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Leadership 101 #1

collaborative conflict style

acknowledges relationships and diverse perspectives, builds consensus, takes more time

competitive conflict style

power-oriented, useful in emergencies but can cause damage to relationships

compromising conflict style

everyone sacrifices to avoid the costs of conflict, no on is entirely satisfied

accommodating conflict style

satisfies others' needs before own needs

avoiding conflict style

accepts default decisions, delegates controversial decisions

what is an ideology

a set of beliefs and ideas that one can apply onto policies and events; one's political "moral code" or
view on the role of the government in a society both economically and socially

what is the role of an ideology?

a way to view the change in a political system

influences on our own ideologies

culture, language, media, gender, spirituality, religion and family


extreme left-wing political system; collective ownership of all property and the organization of labor that
benefits all members; a planned economy; each member should work to their capability and receive
according to their needs


left-wing ideology; production, distribution and exchange are common in ownership


center/moderate sociopolitical philosophy; emphasizes the need to balance individual rights and
interests with that of the community as a whole and argues that individual people are shaped by the
cultures and values of their communities

is communitarianism a philosophy or a political system

a philosophy


right-wing political system; principle means of production, distribution and exchange are in private

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