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Name: Marlon B. Palomado Course/Section: BSES-3A Date: December 11, 2020

Test 1
1C 11 A 21 B 31 C 41 D 51 D 61 A

2B 12 D 22 C 32 A 42 B 52 D 62 D

3A 13 B 23 C 33 A 43 A 53 B 63 B

4D 14 B 24 B 34 A 44 D 54 C 64 B

5C 15 C 25 A 35 D 45 B 55 A 65 B

6A 16 C 26 D 36 A 46 D 56 A

7C 17 C 27 C 37 A 47 C 57 C

8D 18 D 28 B 38 C 48 B 58 B

9B 19 A 29 A 39 B 49 D 59 D

10 C 20 B 30 B 40 C 50 D 60 D

Test 2
1 Catabolism 6 acetyl CoA
2 Protein 7 NAD+
3 ATP 8 Mitochondria
4 Glucose 9 Chlorophyll
5 Fermentation 10 Oxygen

Test 3
1. If two energy sources are available, cells catabolize the more energy efficient of the two.
For example, a bacterium growing in the presence of both glucose and lactose will
produce enzymes only for the transport and catabolism of glucose. Once the supply of
glucose is depleted, lactose utilizing proteins are produced.
 Bright field microscopes usually have many components and the light sources used are
either a halogen lamp or LED. This type of microscope tends to have low contrast
owning to the biological samples transmitting most of the light. With a dark field
microscope, a special aperture is used to focus incident light meaning the background
stays dark. The light does not pass directly through the sample being studied. Instead,
light is reflected off the specimen, making it appear to be emitting light.
 Phase contrast microscopy is an optical microscopy technique in which phase shift is
converted into change in amplitude/intensity of light. The phase shifts when light travels
through dense medium and its velocity decreases, concurrently there is a shift in the
phase. Phase contrast microscopy is useful for looking at specimens that are both
colourless and transparent.
 Differential interference contrast microscopy creates contrast in a specimen by creating a
high-resolution image of a thin optical section. With differential interference contrast
microscopy, two closely spaced parallel rays are generated and made to interfere after
passing through an unstained sample. The background is made dark and the interference
pattern is particularly sharp at boundaries. Specimens will appear really bright in contrast
to the dark background.
 Fluorescence microscopy is done with an optical microscope that uses a mercury arch
lamp as a source of UV light. The microscope will also comprise excitation filter,
dichromatic mirror and an emission filter. Fluorescence, used to observe the specimen,
begins where a molecule absorbs light of high frequency and emits light of lower
frequency. Fluorescence microscopy uses reflected light.
PART 2 answer sheet

Test 1 Test 2
1D 1T
2C 2T
3B 3F
4D 4F
5D 5T
6C Test 3
7D 1A
8B 2A
9B 3B
10 C 4A
TEST I . Multiple Choice
1. The majority of microorganisms
A. are protozoa C. contribute to the quality of life
B. live at the bottom of the ocean D. are found in outer space

2. The characteristics feature that applies to all microorganisms is

A. they are multicellular C. their cells have distinct nuclei
B. they are visible only with a microscope D. they perform photosynthesis

3. The theory of spontaneous generation states that

A. microorganisms arise from lifeless matter C. humans have generated from apes
B. evolution has taken place in large animals D. viruses are degenerative forms of bacteria

4. Louis Pasteur’s contribution to microbiology was that he

A. discovered viruses B. attacked the doctrine of evolution
C. supported the theory of spontaneous generation
D. called attention to the importance of microorganisms

5. The concept stating that microorganisms are the causes of infectious diseases is known as the
A. theory of evolution C. germ theory of disease
B. cell theory of biology D. theory of diminishing returns

6. The swan necked flasks were used by Pasteur to

A. disprove the theory of spontaneous generation C. prove that microorganisms cause disease
B. learn the chemical structure of microorganisms D. devise a classification scheme for

7. Cures for established cases of disease were introduced to microbiology with the
A. work of Hooke C. discovery of antibiotics
B. description of the DNA structure D. developments of biotechnology

8. Effective work with the viruses depended upon the development of the
A. light microscope B.dark-field microscope C.ultraviolet light microscope D.electron

9. Robert Koch is remembered in microbiology because he

A. proved the germ theory of disease C. successfully cultivated viruses in the laboratory
B. developed a widely accepted classification scheme D. devised the term prokaryote

10. The cyanobacteria are notable for their ability to perform

A. binary fission B. heterotrophic nutrition C. photosynthesis D. movement

11. To determine the resolution of a microscope system , one must be aware of the
A. ocular and objective magnifications C. numerical aperture and wavelength of light
B. size of the condenser and diaphragm D. working distance of the microscope

12. Syphilis can be most easily diagnosed in a patient by

A. observing the spirochete under the bright-field microscope
B. using the Gram stain & bright-field microscope C. preparing an electron microscope
preparation D. placing scrapings under the dark-field microscope

13. Which of the following represents a series of microorganisms of increasing size

A. fungi, viruses , bacteria C. protozoa, fungi , rickettsiae
B. viruses , bacteria , fungi D. rickettsiae , viruses , protozoa

14. Which of the following dyes is used in the Gram stain technique
A. methylene blue & congo red C. nigrosin and carbolfuchsin
B. safranin and crystal violet D. congo red and methylene blue

15. A differential stain technique is one that

A. shows different structures in a microorganism C. separates bacteria into different groups
B. can be used under different circumstances D. uses different microscopes for observing

16. The acid –fast stain technique is an important tool in the patients who have
A. pneumonia B. diphtheria C. tuberculosis D. meningitis

17. Phase contrast microscopy is valuable for visualizing

A. viruses B. rickettsiae C. Chlamydia D. yeasts

18. The microscope condenser is responsible for

A. controlling the amount of light to the viewing area C. magnifying the object
B. reducing the refractive index of the glass D. bringing the light into a strong beam

19. The fluorescent antibody technique is available for

A. detecting a particular microorganism C. performing the gram stain technique
B. avoiding the heat-fixing step for slides D. use in electron microscopy

20. Staining techniques is useful in microbiology because

A. most microscope are of poor quality C. stains deflect electrons propagated toward the
B. the cytoplasm of microorganisms is transparent D. stains make the condenser unnecessary
21. All the following are considered prokaryotes EXCEPT :
A. bacteria B. viruses C. protozoa D. fungi

22. Eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes in that

A. eukaryotes do not have organelles C. eukaryotes have a nucleus and organelles
B. eukaryotes have a single chromosome D. eukaryotes do not divide by mitosis

23. Among the same features shared by prokaryotes and eukaryotes are
A. the same shape and sizes C. common organic substances such as proteins and
B. the same type of movement D. ribosomes of the same weight

24. The three basic shapes found in most common bacteria are
A. triangles , squares and rectangles C. hexagons , icosahedrons and helices
B. spheres , spirals and rods D. cubes , filament and rhomboids

25. The shape of a bacterium is determined by

A. the genetic material contained in its chromosome C. whether or not it forms spores
B. the structural composition of its cell wall D. the cytoskeleton located in its

26. The flagella found in bacteria

A. number the same in all bacteria C. are composed of carbohydrate
B. are found only at one end of the cell D. are composed of protein

27. The substance peptidoglycan is found in the

A. ribosomes of eukaryotes C. cell wall of bacteria
B. chromosomes of eukaryotes D. cell membrane of bacteria

28. Two components of the cell membrane in prokaryotes are

A. nucleic acid and carbohydrates C. protein and lipid
B. ATP and peptidoglycan D. DNA and RNA

29. Chains of bacteria cocci are known as

A. streptococci B. micrococci C. sarcinae D. staphylococci

30. The cell walls of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

A. are the sites of spore formation C. are connected to cell nucleus by the endoplasmic reticulum
B. both contain peptidoglycan D. are composed exclusively of proteins
31. All the following characteristics apply to enzymes except
A. they reduce the amount of activation energy necessary for a chemical reaction to take place
B. they act on substances known as substrates
C. they are composed solely of carbohydrate molecules
D. they operate only in the reactions of catabolism

32. The process of anabolism id one in which microbial cells

A. synthesize molecules and structures
B. transport electrons among electron carriers
C. microbial cells break down larger molecules into smaller ones
D. glycolysis and Krebs cycle are key intermediates

33. The induced fit hypothesis helps to explain

A. the alteration of an enzyme molecule during a chemical reaction
B. the transfer of electrons through organic carriers in photosynthesis
C. the conversion of proteins to carbohydrates in the Krebs cycle
D. the involvement of coenzyme A in the metabolic processes

34. In order to produce ATP molecules during metabolism , all the following are necessary
except: A. adenosine diphosphate molecule B. energy C. phosphate group D. DNA and RNA

35. During a chemical reactions of glycolysis

A. enzymes do not play a role
B. carbohydrates are converted into proteins
C. carbohydrate molecules are produced from CO2
D. two molecules of pyruvic acid result from a single molecule of glucose
36. The net gain of ATP molecules resulting from glycolysis in microorganisms is
A. two B. four C. 36 D. 38
37. Which of the following statements applies to fermentation?
A. fermentation occurs in the absence of oxygen C. a product of fermentation is starch
B. DNA is needed for fermentation to occur D. fermentation occurs in most microbial cells

38. The chemical substance that enters the Krebs cycle for further metabolism is
A. ethyl alcohol B. pyruvic acid C. acetyl-CoA D. adenosine tri phosphate
39. In the electron transport chain
A. enzymes do not play a role
B. oxygen is used as final acceptor
C. one possible result of the transfers is fermentation
D. the source of electrons for electron transport is DNA

40. In microbial metabolism , nitrate and sulfate maybe used for accepting electrons in the
A. absence of enzymes B. absence of ATP C. absence of oxygen D. presence of

41. The process of deamination accounts for the conversion of

A. polysaccharides to disaccharides C. fats to carbohydrate molecules
B. disaccharides to polysaccharides D. amino acids to energy compounds

42. The energy used to drive the reactions of photosynthesis is obtained from
A. oxidation-reduction reactions B. the sun C. ATP molecules D. acetyl-coA

43. Among the bacteria participating in photosynthesis are the

A. purple and green sulfur bacteria C. soil bacteria such as actinomycetes
B. intestinal bacteria such as E. coli D. rickettsiae and chlamydiae
44. Among the immediate products of microbial photosynthesis are
A. amino acids and proteins B. O2 gas and glucose molecules C. pyruvic acid molecules D.
45. The organic molecules functioning as cofactors of enzymes are
A. iron ions B. FAD and NAD C. ATP molecules D. pyruvic acid molecules
46. Using a microscope , you observe an amoeba moving toward a food source. This is an
example of : A. reproduction B. metabolism C. growth D. responsiveness

47. Which of the following terms is NOT associated with bacterial flagella?
A. flagellin B. basal body C. fimbriae D. filament

48. All of the following terms describe flagella that are localized at one or both of the ends of a
bacterial cell EXCEPT :
A. monotrichous B. peritrichous C. amphitrichous D. lophotrichous

49. Which of the following bacterial cell structures plays an important role in the creation of
biofilms? A. glycocalyces B. flagella C. fimbriae D. both A and C E. A,B,C are correct

50. Short hairlike structures used only by eukaryotic cells for movement are called :
A. pili B. flagella C. fimbriae D. cilia

51. Peptidoglycan is :
A. composed of NAG , NAM and LPS C. a complex polysaccharide
B. present in all prokaryotic cells D. both B and C are correct

52. Cells of the genus Mycoplasma lack which of the following?

A. peptidoglycan B. a cell membrane C. a cell wall D. both A and C are correct

53. Which of the following would NOT be found within a prokaryotic cell?
A. ribosomes B. centrioles C. inclusions D. nucleoid
54. Among the common features shared by prokaryotes and eukaryotes are :
A. the same sizes and shapes C. common organic substances
B. the same types of movement D. ribosomes of the same weight

55. All of the following are true statements concerning endosymbiotic theory EXCEPT
A.Eukaryotes were formed from the phagocytosis of small anaerobic cells by larger aerobic
B. Motochondria and chloroplasts can divide independently of the cell
C. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and ribosomes
D. Lyn Margulis first proposed the endosymbiotic theory
56. Cellular organelles and viruses are generally measured in
A. nanometers B. millimeters C. micrometers D. centimeters

57. Which of the following is an incorrect pairing?

A. magnification : refraction of radiation C. numerical aperture : curved glass
B. contrast : staining techniques D. electron beams : shorter wavelength
58. Empty magnification results from increasing magnification without increasing the
A. refraction B. resolution C. focal point D. wavelength

59. Which of the following powers of objective lens is not found on a light microscope?
A. 4 x B. 10 x C. 100 x D. 1000 x

60. All of the following are common to both the Gram stain and the Acid fast stain EXCEPT :
A. primary stain B. counter stain C. a decolorizing agent D. a mordant

61. A patient suffering from tuberculosis could be diagnosed by use of the _____ stain.
A. Gram B. endospore C. acid –fast D. capsule

62. Malachite green is associated with which of the following staining procedures?
A. capsule stain B. acid-fast stain C. Gram stain D. endospore stain

63. The rules of naming organisms are called

A. taxonomy B. nomenclature C. classification D. identification

64. Which of the following classification methods relies on the morphology of organisms?
A. phage typing B. physical characteristics C. biochemical tests D. serological tests

65. The Gram stain works due to differences in the _____ of bacteria.
A. genetic characteristics B. cell walls C. cell membranes D. antigens

Test II. Completion. For each of the following, add the term that best completes the

1. The broad category of metabolism in which cells break down large molecules into smaller
ones is called __________.

2. The organic component of which enzymes are composed of ________.

3. The major storage form for microbial energy is the compound ________ .

4. Glycolysis is a multistep metabolic pathway in which two molecules of pyruvic acid result
from the breakdown of one molecule of ______.

5. In the absence of oxygen, pyruvic acid molecules are converted to alcohol molecules by
microorganisms known as_________ .

6. Before pyruvic acid molecules are used in the Krebs cycle , an enzyme removes one of the
carbon atoms converts two remaining carbon atoms to the compound ____________.

7. An important cofactor/coenzyme that takes up electrons during the reactions of the Krebs
cycle and glycolysis is _______

8. In the process of deamination, energy yielding compounds are produced by the activity of
enzymes on ______ .

9. Photosynthesis occurs in those bacteria that have colored pigments used for the absorption of

10. An important by product of water utilization in the energy fixing reactions of photosynthesis
is the gas _______ .

Test III. Short Answer

1. A laboratory scientist notices that a certain bacterium does not utilize lactose when glucose is
available in its environment. Describe a cellular regulatory mechanism that would explain this
observation. (10)

2. Discuss ways in which light rays can be manipulated in order to increase resolution and/or
contrast in the four types of light microscopy. (20)


1. Using a microscope , you observe an amoeba moving toward a food source. This is an
example of : A. reproduction B. metabolism C. growth D. responsiveness

2. Which of the following terms is NOT associated with bacterial flagella?

A. flagellin B. basal body C. fimbriae D. filament

3. All of the following terms describe flagella that are localized at one or both of the ends of
a bacterial cell EXCEPT :
A. monotrichous B. peritrichous C. amphitrichous D. lophotrichous

4. Which of the following bacterial cell structures plays an important role in the creation of
biofilms? A. glycocalyces B. flagella C. fimbriae D. both A and C E. A,B,C are

5. Short hairlike structures used only by eukaryotic cells for movement are called :
A. pili B. flagella C. fimbriae D. cilia

6. Peptidoglycan is :
A. composed of NAG , NAM and LPS C. a complex polysaccharide
B. present in all prokaryotic cells D. both B and C are correct

7. Cells of the genus Mycoplasma lack which of the following?

A. peptidoglycan B. a cell membrane C. a cell wall D. both A and C are correct

8. Which of the following would NOT be found within a prokaryotic cell?

A. ribosomes B. centrioles C. inclusions D. nucleoid

9. Among the common features shared by prokaryotes and eukaryotes are :

A. the same sizes and shapes C. common organic substances
B. the same types of movement D. ribosomes of the same weight

10. All of the following are true statements concerning endosymbiotic theory EXCEPT
A. Eukaryotes were formed from the phagocytosis of small anaerobic cells by larger aerobic
B. Motochondria and chloroplasts can divide independently of the cell
C. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and ribosomes
D. Lyn Margulis first proposed the endosymbiotic theory

II. True (T) or False (F)

1. Chloroplast use light energy to produce ATP and carbohydrates

2. Some eukaryotic RNA is synthesized in specialized regions of the nucleus called
3. All cell membranes contain phospholipids and a wide variety of proteins
4. The endosymbiotic theory explains the origin of mitochondria and centrioles
5. Eukaryotic ribosomes are composed of 60S and 40S subunits.

III. Matching Type

1. Contains phospholipids and proteins A. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic

2. Contains sterols B. Eukaryotic cell membranes only
3. Employs endocytosis and exocytosis as C. Prokaryotic cell membranes only
means of transport
4. Group translocation is sometimes used as
means of transport
5. Contains hopanoids

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