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Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd



(What Are Things Made of?)


A. Write three materials we get from: (Note:-Only answers)

 Plants Paper, mats, cotton

 Animals Leather, Wool, Fur
 The ground Stone, coal , crude oil

B. Write the materials used to make these-

1. Wool 2. Wood 3. Clay 4. Leather

5. metals 6. Stones 7. Rubber 8. Plastic

9. Glass, wood and metal.

C. Fill in the blanks:

1. Under the ground 2. Cocoon 3. Wood 4. Metals

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 1

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd


(A Clean House)

A. Complete the sentence. (Note:-Only answers)

1. It kills germs and warms the house in winter.

2. makes the air fresh and cool.

3. be kept out of the house.

4. be cleaned every day.

5. be thrown out of the house every day.

B. Name four things which you could use to

1. Bricks, cement, iron rods, wood etc.

2. Proper ventilation, sunlight, mopping, dusting etc.

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Mice and cockroaches. 3. Neat and clean.

2. Bathrooms and toilets. 4. Sunlight and fresh air.

D. Do these in your notebook.

1. Why should we grow trees and plants in and around our house?

Ans:- Because trees and plants make the air fresh and cool.

2. Why should drain outlets be kept covered?

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 2

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd

Ans:- Drain outlets should be kept covered so that the pests like mice and
cockroaches cannot enter the house.

3. How can you keep your house neat and tidy?

Ans:- We can keep our house neat and tidy by sweeping, mopping, dusting and
by proper ventilation.

4. Write five sentences on how your house is kept clean every day.

Ans:- We keep our house clean everyday in the following ways:

a) we swept and mop the floors of our house every day.

b) we try to remove dust from everything in our house..

c) we throw the garbage out of the house every day.

d) we clean the bathrooms and toilets of our house every day.

e) we clean our utensils thoroughly after eating food.

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 3

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd

LESSON NO. 11 &12

(The Three Forms of Water & Weather and Seasons)


A. Complete the word. (Note:-Only answers)

1. Solid, liquid and gas 2. Evaporates 3. Condenses

4. Freezes 5. Wind 6. Water cycle

7. Summer, monsoons and winter 8. Polluted

9. Nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

B. Draw a picture to show the water cycle.


Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 4

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd

C. Do these in your notebook.

1. How are clouds formed?

Ans:- As the water in the rivers, seas etc gets heated by the sun, it evaporates.
These water vapours mix with the air and rises high in to the sky. These water
vapours cool there and turn into tiny water drops. These tiny water drops join to
make clouds.

2. How does air get polluted?

Ans:- Air gets polluted by the harmful gases from vehicles and factories, dust,
smoke and germs.

3. What are the three forms of water?

Ans:- Solid, liquid or gas are the three forms of water.

4. How does water get polluted?

Ans:- Water gets polluted by the chemicals from industries and the garbage.

5. In which form does sea water go up into the air?

Ans:- Sea water goes up into the air in the form of water vapours.

6. Too much of rain is bad. Why?

Ans:- Because too much of rain results in floods and also erodes the top soil. Thus
is bad for plants as well as animals.

7. What are thunderstorms?

Ans:- Storms with thunder, lightning and rain are called thunderstorms.

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 5

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd


(Days, Nights and Years)


A. Complete the word. (Note:-Only answers)

1. Globe 2. Axis 3. Rotation 4.Day and night

5. Revolution 6. Year 7. 12 hours 8. 365 days

9. Orbit 10. Night

B. Do these in your notebook.

1. What is the shape of the earth?

Ans:- The earth is geospherical in shape.

2. When is one year complete?

Ans:- One year is formed, when one revolution is completed by the earth around
the sun.

3. What is the rotation of the earth?

Ans:- The movement of the earth on its axis is called rotation of earth.

4. What is the revolution of the earth?

Ans:- The movement of the earth around the sun in fixed orbit is called revolution
of the earth.

5. What is an orbit?

Ans:- The path followed by the earth to revolve around the sun is called an orbit.

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 6

Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd


(Sun , Moon and Stars)

Multiple Choice Questions.

Tick () the right answer (Note:- only answers)

1. The Sun 2. Gas 3. Sun, Earth and Moon

4. Crescent moon, gibbous moon, full moon 5.Rocks,dust,mountains,
ditches 6. Craters 7. Dark and empty 8. 88


A. Complete the word. (Note:-Only answers)

1. Space 2. Orion 3. Star 4. Sun 5. Craters

6. 29 7. New moon, crescent, gibbous and full moon.

8. constellation.

B. Do these in your notebook.

1. What is the Sun like?

Ans:- The Sun is actually a star at the centre of our solar system.

2. Why are there no living things on the Moon?

Ans: - Because the moon has neither water nor air to support life.

3. What are constellations?

Ans: - Constellations are group of stars which makes different patterns.

4. The Moon does not have light of its own but it still shines. Why?

Ans: - The Moon does not have light of its own but it still shines because it reflects
the sunlight which falls on it.
Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 7
Subject:-Science Class:- 3rd

5. Why do we see the Moon changing its shape?

Ans: - We see the Moon changing its shape because we are able to see that part
only which is lighted by the sun.

Prepared by:- Ms. Naveeda Page 8

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