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Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 36 no. 5 pp.

919–934, 2010
Advance Access publication on June 21, 2010

Goal Representations and Motivational Drive in Schizophrenia: The Role of

Prefrontal–Striatal Interactions

Deanna M. Barch*,1–3 and Erin C. Dowd4

Department of Psychology, Washington University, Box 1125, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO; 2Department of Psychiatry,
Washington University, Box 1125, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO; 3Department of Radiology, Washington University, Box 1125, One
Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO; 4Neuroscience Program, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
To whom correspondence should be addressed; tel: 314-935-8729, fax: 314-935-8790, e-mail:

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The past several years have seen a resurgence of interest in are often referred to as ‘‘negative symptoms’’ in schizophre-
understanding the psychological and neural bases of what nia. These aspects of schizophrenia include constructs such
are often referred to as ‘‘negative symptoms’’ in schizophre- as asociality, avolition (a reduction in the motivation to ini-
nia. These aspects of schizophrenia include constructs such tiate or persist in goal-directed behavior), and anhedonia (a
as asociality, avolition (a reduction in the motivation to ini- reduction in the ability to experience pleasure) as well as flat
tiate or persist in goal-directed behavior), and anhedonia (a affect or the diminished expression of emotion. This resur-
reduction in the ability to experience pleasure). We believe gence of interest in negative symptoms in schizophrenia has
that these dimensions of impairment in individuals with been driven by at least 2 factors. The first factor is the real-
schizophrenia reflect difficulties using internal representa- ization that addressing the pervasive cognitive impairment
tions of emotional experiences, previous rewards, and mo- present in schizophrenia may not be enough to fully under-
tivational goals to drive current and future behavior in stand and remediate the functional impairments that can
a way that would allow them to obtain desired outcomes, make life so difficult for individuals with this disorder.1
a deficit that has major clinical significance in terms of This is not to say that cognitive impairment is not a critical
functional capacity. In this article, we review the major constraint on functional capacity in schizophrenia. Rather,
components of the systems that link experienced and antic- the point is that we may also need to understand how cog-
ipated rewards with motivated behavior that could poten- nitive impairments interact with reward and emotional pro-
tially be impaired in schizophrenia. We conclude that the cessing systems in a way that leads to abnormalities in
existing evidence suggests relatively intact hedonics in motivated behavior in this disorder. A second factor is
schizophrenia, but impairments in some aspects of rein- that major advances have occurred in the field of affective
forcement learning, reward prediction, and prediction error neuroscience that provide a theoretical and empirical foun-
processing, consistent with an impairment in ‘‘wanting.’’ As dation upon which to draw in order to identify candidate
of yet, there is only indirect evidence of impairment in an- psychological and neural mechanisms that drive interac-
terior cingulate and orbital frontal function that may sup- tionsbetweencognitivefunction,reward,andmotivation.2,3
port value and effort computations. However, there are In the current discussion, we will focus on the con-
intriguing hints that individuals with schizophrenia may structs of anhedonia, avolition, asociality, and amotiva-
not be able to use reward information to modulate cognitive tion (collectively referred to as anhedonia/avolition for
control and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex function, sug- ease of discussion) as distinct and separable from the con-
gesting a potentially important role for cortical–striatal struct of flat affect or diminished expression of emotion.
interactions in mediating impairment in motivated and This distinction is supported by a range of exploratory
goal-directed behavior in schizophrenia. and confirmatory analyses of symptom assessment scales
that have consistently provided evidence for separate
Key words: reward/cognitive control/anhedonia negative symptom factors for flat affect and anhedo-
nia/avolition. As nicely articulated by Malaspina and col-
leagues,4 separable factors for flat affect and anhedonia/
avolition have been identified in: (1) mixed groups
The past several years have seen a resurgence of interest in of patients with a range of psychotic disorders5–7, (2)
understanding the psychological and neural bases of what schizophrenia spectrum patients8–12, (3) deficit syndrome
Ó The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved.
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D. M. Barch & E. C. Dowd

patients4,13, (4) patients on medications4,9, (5) patients off Although an oversimplification, it helps to organize this
medications12, (6) first-episode patients8, (7) chronic large literature by thinking of 4 major components to the
patients11, and (8) patients across many different translation of appetitive or reward information into be-
cultures.5,6,8,10,13 havioral responses3,24,27–29 (see figure 1). The first com-
The constructs of anhedonia/avolition play a major ponent, referred to as ‘‘hedonics or liking,’’ reflects the
role in many theories of schizophrenia, including those ability of the organism to ‘‘enjoy’’ the stimulus or event
that focus on liability to the disorder.14–17 However, as that may provide pleasure or reward. For many years, it
reviewed below, studies suggest that when provided was suggested that the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA)
with potentially enjoyable stimuli, events or experiences, was the primary substrate of liking.24 However, more re-
individuals with schizophrenia seem to enjoy such expe- cent research has shown that experimental depletion of
riences as much as controls.18–23 Nonetheless, one of the DA does not reduce liking when it can be measured by
fundamental challenges in the development of therapeu- facial expression and/or subjective reports.24 Instead, he-
tic interventions is that individuals with schizophrenia donic responses (at least to primary sensory stimuli) seem
seem less motivated to engage in goal-directed behavior to be mediated by activation of the opioid and gamma
that would bring them into contact with potentially en- amino butyric acidergic systems in the nucleus accum-

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joyable experiences, despite an apparently intact ability bens shell and its projections to the ventral pallidum
to enjoy those experiences once achieved.22 This dissoci- as well as in the orbital frontal cortex (OFC).30–33
ation has been referred to as a distinction between A second component, called ‘‘reward prediction and
‘‘wanting’’ vs ‘‘liking’’ or between anticipatory and con- wanting,’’ is thought to be mediated by the midbrain
summatory pleasure.24–26 These problems are a major DA system, particularly the projections to ventral and
public health concern, as a failure to engage in motivated dorsal striatal regions of the basal ganglia.24,29 Many
goal-directed behavior can manifest as reduced educa- DA neurons in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental
tional, occupational, and social achievement. If anhedo- area respond to stimuli that predict reward as well as to
nia/avolition does not reflect a deficit in the ‘‘enjoyment’’ food and liquid rewards themselves. The degree to which
of positive experiences in schizophrenia, then we need to these DA neurons respond to rewards seems to depend on
understand the mechanisms that may lead to deficits in reward predictability. If the reward was not predicted,
the ability to translate information about potentially then the DA neurons fire strongly (positive prediction er-
rewarding events into action plans that will allow an in- ror); if a predicted reward does not occur, then there is
dividual to obtain such positive outcomes. The goal of a transient depression in DA neuron firing (negative pre-
this review is to outline and describe the key processes diction error).27–29,34–35 Furthermore, over time, DA
that link experienced and anticipated rewards to action neurons learn to fire to cues that predict reward rather
plans, to review the existing literature on the integrity than to rewards themselves. Similar effects have been
of these systems in schizophrenia, and to provide found in humans in the ventral/dorsal striatum, with ev-
a summary and suggestions for future research aimed idence from functional magnetic resonance imaging
at understanding the psychological and neural bases of (fMRI) for activation of ventral and dorsal striatum to
motivational impairments in schizophrenia. cues that predict reward36,37 as well as both positive
and negative prediction error responses.38,39 These types
of DA/striatal responses have been captured by temporal
Components of the Systems Linking Experienced or
difference models that learn about stimuli in the environ-
Anticipated Rewards to Action Plans
ment that predict rewards.40,41 These mechanisms are
Our hypothesis is that individuals with schizophrenia also thought to underlie basic aspects of reinforcement
seem to have difficulties using internal representations learning that may occur without conscious aware-
of emotional experiences, previous rewards, and motiva- ness.42,43 A prominent, though slightly different theory,
tional goals to drive current and future behavior that emphasizes the role of the DA-learning process in trans-
should allow them to obtain desired outcomes, a deficit ferring incentive salience from the reward itself to
that has major clinical significance in terms of functional reward-predicting cues, thus imbuing these cues with
capacity. However, there are many processes that con- motivational properties themselves (eg, a wanting
tribute to linking internal representations to behavior, response24).
and it is important to understand which of these are im- A third component is ‘‘cost-benefit analysis’’ or the
paired in schizophrenia so as to design appropriate inter- ability to integrate information from different sources
vention strategies. Fortunately, a burgeoning affective to derive and update the value of potentially rewarding
neuroscience literature in humans and animals has begun outcomes (figure 1). One aspect, thought to be mediated
to outline the core neural systems that serve to process at least in part by OFC, is the ability to ‘‘represent value
and integrate reward and penalty signals and then trans- information,’’ ie, to take into account not only the he-
late these signals into value and/or utility estimates that donic properties of a stimulus but also the internal or mo-
can be used to drive action selection and goal planning. tivational state of the organism (eg, value of juice when
Goal Representations and Motivational in Schizophrenia

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Fig. 1. Components of Reward to Outcome Translation.

thirsty vs not),44 the delay before the reward occurs,45,46 from nucleus accumbens and related forebrain cir-
the different reward options available (eg, juice vs wine cuitry.58–61 For example, research has shown that ACC
after a hard day),47,48 and the changing contingencies as- lesions as well as depletions of accumbens DA lead ani-
sociated with a stimulus (a previously rewarded response mals to choose low effort but low reward options over
is now punished).49 Some researchers have described the higher reward but higher effort options.46,58,59,62–65
OFC as being involved in ‘‘working memory for value’’ The potential role of ACC in computing effort may fit
or the ability to maintain, update, and integrate different nicely with its suggested role in responding to conflict
sources of information about value over a short period of and error-related signals,66–68 as feedback about conflict
time.3,50 Human functional neuroimaging studies also and errors may be an important source of information
highlight activation of OFC under conditions requiring about the amount of effort a particular course of action
value representations,51,52 including those in which re- is likely to require. Indeed, some work in healthy popu-
sponse contingencies need to be updated, such as reversal lations has suggested that error/conflict effects in ACC
learning.51,53,54 In addition, humans with OFC lesions are modulated by motivational/affective and reward
can show reversal learning impairments.55–57 variables.69,70 However, it is not yet clear whether the
Another aspect of representing value information is same regions of ACC that respond to conflict/error are
‘‘effort computation,’’ ie, determining the cost of engag- those involved in effort computations or whether these
ing in whatever actions it will take to obtain that out- represent different functional subdivisions of ACC,
come. For example, one may really want to obtain though both types of studies have shown activation of
chocolate cookies and may perceive eating these cookies similar regions of dorsal anterior cingulate.60,61,66,71
as rewarding, but the effort associated with having to go Nonetheless, even if it should turn out that this reflects
to the store may prevent the person from pursuing a common mechanism, it helps to outline the role that
actions to obtain the cookies. A growing body of research ACC may play in a range of decision-making domains.
suggests that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) A fourth component is the ability to ‘‘generate and ex-
may be important for evaluating the effort associated ecute goal-directed action plans necessary to achieve the
with different action plans, in concert with DA input valued outcome.’’ Wallis and others have suggested that
D. M. Barch & E. C. Dowd

this function is carried out by the lateral prefrontal cortex ing and watching TV) and that individuals with schizo-
(PFC) (in particular, dorsolateral PFC [DLPFC]).3,72,73 phrenia report less anticipatory pleasure than do
Such a role for the DLPFC in motivated behavior would controls even for those goal-directed events that they do
be consistent with its role in top-down control of cogni- experience.26
tive processing, planning, and response execution is con- Despite the robust evidence for relatively intact self-
sistent with models suggesting that the DLPFC provides reports of experienced pleasure or valence in group anal-
a bias signal that helps to facilitate goal-directed behav- yses of studies with individuals with schizophrenia, it is
ior72 and is consistent with evidence for impaired action also increasingly clear that there are important individual
planning following lateral prefrontal lesions.74,75 In other differences in the level of anhedonia/avolition that may
words, intact DLPFC function may be necessary to influence these experiences. For example, we and others
translate information about value into goal representa- have found that patients who self-report greater levels of
tions that can be implemented as action plans to achieve social and physical anhedonia report experiencing less-
the desired outcome. Furthermore, some theories of goal positive responses to putatively positive stimuli such as
maintenance in DLPFC emphasize the importance of pictures, faces, and words.100,105 Interestingly, however,
phasic DA input as a gating signal that serves to update these relationships are not unique to positive stimuli.

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the contents of DLPFC and protect against interfer- Individuals with schizophrenia (and controls) with higher
ence.76–78 There is also growing evidence from the human self-reports of anhedonia also rate their experiences of
and nonhuman primate literature that the potential for negative stimuli as less negative. Such findings have 2 im-
reward can enhance firing in DLPFC neurons and in- portant implications. The first is that group comparisons
crease fMRI responses in DLPFC during cognitive con- of individuals with schizophrenia and controls may not
trol tasks79–82 and that such changes may mediate be sufficiently informative and that it is critical to exam-
improved performance as a function of reward.83,84 ine the level of clinically rated or self-reported anhedonia/
avolition in relation to the processes of interest. The sec-
ond is that these individual differences in anhedonia/
Hedonics and Liking in Schizophrenia
avolition have relevance for understanding the experience
Numerous studies18,19,21,23,85–105 and a recent review by of negative emotions and experiences as well as positive
Ann Kring106 have demonstrated that individuals with emotions and experiences.
schizophrenia and controls show similar patterns of va- Studies that have used functional imaging to examine
lence and arousal (eg, liking) in their self-reported emo- brain responses to pleasurable or rewarding stimuli have
tional responses to affect eliciting stimuli. Almost all provided a more mixed picture.91,112 A number of brain
studies show that individuals with schizophrenia discrim- regions have been implicated in the processing of posi-
inate between positive and negative stimuli, though some tive emotional or rewarding stimuli, including the dorsal
studies have found differences between individuals with and ventral striatum, midbrain, orbitofrontal cortex,
schizophrenia and controls in terms of ‘‘absolute levels’’ medial PFC, amygdala, and insula, and the literature
of emotional experience.91–93,95,96,105,107 Findings of ap- is mixed as to whether recruitment of these regions is
parently intact hedonic responses have held true for intact in schizophrenia. For example, Plailly107 found
patients with and without blunted affect90,108 and for reduced activation in schizophrenia in insula and
samples of individuals with schizophrenia who have clin- OFC during hedonicity judgments of positive and neg-
ical ratings of overall increased anhedonia.90 Evidence ative odors but intact activation of the amygdala.
for intact affective responses has also been found in Schneider also found reduced activation of the insula
emotion-modulated startle, such that individuals with during the experience of positive olfactory stimuli in
schizophrenia show similar reductions of startle responses schizophrenia but found reduced amygdala activa-
when presented with pleasant stimuli and given sufficient tion.102 Taylor reported that both medicated and un-
time to process the stimuli.92,97,109 Furthermore, several medicated individuals with schizophrenia showed
studies have shown intact memory enhancement for pos- reduced phasic ventral striatal responses in the compar-
itive stimuli in schizophrenia,21,110,111 again suggesting in- ison of positive vs neutral pictures. In our own work, we
tact ‘‘in-the-moment’’ response to affect eliciting stimuli have found that individuals with schizophrenia show the
(though see Herbener99). Experience sampling studies in same pattern of brain activation in response to both neg-
schizophrenia find that patients report less intense and ative and positive stimuli in a range of brain regions as-
less variable positive emotions.108 It may be the case sociated with the perception and experience of emotion,
that individuals with schizophrenia encounter fewer plea- including medial frontal cortex, insula, OFC, and the
surable events in their everyday lives and that their reduced amygdala.105 However, we did find some evidence for
reports of pleasure are an accurate reflection of their life reduced ventral and dorsal striatal responses to positive
experiences. However, recent work suggests that such stimuli among individuals with schizophrenia, with the
reductions may be more apparent for goal-directed (eg, severity of these deficits correlated with the magnitude
work and school) than nongoal-directed activities (eg, eat- of self-reported anhedonia.
Goal Representations and Motivational in Schizophrenia

In terms of studies using explicit rewards, robust ven- which learning is relatively easy,125–134 though with a few
tral striatal responses to the receipt of money have been exceptions.135,136
observed in patients treated with either typical or atypical In contrast, when the paradigms become more difficult
antipsychotics.113–115 Interestingly, Simon found that the and include varying levels of probability and discrimina-
magnitude of the reward receipt response in the ventral tion, individuals with schizophrenia show more evidence
striatum was inversely associated with severity of depres- of impaired reinforcement learning.137,138 For example,
sion but not with anhedonia.114 Schlagenhauf did not Gold and colleagues139 found evidence for impaired
find group differences in the response to rewards in learning in schizophrenia on the Frank Probabilistic Dis-
the ventral striatum, though they did not clearly see intact crimination Task. A novel feature of this task is that it
responses in patients, and there were reduced striatal enables examination of reward value learning through
responses to loss avoidance among the individuals with transfer effects. In the transfer phase, individuals with
schizophrenia.116 Furthermore, they did see reduced re- schizophrenia showed less of a tendency to choose the
ward-related responses in medial PFC.116 At least one stimulus previously associated with higher reward value.
study did find some evidence for reduced striatal Although this pattern could reflect impaired basal gan-
responses to the receipt of juice (though medication glia-mediated reinforcement learning mechanisms, it

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and smoking confounds were possible), with the magni- may also reflect impaired rapid online learning mecha-
tude of this reduction associated with the severity of an- nisms that may be mediated in part by OFC and/or
hedonia scores.117 DLPFC, as hypothesized by Gold and colleagues140
and discussed in more detail below.
Hedonics and Liking Summary Another task frequently used to measure reinforce-
In sum, the self-report literature provides relatively con- ment learning is a probabilistic classification task called
sistent evidence for intact self-reports of liking in schizo- the Weather Prediction Task. In this task, participants
phrenia, though there is evidence that greater self-reports are presented with 4 multidimensional stimuli (tarot
of anhedonia or negative symptom ratings are associated cards) and asked to predict whether the cards indicate
with less liking.23,100,105,118 The relatively small func- that it will rain or not rain. The stimuli are complex
tional imaging literature provides a somewhat confusing enough to make explicit learning difficult. Whether or
picture, with some evidence for reduced insular not one considers individuals with schizophrenia to
responses, and mixed evidence for altered striatal show intact or impaired performance on this task
responses. However, these studies have not always clearly depends on whether one focuses on asymptotic perfor-
established effects specific to positive stimuli (leaving mance level or learning rate. Numerous studies have
open the possibility that some alterations reflect general shown what appears to be a relatively intact learning
task deficits) and relatively few have addressed clinical rate in schizophrenia, coupled with overall impaired per-
heterogeneity in regards to negative symptoms levels. formance.141–146 In other words, individuals with schizo-
In other words, it is increasingly clear that there are im- phrenia start out the task more impaired, learn at
portant individual differences in the level of anhedonia/ relatively the same rate as controls (but see these for
avolition that may influence the magnitude of responses evidence of an exception147,148), yet never reach the
in regions such as the striatum. Specifically, those studies same asymptotic level of performance. There is some
that have examined individual differences in negative evidence that reinforcement learning may be more intact
symptoms do suggest an important relationship between for patients on atypical than typical antipsychotics,
the magnitude of striatal responses to rewarding or plea- though it has been found in those on typicals as
surable stimuli and anhedonia among individuals with well.141,143 One of the difficult aspects of interpreting per-
schizophrenia.105,117 formance on the Weather Prediction Task is that it can
also be influenced by both implicit learning mechanisms
thought to be mediated by the striatum, and explicit
learning mechanisms that may be supported by OFC
Reward Prediction and Wanting in Schizophrenia
and DLPFC regions.149 Thus, one interpretation of the
There is a clear sense in the literature that the basal gan- Weather Prediction Task results is that the normal learn-
glia play an important role in cognitive/affective impair- ing curve reflects relatively intact striatal learning mech-
ments in schizophrenia. However, the precise nature of anisms, while the impaired overall performance reflects
this impairment remains elusive.119–124 In both animal relatively impaired cortically supported explicit learning
and human studies, the DA–basal ganglia neural circuit mechanisms that may be particularly important during
has been shown to be critically involved in reward predic- specific phases of learning.78,140
tion as well as reinforcement learning processes that are Studies of reward prediction/wanting in the neuroi-
interdependent with reward prediction. Yet surprisingly, maging literature have tended to focus on paradigms
a large number of studies have suggested intact reinforce- that directly examine neural responses to reward-
ment learning in schizophrenia using a range of tasks in predicting cues following conditioning trials. Some
D. M. Barch & E. C. Dowd

paradigms involve passive (ie, Pavlovian) conditioning, errors, which in theory should also depend on a represen-
whereas others, such as the Knutson paradigm,37 require tation of expected reward. As noted above, this study did
speeded responses to obtain rewards. Several studies have not control for the effects of smoking on taste processing
reported reduced ventral striatum activity in schizophre- in schizophrenia (which could alter responses to juice),
nia using the Knutson paradigm. Juckel and Schlagen- representing a confound for assessing positive prediction
hauf found such effects in unmedicated individuals errors (responses to unexpected juice rewards). Interest-
with schizophrenia116,150 as well as in individuals taking ingly, however, Waltz et al did find that the magnitude of
typical antipsychotics but not in individuals treated with prediction errors in basal ganglia among patients was
atypicals.151,152 However, in the Schlagenhauf study, the negatively correlated with avolition scores, suggesting
apparent improvement in reward cue responses among a link to clinically relevant symptoms. In more recent
the individuals switched to olanzapine (eg, lack of group work, Walter et al found intact prediction error responses
difference) was strongly influenced by reduced reward in the striatum for both positive and negative prediction
cue responses in controls at follow-up. Juckel also found errors, though again this was a relatively low negative
that the severity of negative symptoms predicted the re- symptom sample.
duction in ventral striatal responses in unmedicated and There has also been one imaging study looking at the
Weather Prediction Task. Weickert et al146 found that

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typically medicated patients, suggesting important vari-
ability in schizophrenia. Kirsch reported a reduction in controls showed greater activation than individuals
ventral striatal responses to reward cues in individuals with schizophrenia in both DLPFC and caudate. This
with schizophrenia taking typicals compared with atyp- was true even when analyses were restricted to a subset
icals, though the groups were matched on behavioral per- of controls and patients considered to be good learners.
formance and did not differ in ventral striatal responses However, these differences were apparent throughout the
to reward receipt.113 In contrast, in more recent work, course of the task and did not vary as a function of learn-
both Simon114 and Walter115 found intact striatal ing rate or time on task, raising questions as to the spe-
responses to reward anticipation in medicated patients cific processes that they reflected.146 In a related study,
with schizophrenia, though Simon did find that the mag- Koch et al138 found reduced activation among individu-
nitude of this response was inversely correlated with ap- als with schizophrenia in DLPFC and ACC in a probabi-
athy ratings, and Walter et al studied a relatively low listic learning paradigm when the predictability of reward
negative symptom level group of individuals with schizo- outcomes was low. Furthermore, these researchers also
phrenia. Together, these findings suggest that anticipa- found reduced positive prediction error responses in fron-
tory activation in the striatum reflecting reward tal cortex, cingulate, and putamen.
prediction/wanting may be reduced in individuals with
schizophrenia but that this reduction is likely influenced Reward Prediction and Wanting Summary
by individual differences in anhedonia/avolition and by In sum, the literature on reinforcement learning and re-
dopaminergic medications. ward prediction in schizophrenia suggests relatively intact
An alternative way to examine the role of the striatum learning on simple reinforcement learning paradigms,
in reward prediction is to look at what is referred to as though this absence of impairment could reflect a lack
prediction error responses—an increase in striatal (pre- of discriminating power of such easy tasks. In contrast,
sumably dopaminergic) responses to unexpected rewards on more difficult tasks that can include multiple probabi-
and a decrease in striatal responses to a failure to receive listic learning levels, we find more consistent evidence for
predicted rewards. Murray et al153 found evidence for re- impaired performance, though more in terms of absolute
duced prediction error responses to rewards among levels of performance than in learning rates. The open
schizophrenia spectrum patients in bilateral midbrain question in regards to this literature is the degree to which
and right ventral striatum, coupled with enhanced predic- these impairments reflect differences in striatum-influ-
tion error responses to neutral stimuli. Waltz and col- enced learning mechanisms that may be more implicit
leagues117 examined positive and negative prediction vs explicit learning mechanisms that may be more corti-
error responses in a passive paradigm that required par- cally mediated. Consistent with the hypothesis that some
ticipants to learn about the timing of a potential reward. of these reinforcement learning impairments may reflect
These researchers found evidence for reduced positive striatal mechanisms, a growing number of studies in the
prediction error responses in a range of regions that in- imaging literature suggest reduced ventral striatal reward
cluded the striatum (dorsal and ventral) as well as insula prediction/wanting responses in unmedicated and typi-
but relatively intact negative prediction errors in these cally medicated individuals with schizophrenia (though
same regions. The reduced positive prediction error is not in those taking atypicals) and evidence for reduced
consistent with the hypothesis that individuals with positive prediction errors. However, not all studies
schizophrenia may not learn to predict (or ‘‘want’’) the have found impaired striatal responses to reward predic-
upcoming rewards, though one might expect that such tion cues or to prediction error, and there is also evidence
deficits should also lead to reduced negative prediction that the magnitude of these striatal impairments may be
Goal Representations and Motivational in Schizophrenia

related to the severity of negative symptoms, again point- the translation to more abstract representations that are
ing to the importance of examining individual difference likely to govern daily life function.
relationships among individuals with schizophrenia. Fur-
thermore, at least 2 studies have also found altered
Effort Computations and ACC Function in Schizophrenia
activation in frontal regions during probabilistic rein-
forcement learning, suggesting a potentially important To our knowledge, there is no work directly addressing
role for cortically mediated mechanisms. effort computations in schizophrenia. However, research
has examined ACC function in schizophrenia using a va-
riety of conflict and error processing paradigms. As noted
Value Computations and OFC Function in Schizophrenia
above, it is not clear whether conflict monitoring and/or
As described above, one hypothesis is that the OFC sup- error processing share similar cognitive mechanisms with
ports the computation of value or the integration of the effort computation or rely on the same ACC regions,
reinforcing properties of the stimulus with the internal though there is growing evidence that both are associated
state of the organism, which includes updating changes with activation of the dorsal ACC.60,61,66,71 Nevertheless,
in the reinforcing properties of the stimulus. There are this literature does provide hints as to the functional in-

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2 experimental paradigms that have been frequently tegrity of ACC in schizophrenia. Several studies suggest
used as probes of lateral and medial OFC function: prob- that individuals with schizophrenia show reduced error-
abilistic reversal learning and the Iowa Gambling Task. related ACC responses137,171–177 as well as reduced post-
Both require individuals to integrate information about error slowing171,172 on the Stroop task as well as other
rewards and punishments across trials and to use such in- tasks. However, there is also evidence that patients
formation to update value representations appropriately. with schizophrenia can show normal error correction per-
A number of studies suggest impaired reversal learning in formance even in the context of reduced ACC responses
schizophrenia,125,130,131,133,135,136,154 though a few studies to errors173,178 and that the relationship between the mag-
using the Intra-Dimensional-Extra-Dimensional task did nitude of the error related negativity and error-related
not find simple reversal learning deficits in schizophre- behaviors is intact in schizophrenia.175 Individuals with
nia.127–129 These reversal learning impairments are pres- schizophrenia also show reduced conflict-related ACC
ent even when individuals with schizophrenia and activation on the Stroop task172,173 as well as reductions
controls are matched on initial acquisition perfor- in conflict adaptation effects.172 There is also evidence for
mance.126 The literature on the Iowa Gambling Task in ACC abnormalities in schizophrenia from structural and
schizophrenia also provides evidence for impair- postmortem studies, eg.179,180 Thus, there is some reason
ment,155–162 again with some exceptions.154,163–165 There to believe that conflict monitoring, error processing, and
is also evidence for structural and functional changes in ACC function may be altered in individuals with schizo-
OFC in schizophrenia,107,166–169 though such changes phrenia, but direct work on effort computations and
have not been directly related to reversal learning or ACC function in schizophrenia is needed, along with
Iowa Gambling Task performance. There is some evi- an assessment of these functions in relationship to other
dence for an association between reduced OFC volume components of the system.
and negative symptoms.166,167 There is also reasonable ev-
idence for olfactory functioning deficits in schizophrenia,
Goal-Directed Action and DLPFC Function in
which could be related to OFC function (given that olfac-
tory cortex is located in OFC).170 However, it is not clear
whether olfactory functions rely on the same OFC regions There is a very large body of evidence for impairments in
that support value computations. In sum, there is good cognitive functions thought to be mediated by DLPFC in
evidence from the behavioral literature for deficits in tasks schizophrenia,181–183 including those involving goal
thought to reflect OFC function in schizophrenia, and at maintenance and planning.181,184,185 Furthermore, there
least some data suggesting that OFC changes may be re- is robust evidence for altered DLPFC function in schizo-
lated to negative symptoms. However, as of yet, there is phrenia during cognitive control tasks,186–188 though the
no direct evidence of impaired OFC function in relation- direction (hypoactivity vs hyperactivity) varies as a func-
ship to deficits in value computation, as one might find in tion of factors such as load and performance.189 In addi-
imaging studies of probabilistic reversal learning.53 Fur- tion, structural studies have found alterations in gray
thermore, it will be important to make a stronger link matter volume in DLPFC,190–193 in some cases specifi-
between laboratory paradigms assessing value representa- cally associated with altered executive function.194 Stud-
tions and how such representations may play a role in ev- ies have also found a variety of cellular and molecular
eryday life function. It is relatively straightforward to abnormalities in DLPFC.191,192,195–198 In addition, mag-
understand how value is represented and updated for pri- netic resonance spectroscopy studies have found reduc-
mary rewards such as juice or food in relationship to hun- tions in N-acetylaspartate (NAA) concentrations (a
ger and thirst levels, but more work is needed on making measure of the metabolic integrity of neurons) in PFC
D. M. Barch & E. C. Dowd

in schizophrenia.199–204 However, there have been a few ever approach one chooses to use, the large body of lit-
nonreplications,205,206 and some suggestions that reduced erature demonstrating an important effect of negative
NAA may result from antipsychotic treatment.207 An im- symptom severity indicates that small sample studies
portant question is whether the cognitive control impair- of unselected patients are no longer useful or informative
ments observed in schizophrenia that have been for moving the work in this area forward. Of course, ar-
associated with altered DLPFC function reflect problems guing that one should examine individual differences in
in translating reward information into goal representa- anhedonia and avolition in schizophrenia in both behav-
tions. One means to examine this issue is to determine ioral and imaging studies begs the question of whether
how motivational incentives impact cognitive perfor- our existing measures are adequate for these purposes.215
mance, potentially via modulation of DLPFC activity. Recent consensus-building work has argued that the
Several studies suggest that individuals with schizophre- existing measures are in fact not adequate1 and the devel-
nia are not able to improve their performance on cogni- opment of new measures is underway, with a focus on
tive tasks when offered monetary incentives,208–211 but an incorporating constructs and findings from the basic sci-
equal number suggest at least some evidence for improve- ence literature. Importantly, such measures may allow us
ment with reward.212–214 There is also work on the use of to more validly map the phenomenology of schizophre-

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token economies in schizophrenia that suggests function- nia to the types of deficits in specific functions described
ing can be improved through an explicit reward system. in this review rather than focusing only on global meas-
However, token economies provide a number of ‘‘exter- ures of severity that may conflate a number of different
nal’’ supports for maintaining reward-related informa- processes or mechanisms.
tion that could compensate for deficits in the ability to As a general summary, the current literature is consis-
translate reward information into action plans. Thus, tent with the hypothesis that hedonics are relatively intact
the schizophrenia literature provides very consistent ev- in schizophrenia, with the majority of self-report and im-
idence for impaired cognitive control, action planning, aging data suggesting relatively intact self-report and
and DLPFC function but relatively few direct tests of neural responses to pleasurable and rewarding stimuli.
the ability to use internal representations of reward infor- However, at the same time, the literature suggests that
mation to modulate behavior and brain function. there may be a deficit in one or more of the neural mech-
anisms that help to translate reward information into goal-
directed actions. As reviewed above, a growing body of
Summary, Suggestions for Future Research, and
work suggests evidence for reinforcement learning impair-
ments on difficult tasks with varying probabilities of rein-
The review of impairments in schizophrenia related to re- forcement and relatively consistent evidence for impaired
ward processing provided above suggests a number of striatal responses to cues that predict reward and to pos-
key points. First, there is a good deal of variability across itive prediction errors. Although not all studies show these
studies, and few studies have examined more than one results, and the magnitude of impairment is influenced by
mechanism in the same individuals. This is unfortunate, the level of negative symptom severity, such findings sug-
as it is difficult to determine whether variability across gest that impairment in striatal reward prediction mecha-
studies reflects sample differences (with the level of neg- nisms may influence wanting in schizophrenia in a way
ative symptoms being key) or true differences across tasks that reduces the ability of individuals with schizophrenia
or neural systems. Second, there is clearly heterogeneity to use anticipated rewards to drive motivated behavior.
among individuals with schizophrenia, with deficits po- As of yet, there is less direct evidence for or against
tentially varying as a function of negative symptom sever- impairments in value or effort computation, mechanisms
ity (anhedonia/avolition in particular). These factors putatively mediated by OFC and ACC, respectively. As
make it difficult to know whether variability across stud- described above, there is certainly ample indirect evidence
ies or mechanisms reflect differential impairment, differ- for impairments on OFC and ACC function, but none of
ent clinical profiles, differing medication states, or some these studies have directly linked OFC or ACC functions
combination of all. Thus, it is critical in future studies to to processing involved in linking experienced or antici-
examine the relationships between impairments at both pated rewards with goal representations, action plans,
the behavioral and neural level and the level of impair- or motivated behavior. Similarly, there is ample evidence
ment in symptoms such as anhedonia and avolition. for impaired DLPFC function and action planning in
The importance of examining this question suggests schizophrenia but relatively little work directly examining
that researchers will need to alter the design of their stud- the influence of rewards on the ability to modulate these
ies in the future, either by explicitly ascertaining a large mechanisms in schizophrenia. Our prior work suggests
enough sample to examine individual difference relation- that individuals with schizophrenia are impaired in repre-
ships with sufficient power or by including samples of senting goal information that enables action plans to ob-
individuals with schizophrenia specifically selected for tain desired outcomes and that such impairments are due
varying levels of negative symptom impairment. Which- to altered DLPFC function.216–219 However, our work
Goal Representations and Motivational in Schizophrenia

has not directly tied such deficits to impairments in reward We believe that studying the neural mechanisms of re-
processing. Moreover, it is also difficult to disentangle ward processing in schizophrenia is critically important
DLPFC-dependent mechanisms related to reward pro- for understanding the poor functional outcomes that
cessing from other similar processes, such as cue-based are prominent in this population. Research has identified
reward prediction and/or value-effort computations. the persistence of cognitive deficits even with treatment as
Nonetheless, there are intriguing hints that individuals one of the key mechanisms constraining functional abil-
with schizophrenia may not be able to use reward infor- ity in schizophrenia.222,223 However, symptoms such as
mation to modulate cognitive control and DLPFC anhedonia and avolition also represent significant con-
function, suggesting a potentially important role for straints on functional outcome in this illness. The pres-
cortical–striatal interactions in mediating impairment in ence of anhedonia is associated with poor community
motivated and goal-directed behavior in schizophrenia. and social function99,224–228 and predicts poor long-
Thus, in future studies, it will be critical to examine the term outcomes.99,229–231 It may turn out that some of
interaction of these mechanisms in the same individuals, the same mechanisms leading to cognitive deficits in
taking into account clinical heterogeneity. schizophrenia also contribute to anhedonia and avoli-
The above discussion reviews the potential mechanisms tion, such as DLPFC-mediated disturbances in goal
maintenance.232,233 If so, then treatments aimed at im-

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of impairment in schizophrenia as potentially dissociable
psychological and neural systems that may make inde- proving cognitive function in schizophrenia may also im-
pendent contributions to impairments in goal-directed prove anhedonia and avolition, though there is not yet
behavior in schizophrenia. However, it is also possible clear evidence for this.234 However, if the mechanisms
that there are impairments in several of these functions leading to anhedonia and avolition are different, then
and systems that reflect a common mechanism. One po- we need to understand the source of these impairments
tential common denominator that could lead to impair- so as to develop more effective interventions that can en-
ments in each of the functions (outside of hedonics) is hance functional outcome and quality of life in this de-
altered DA function in both subcortical and cortical bilitating illness. For example, if research continues to
regions.220,221 Almost all the functions described above indicate that individuals with schizophrenia show deficits
are heavily influenced by DA function, which has wide- in the ability to use cues to predict future rewarding out-
spread influences on both cognitive and motivational sys- comes, it might suggest that rehabilitation approaches
tems. Thus, should future research indicate that many or should utilize environmental supports that could in
all the processes involved in translating reward into goal- a sense compensate for such deficits in the internal eval-
directed action are impaired in schizophrenia, it may sug- uation and/or maintenance of such cues. As another ex-
gest a role for a core deficit in DA function that modulates ample, if research suggests that individuals with
multiple components of the system as a parsimonious ex- schizophrenia are impaired in the ability to use potential
planation. However, it is also possible that ongoing reinforcement to enhance goal-directed action (eg, action
research will provide evidence for more selective impair- steps necessary for social engagement, job completion,
ments in some components of the system, providing im- etc.), rehabilitation approaches may again need to use en-
portant clues as to pathways for intervention. vironmental supports that make such outcomes more
Given the widespread effects of DA on this system, an- salient (eg, frequent external reminders of the payoffs
tipsychotic medications that block DA receptors have the associated with engagement in work, social, or
potential to impact cognitive and motivational systems at occupationally related goal-directed behaviors; enhanc-
several stages and addressing potential medication con- ing the immediacy or salience of small payoffs that
founds will therefore be critical to future work in this may serve as scaffolds or bridges to more long-term
field. While practical constraints make rigorous examina- positive outcomes). This suggestion is consistent with
tion of medication effects difficult, there are several strat- the work of Medalia and others, who have argued
egies that, when combined, may yield a fuller picture of for a contextualized approach to rehabilitation that
how reward-related functions are affected by medications maximizes internal motivation.235,236 Lastly, if the liter-
in this population. The reward prediction literature has ature continues to support the crucial importance of
begun to tackle these questions by examining unmedi- individual differences in the degree to which schizophre-
cated patients and comparing results between different nia have deficits in these different processes, this may
medication types. Other approaches could include: exam- suggest a basis for more individually tailored treatment
ining genetically related, medication-naı̈ve populations approaches.
such as first-degree relatives and schizotypal personality
disorder patients; delaying a dose of medication in order
to perform within-subjects comparisons at high and low
D2R blockade and/or performing positron emission to-
mography studies in the same sample to gain information National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH066031,
about individual levels of DA receptor availability. P50 MH62130).
D. M. Barch & E. C. Dowd

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