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An Autonomous Institution, (Approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University)

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Academic Year 2020-2021(EVEN SEM)

Class Course Code Course Title Date

Duration: 90 min Max:50 Marks

Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Apply the concept of irrigation and crop water requirements (AP)
CO 2: Gain knowledge on hydraulic design of various diversion and impounding structures. (AP)
CO3: Minimize water losses and optimize water use for irrigation. (AP)

Part – A (09 x 02 = 18 Marks) RBT CO Marks

Answer All Questions
1 Justify the benefits of irrigation? R CO1 2
2 What do you mean by ‘Multipurpose River Valley Project’? U CO1 2
3 Infer kor period and base period. R CO1 2
4 Give any two units by which duty of water can be expressed. U CO1 2
5 In border strip method the width and length of the plot should not exceed _______
R CO1 2
and ___________.
6 Name the method of irrigation used for orchids. U CO1 2
7 The base period of paddy is 90 days. If the duty for this crop is 750 hectares per
AP CO1 2
cumec, Calculate the value of delta.
8 What is the wetted area in the furrow method? R CO1 2
9 Water is released at the rate of 10 cumecs at the head sluice. If the duty at the field
is 150 ha/cumec and the loss of water in transit is 30%, find the area of the land AP CO1 2
that can be irrigated.

Part – B (02 x 16 = 32 Marks) RBT CO Marks

Answer All Questions
10 i) Enlist and explain various irrigation efficiencies adopted in calculating
U CO1 6
water requirements.
ii) A main canal supplied by a storage reservoir has to irrigate the following
Crop Period (days) Area (ha) Field Duty
Kharif 120 9000 1000 AP CO1 10
Rabi 120 10000 1800
Sugarcane 360 5000 1400
If canal losses are 20% and reservoir losses are 25%, calculate the
capacity of canal at head and capacity of the reservoir.

RBT- Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy R-Remember U-Understand AP- Apply AN-Analyze E-Evaluate C- Create
11. i) Eloborate the various surface irrigation methods adopted in Tamilnadu
with neat sketches. AP CO1 10

ii) Elaborate the method suitable for water scarcity area and enumerate its
advantages and disadvantages. AP CO1 6

RBT- Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy R-Remember U-Understand AP- Apply AN-Analyze E-Evaluate C- Create

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