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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

The most difficult part of this paper was deciding on an issue to write the white paper on. My topic
was deer, but finding a lengthy issue to write about took a lot of time. I ended up settling on how
deer affect the environment (both positively and negatively) and how overpopulation of deer is

First Draft (for peer editing)

Resources for research were acquired and I began on my topic. I focused specifically on North
Carolina, as the deer population in the state is great and I didn’t want to focus too much on other
state’s hunting laws. Hunting was a large part of my paper as it could take a persuasive tone for the

Second Draft (for your packet)

Most edits for the second draft came from the figures added from research, namely maps and
graphs. Captions were added, formatted, and italicized to add to the research. Paragraphs were
indented for formatting and a conclusion was added to finish off the paper and all of the introduced

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

The final draft included a rework of the sections and table of contents to match. A “How this solves
the problem” section was added to wrap up the reasoning behind the solutions provided. Grammar
and spelling were corrected here, but otherwise not a ton of edits were added before the paper was
added to the portfolio.
Document Development Exposition: White Paper

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