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Nuril Shofiyatul Jannah

NIM 1710231026











NIM 1710231026

Presented to

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

to fulfill the requirements

For the degree of Sarjana in English Language education






COVER................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................... iii


1.1 Background of the Research.................................................. 1

1.2 Problem of the Research........................................................ 4

1.3 Focus of the Research............................................................ 5

1.4 Purpuse of the Research........................................................ 5

1.5 Significance of the Research................................................. 5

1.6 Scope of the Research........................................................... 6

1.7 Operational Definition of the Terms..................................... 6


2.1 The Definition of Online Assessment................................... 7

2.2 Google form.......................................................................... 9

2.3 Reading Assessment using Google Form.............................. 10


3.1 Research Design.................................................................... 13

3.2 Data of the Research.............................................................. 13

3.3 Sources of the Data................................................................ 14

1. Primary data.................................................................... 14

2. Secondary data................................................................ 14

3.4 Research Area........................................................................ 15

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data................................................ 15

3.6 Intrument of Collecting Data................................................. 16

1.Questionnaire...................................................................... 16

2.Interview............................................................................. 16

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis.................................................. 17

1.Data Reduction................................................................... 17

2.Data Display....................................................................... 17

3.Conclution Drawing........................................................... 18

3.8 Data Verification Technique................................................. 18

REFERENCES.................................................................................... 20



This chapter discusses background of the research, problem of the research,

focus of the research, purpose of the research, significances of the research, scope

of the research and operational definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Reasearch

The use of technology media in learning is increasing from time to time. One of

the technologies used is smartphone. The technology in the smartphone provides a

growing internet connection with the need to communicate and find information. Johnson

(2021) stated those internets users in the world have reached nearly 4.66 billion people

are active internet users as of October 2020. Mobile internet is an important tool for

learning not only in pandemic conditions but also in normal situations. Nowadays many

schools have implemented technology into learning such as Google Form to collect

assignment from teacher to students. To sum up, internet plays important role in human

life in many sectors including education field.

Online learning allows students to perform learning and teaching activities

anytime. Online media is one of the evolutions of learning media in delivering

information. It is undeniable that online learning is important at this time. It

means that the role of technology in educational advances, nowadays online

learning is no longer a problem or a limitation, because there are no restrictions,

distance, and time. All can be reached with the technology as it is today. It is

supported by Anderson (2004) who states that for the learners, the time, place and

distance, will no longer become a problem. For the instructor tutoring, uploading

the task and discussing can be done anywhere and anytime. It means the

convenience of time and place are the most commercial aspect offered by online


Online assessment has several terms, including online test, e-assessment,

e-examination, online assessment, web-based assessment, and computer based

assessment. All of them have the same aspects in using technology and internet in

application. According to Dr. OnyekaIwuchukwu (2014, p. 154) defines

electronic examination or e-examination is basically an examination conducted

with the use of information technology especially computers, through the web or

the intrane. It enables teachers to handle large number of classes, because test and

grading are done automatically. The use of online assessment applications that

usually teachers and students use are Google Classroom and Google form which

is commonly used by every school when online assessment in this pandemic era.

So that no provision of material, assignments, and assessments can be overlooked.

In conducting research in the use of online learning, especially Google form, it is

to find out how students' perspectives on the use of Google Form for student

reading assessments, because Google Form classified as a new learning tool in

this pandemic outbreak.

According to An Tuyin (2018, p. 75) Google Forms can be used in several

ways to increase classroom environment benefits such as surveying students

outside of class to learn about them as individuals, engaging them in class by

collecting responses in the moment, and collecting their selfreflections after a

lesson. Google forms are widely used by teachers for assigning multiple choice or

essay assignments. It allows teachers to create each class with their division, and

presents students to distribute the assignment directly, and the teacher can see the

student's grade directly from the Google Form and it also offers features that can

encourage students to do their assignment directly. On the other side, the use of

Google Form requires a good internet connection when it comes to bad

connection it will become the main problem to the students and teachers while

doing the online assessment. When students or teachers have a poor internet

connection it becomes a learning barrier. Therefore, sometimes it makes students

do their assignments from the start.For example of obstacle that face by students if

the students reading from the smartphone the light of the smartphone will hurt

students’ eyes. Then, the difficulty in working on questions via the Google Form

can also be found as well as in working on reading questions on Google Form

such as teacher cannot underline the words on reading assignment through Google


However, based on the explanation above the researcher want to know

the perspective of the reading assessment from students’ perspective regarding the

use of google form. Knowing the perspective of students is very important

because this also means for teachers or lecturers to evaluate the media used in

teaching or assigning reading task to students so that there is no obstacles in

learning and teaching process. As stated by Chen (2003) the student’s perception

is really important for evaluating the teaching effectiveness. Therefore, a

reseracher will conduct a study entitled A Study of Students’ Perspective on

Using Google Form as a Reading Skill Assessment in SMP 7 Jember in

2020/2021 Academic Year.

There is a previous reserach done by Badi’atul, Mar’atus, and Guritno

(2017) entitled The University Students’ Perception of Online Examination Using

Google Form. This reserach seeks to find snswers of the of university students’

English Examination using google form and the perceptions of university students

of using google form. This reserach used mixed methods including quantitative

and qualitative method. The difference between previous study is here the

researcher uses the perspective from junior high school students because in this

junior high school, the school already use Google Form as a tool in reading

assessment. Also, in junior high school students rarely use mobile phones, and

that makes it difficult for them to access the learning at the school that is why

researcher is interested in their perspective on reading assessment using google

form. In data collecting, the data will be taken using interviews and questionnaires

aimed at junior high school students and focuses on giving assignments in reading

texts to students.

1.2 Problem of the Research

Based on the background of the research above, the problems of the

research are as mention below:

1. How do students’ perceive Reading Assessment through Google Form?

2. What are the obstacles faced by students on Reading Assessment through

Google Form ?

1.3 Focus of the Research

In line with the identification of the problem, the focus of this research is

to find out the Students’ Perspective and the obstacles faced by students on Using

Google Form as a Reading Skill Assessment in SMP 7 Jember In 2020/2021

Academic Year.

1.4 Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to find out the students’ perspective of

reading assessment through google form and the obstacles faced by students on

reading assessment through google form in SMP 7 Jember In 2020/2021

Academic Year.

1.5 Significance of the Research

This research aims to provide some significance for teachers, and future

reserachers who will conduct the similar research as follows:

1. Practical Significance

The teachers can take advantages from the information about the obstacles

faced by students on reading assessment through google form.

2. Theoretical Significance

The result of this research might be used for other researchers who are

interested to conduct the same area of this research. The findings of this

research can be used as a reference to conduct further different research

design or methodology.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This research will be conducted for students in Junior High School. The

scope of this research is on students’ perception on Using Google Form as a

Reading Assessment in SMP 07 Jember in 2020/2021 Academic Year.

1.7 Operational Definition of the Terms

1. Students’ Perspective

Students Perspective is the student's opinion or point of view on something

to evaluate learning activities. After knowing the perception of students,

teachers or lecturers can change what is not liked by students and can

improve what has been liked by students, whether it is about how to teach

or how to deliver material to students. Therefore, student's perception is

very important, especially for teachers or lecturers.

2. Reading Assessment

Reading assessment is an evaluation or assessment activity given by

teachers to students to measure their ability and understanding a text. .

This has arisen because the vast majority of standardized comprehension

assessment tools use a multiple-choice format where questions are

answered after the text is read.

3. Google Form

Google form is one of the tools used by teachers or researcher to assign

assignments to students via the web or online.



This chapter discusses certain points; those are the definition of online

assessment, Google Form, and reading assessment using Google Form.

2.1 The Definition of Online Assessment

At the end of teaching and learning process conducted in class, teacher

usually carried out the process of assessment of the learning outcomes for all the

students. According to Shepardson & Gummer (2001) assessment is an attempt to

decide what students know and what they can do. Assessment is a tool to measure

a students’ understanding about material has been taught in class. Assessment for

Learning (AfL) requires teachers and learners to use assessment to improve

instruction and learning. It is about assessing learners’ progress, providing them

with feedback and deciding on the next step in the teaching and learning process

(Saedarch & Saad 203, p. 2493.

Assessment tools provide instructors in various ways to test, survey and

track student accomplishments and activities in the course. For instance, regular

assessment instruments incorporate a test assessment manager for manufacturing

and spreading the exams, a source for making divergence case of questions. The

use of technology opens up the possibility to conduct learning through online

assessment. It is able to penetrate boundaries that were once impenetrable.

Network-based technology devices have become an integral part of the lives of

teachers and students. As stated by Ghasemi & Hashemi (2011, p. 3098) that in

recent years there has been a groundswell of interest in how computers and the

Internet can best be harnessed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

education at all levels and in both formal and non-formal settings. It means

internet technology is not only used to provide materials in the classroom also as

an assessment tool in evaluating student performance. More over receiving

information, knowledge to develop skills, teachers and students will use various

methods, approaches and learning strategies. According to Shepardson &

Gummer (2001). There are number of ways of teachers could identify or assess

students’ progress, teachers can use either paper based assessment or online

assessment. However, the latter seems to have more promising, advantages than

the formen, wich will be described in the following :

Online Assessment, in this digital era, assessment can be used with

technology or can be said as an online assessment. The use of online assessment is

now widely used among schools and universities in the world, especially in

Indonesia. Because researcher focuses on online assessment, it is important to

know how students perspective in online assessment. Bergstrom & Lopes (2007)

stated that online assessment is the way of using the internet for informing,

analysing, and reporting content of the exam and, when properly used, it can

greatly increase the efficacy of online assessment. In line with that, Onyeka

(2014, p. 154) defines electronic examination or e-examination is basically an

examination conducted with the use of information technology especially

computers, through the web or the internet. Online assessment prepares distance

of the students with the capability to act the learning needs, value the outcomes of

learning activity, and accelerate learners to the professional credentialing by

utilizing an efficient delivery framework of the Internet.

There are advantages in online assessment. According to Tuten (2004)

there are quite a few advantages to gathering data via the internet, such as lower

cost, faster responses, and the opportunity to reach the potential participants

independent of geographical location and time zone. Meanwhile, according to

Tippins (2004) there are some disadvantages of online assessment, such as not

knowing the identity of candidate, cheating, problems with the security of items,

and hardware and software problems. To sum up, online assessment has several

terms, including online test, e-assessment, e-examination, online assessment, web-

based assessment, and computer based assessment, it enables teachers to handle

large number of classes, because test and grading are done automatically. It eases

the overload work for the teacher.

2.2 Google Form

The android-based digital device operating system gives lecturers the

opportunity to take advantage of Google’s features that can be used without

paying. Given that every student already has an android device supported by the

largest corporate operational system in internet search that is Its

development Google provides services that can be used to share, evaluate, survey,

and request bills. This service is certainly relevant to the implementation of

education, because through the services provided by Google, lecturers can share,

or transfer knowledge, skills and even value, ask for bills, conduct evaluations,

surveys, and even discuss a material in writing without having to do face-to-face

with students. Based on the description above, it is necessary for teachers to

develop learning designs based on services prepared by Google, to support

various limitations in the implementation of online learning and assessment.

The use of Google Form as a learning media, evaluation, registration

form and assignment has been carried out by several researchers and teachers in

schools. The use of Google Form for online assessment in this case gives several

advantages. One of them is that the result of the test is automatically recorded as

students finish the test. As stated by Agrawal & Maurya (2016 p. 294) that the

results generated from online survey method (Google Forms) are secure as they

are generated in the form of diagrams which cannot be edited. The excel sheet that

contains the respondent’s data can be modified but those changes doesn reflect in

the result diagrams. This makes the result and diagrams more secure and only

show the actual data filled by the respondents. Therefore, there are some

disadvantages using Google form. One of them is lack of instructor’s control

(Kerka & Wonacott 2000), students may do cheating, the students cannot take a

note during assessment, teachers cannot underline the words in paragraph, and the

availability of stable internet connection also needs to account for doing

assessment online (Mansor, 2012, p. 427).

2.3 Reading Assessment using Google Form

Online assessment is an alternative to conventional or traditional

assessment. As for read is assesment, teachers may benefit from this type of

assesment to prounde an assessment to their students without time and place

bound. However, as described in the previous sub chapter about online

assessment, the benefit affered, such as ease in recording or data keeping, is

highly depandant on the tools of delivery. The following paragraphs describe the

advantages and disadvantages of using google form as about for delivering online

read assessment.

Online reading comprehension assessment may be delivered, using

software like Google Form to give an evaluation of how far the students’

understanding about some topics regarding to reading comprehension that has

been taught by the teachers in class. According to Nguyen, Stehr & Eisenreich

(2018, p. 75), Google Forms can be used in several ways to increase classroom

environment advantages such as surveying students outside of class to learn about

them as individuals, engaging them in class by collecting responses in the

moment, and collecting their self-reflections after a lesson. Additionaly, Google

Form as tool to evaluate students reading skill according to Nguyen, Stehr &

Eisenreich (2018, p. 76) Google Forms can be graded automatically and a

summary of all answers can be viewed instantly under the “responses” tab in

Google Forms, instructors can easily spot which questions is missed the most and

decide on which concepts to review for the students.

Google Forms also has many disadvantages in reading assessment. As

supported by Nguyen, Stehr & Eisenreich (2018, p. 78) Google Forms do not

allow mathematical symbols or phonetic symbols or a way to enter anything but

the most basic of equations. For instance, the teachers can not write the pattern of

the questions. Furthermore, there are no formatting options such as italicizing,

underlining, text, or bold facing. Another possible concern with using Google

Forms is that students may get distracted easily when they have their smartphones

or laptops in front of them such as the notification of their social media,

advertisements, or even a phone call. Even when reading questions on google

form students are required to scroll up or down to continue reading, the light in a

smartphone can also interfere with vision, it can also damage the eyes if it is too

long to stare at the light of the smartphone screen. Nonetheless, these issues can

be addressed. For example, inserting pictures when an equation cannot be typed,

capitalizing words to be emphasized. While in reading assessment, there are texts

that consist with pictures, numbers, and underline words. It means that the use of

Google Form in reading assessment it is not really effective, to overcome this kind

of situation teachers must choose the media or tools to provide reading assessment

according to the needs that are able to accommodate all materials that must be

present in the reading assessment. For example, by creating an active learning

space so that students can enjoy reading learning online and there are no learning

and barriers. Because of teachers’ assessment tools are an important part of

judging the capabilities, progress and development of students. Assessment tools

help teachers judge how much a student knows at the beginning of a school year,

semester or subject. Reading assessment tools also help track progress and inform

the teacher when the subject matter has been adequately learned by the students.

To conclude, reading assessment using Goggle Form has the advantages

and disadvantages, as technologies have developed, many changes have taken

place in the classroom to support education and help teachers inform their

teaching practices. Google Forms is a free online tool that can be used in the

classroom to improve students’ participation, engage them in their learning, and

evaluate their learning. Moreover, it is friendly, easy to administer, and helps

teachers and students save paper and time grading and doing the assignments.



This chapter describes some aspects of methodology including research

design, research data, data source, research area, data collecting technique,

instrument of collecting data, data analyzing technique and data verification


3.1 Research Design

This research used descriptive qualitative research design. According to

(Ary,, 2010) Qualitative research is research that understands a phenomenon

that focuses on the image rather than breaking it down into variables. While

descriptive research is data that is collected in the form of words, sentences or

pictures that have meaning (Nugrahani, 2014). The reason of using a qualitative

descriptive design is to provide an overview of information from the data

obtained. It is suitable with the purpose of this research is to find out the students’

perspective of reading assessment through google form and the obstacles faced by

students on reading assessment through google form in SMP 7 Jember in

2020/2021 Academic Year.

3.2 Data of the Research

Data obtained from interviews, and questionnaires given to students of

class VII at SMP 7 JEMBER. The data is the students’ answers on the interviews,

and questionnaires. Then this data would be analyzed more deeply by selecting

the students’ answer.

3.3 Sources of Data

In qualitative research, data can originate from a variety of sources,

including interviews and questionnare data (Creswell, 2014). According to Ajayi

(2017), there are two types of data sources:

1. Primary data is original and unique information obtained directly from a

source by the researcher, such as a survey, observations, experiments,

questionnaire, personal interview, and so on. Researchers used

questionnaires and the results of interviews from twenty students of SMPN

7 Jember as the primary data for this study. Respondents of this study are

students who answered or responded to questions from researchers, so the

respondents of this study were students of class VII SMP. And the

informant in this research is an English teacher of class VII SMP because

the teacher is the main role that first knows the difficulties of his students.

2. Secondary data refers to information gathered previously by someone else.

Secondary data are information gathered by a third party who is unrelated

to the research project but gathered the information for a different reason

and at a different time in the past. If the data is used by the researcher, it

becomes secondary data for the present user. Government papers,

websites, books, and journal articles are examples of secondary data, etc.

Documentation connected to the subject, such as a book, diary, etc

secondary information. In this research, the secondary data in the students’

academic record or report. It will be get to support the primary data in

order to understan the promblem latter.

To maintain the respondents' trust, the researcher used the initials of the

respondents' names when displaying the data. In addition, the researcher kept the

information private. To feel comfortable sharing data, the respondent must be

aware of his or her own identity.

3.4 Research Area

This research will be conducted at SMP 7 Jember in 2020/2021 Academic

Year; the subject of this research is the seventh Grade Students. The researcher

focuses on from students’ perspective of reading assessment through google form

and the obstacles faced by students on reading assessment through google form.

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher chooses the data collecting technique that

can be used. According to Sugiyono (2008, p.142) data collecting technique is the

main step of research, because the purpose of the research is to collect the data.

The researcher will use two techniques to gather the data. The techniques are

questionnaire and interview. People's thoughts, beliefs, and feelings regarding

circumstances are gathered through interviews in their own words. They are used

to aid in the comprehension of people's experiences and the significance they

assign to them. Rather than putting hypotheses to the test. Interviews may provide

facts that would otherwise be unavailable. They can either be obtained by

observation or utilized to verify observations,this interview yielded. The specific

question will be asked by the interviewer to ascertain what, where, how, and why

things done in certain ways.

3.6 Instrument of Collecting Data

In this study the researcher conducted a technique to obtaining valid data,

there are:

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a document that contains questions and other types of

items that are designed to gather information for analysis (Babbie, 1990, p. 337).

In this study, researchers used a questionnaire technique by providing a list of

closed questions to respondents (students) that are directly related to the research

objectives. The questions were taken from previous research using 15 items and

20 people and will be distributed one week after the seminar proposal. This

quistionnare are given to get data of Student unestaning in using google form for

reading assessment.

2. interview

The interview is a method of collecting data through a conversation

between two or more parties with a specific purpose (Nugrahani, 2014). As for the

interview, there are two types, namely directly or indirectly. In this research, the

research chose interviews directly, using zoom or google meet to provide a

question. As the objects in this study were 7th grade students of SMPN 7 Jember,

they were also interviewed. This interview is done to get Student perpective and

the quistion will about reading assessment obstacles, benifit and proses of reaing

assesment in goggle form. The process of interview will be record to help the

research see the data more accurately.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

According to Lodico (2010, p. 165), in all qualitative research, data

analysis and interpretation are continuous throughout the study, so that insights

gained in initial data analysis can guide future data collection. In addition

according to (Ary et,al 2010, p. 32), a qualitative researcher must organize and

categorize or code the large mass of data so that they can be described and

interpreted. He also explain that the data analysis in qualitative research is a

timeconsuming and difficult process because typically the researcher faces

massive amounts of field notes, interview transcripts, audio recordings, video

data, reflections, or information from documents, all of which must be examined

and interpreted. So that the reseacrher must explain all the data clearly.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the first step in analyzing the data. According to

Huberman (1994, p. 10) the data reduction refers to: The process of selecting,

focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appears in

written up field notes or transcription. It is a form of analysis that sharpens, sort,

focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that “final” conclusion can be

drawn and verified. In this case, the researcher selected the data derived from

interview and questionnaire to the students. To find only the data wich match the

research promblem.

2. Data Display

Data display is the process of showing the data simply in the form of

words, sentences, narratives, table, and graphic in order the data collected is

mastered by the writer as the basic to take appropriate conclusion. By looking at

display, it helps to understand what is happening and to do something either

analyze further or take action based on that understanding. The data display from

questioner an interview will be in the form of narative.

3. Conclusion Drawing

In this process, analysis should allow the researcher to begin to develop

conclusions regarding the research. These initial conclusion scan then be verified,

which is their validity examined through reference to the existing interview and

questioners data. In this step, the researcher drew the conclusion and verified the

answer of research question done in displaying the data by comparing the

interview data and questionnaire data. Thus, the researcher will get the conclusion

about students’ perspective of reading assessment through google form and the

obstacles faced by students on reading assessment rough google form

3.8 Data Verification Technique

According to Eisner (1998) structural collaboration as a means through

which multiple types of data are related to each other to support or contradict the

interpretation and evaluation. The use of multiple sources of data, multiple

observers, and multiple methods is referred to as triangulation. In Triangulation of

data sources is certain of the truth informant through a variety of methods and

sources of data acquisition. In addition to interviews and questionnaire, the

researcher will use written document, an archive, official records, and photos. In

this research, the researcher used triangulation with data sources to verify the

collected data that are from written document (result of intrterview and quetioner),

an archive( attendance list, 7th grade students’ textboox), official records ( voice

recordings of informant and reslondent).


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