier.
Audio – Lingual Method:
The method was popular among behaviorist in the 1920/1930s. DM morphed into ALM in the US.
• Using the stimulus – response- reinforcement.
• From possitive reinforcement to good habits for language learners
• Using drills frequently
• Language introduced in certain situations
• In British oral – situational appoarch
Weaknesses :
• Stay only at sentence level
• Using repitition
• Transferring learning practice into real communication
• Only use learned patterns
• Focus on accuracy from repitition
• Teacher’s praise and acknowledgement
• Forming good habits
• Spoken language had primacy
5. Why do you think Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method beneficial for English language
learners? Give your reasons!
CLT was rooted from Communicative approach and was related to the Teaching Unplugged approach.
The concept of Teaching Unplugged is taken from the Dogme 95 Film-makers' Collective by Lars von
Trier in the field of film, in which he believes that a good film is a film made as natural as possible on a
low-budget without any technology or effects be it lighting, CGI (ulo2nan indosiar), AI, advanced
properties. This concept was adopted by Scott Thornbury (2000), one of the communicative approach
experts in language teaching. But this has been criticized by many parties because in addition to its many
advantages, it turns out that there are many drawbacks including: - That approach will be detrimental to
non-native English teachers. - It's hard to apply in a big class - Syllabus and textbooks are still needed -
Language learning is not just a matter of talking tok, but there are other aspects that must also be studied

6. Construct one example of English language learning using the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
method! You may combine this method with other methods.

• Topic: a famous historical figure
We learn about a famous historical figure, i.e. national heroes, religious leaders, educational experts,
artists, actors, actress, etc.
• Teacher shows and explain some brief biographies (on the internet, for example), before discussing
what kind of information they get from that source.
• In groups, they can plan their presentation about that figure.
• They give their presentations
• Then the teacher & students altogether analyse what they have said and worked with L2 items that
need attention.

Good Luck…

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