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Unit 1
Dictation 21
When I got up this morning I felt different emotional feelings. I was happy, sad and angry.
Peter always tries to hide his jealousy from his girlfriend. Their relationship is very good.
Susan has made a lot of friends since she came to school. ‘Tired’, ‘thirsty’ and ‘hungry’ are
all examples of physical feelings. A dictionary is a book where you can look for the meaning
of a word you don’t know. ‘Boring’ is the present participle and ‘bored’ is the past participle
of the verb ‘to bore’.

Dictation 22
Are you a snake lover or are you frightened of these animals? Have you ever touched a
spider? At home I keep a lot of things made of gold, silver, leather, wood and plastic. A real
problem for me is English spelling. When she has to pretend to be happy it makes her tired
and annoyed. Make a sentence with the word ‘broken’! ‘Mustn’t’ is the contraction of ‘must
not’ and it is the negative of ‘must’. A broken mirror is really a bad thing.

Unit 2
Dictation 23
People very often prepare different kinds of accommodation. These can be a hotel, a hostel, a
family or even a tent when they go camping. When you push something you move it
forwards, when you pull it you move it backwards. How long does it take you to do the
ironing, hoovering and cleaning in your house? Babies often make a mess when they eat or
play, and then parents have to tidy everything up. A washing machine is really useful to do
your laundry.

Dictation 24
Our clothes are made of different kinds of materials such as cotton, wool and silk. Is your
signature the same as your father’s? I will continue learning English until I die. ‘To need’
means to be necessary. Could you remind me to send some cards to my European friends for
Christmas? When I fail an examination, I always take it again. Some bad habits are:
gossiping, smoking, eating like a pig or biting your nails. When you see a sign which says
‘Private. Keep Out.’ don’t try to go in

Unit 3
Dictation 25
There are many ways to cook potatoes, e.g. by boiling them. What kind of music does your
next-door neighbour like playing? It is impossible to relax when you are worried about your
future. I always try to relax in my free time. I like to take my time when eating. Hard-working
students learn faster than lazy students. People don't take their time when they are late, but
they hurry. He sometimes loses his confidence when he keeps making the same mistake.

Dictation 26
I always feel nervous when I have to see my dentist. Would you like to be a politician? Who
is the Prime Minister in the government of your country? She always tries not to
spend too much money on clothes. I never spend my free time doing nothing. It is important
to have many breaks when studying. I used to smoke twenty cigarettes a day, but I gave it up


last summer. James always misses his girl-friend when he's abroad. She never misses working
when she's on holiday.

Unit 4
Dictation 27
If you were a manager, what kind of business would you like to be in charge of? What is the
longest journey you have ever made? The Earth is the third planet from our star, the Sun, and
it has only one moon. What are the names of the oceans? Do you believe stories about aliens?
She likes doing things on her own. It is possible to feel lonely in a large crowd, for example
during the rush hour. People don’t scream or shout when their babies sleep, but they whisper.

Dictation 28
Pay attention to what the teacher says during the lesson. People sometimes feel so lonely that
they cry. It was such a cold day yesterday. Which is more important, local or national
government? Where is the largest international airport in your country? This school often
organises parties. I come here twice a week. What is a part time job? Are you in your
twenties? Rugby is a violent sport. Some people don’t like surprises.

Unit 5
Dictation 29
When I first came to this school I had a short interview with a teacher. If you win a
competition you can get a prize. He gets really angry when he argues with someone. She
never expresses her feelings. This building is still under construction. I haven’t emptied the
bottle yet. My stomach is not full.

Dictation 30
There is very little wine in your glass, it is almost empty. Would you like some more? Yes, a
little, please. If you want to apply for this job, you must fill in this form, but I cannot imagine
why you want to work in an art gallery. I’m sorry but you didn’t understand me; I am a
painter, not a writer. I don’t write novels, poems or plays, I paint. I apologise for this

Unit 6
Dictation 31
She told me her address but I forgot it. We can keep a secret. She told me a story about how
she lied about her age to get into a club. I called her a liar and hung up the phone. I hate
dishonest people. I am an ambitious person and I never complain. I know I will succeed in
life. What political party did you vote for in the last elections? There are joints in our
shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.

Dictation 32
Pigeons are common birds in the city, not rare. Explain the reason why smoking is unhealthy.
Can I borrow a book from your library? Yes, if you lend me a computer game. We arranged
to meet them in order to apply for permission to carry weapons. There are many ancient


cathedrals, palaces and castles in our country. If a car breaks down, a mechanic has to repair
it. I made an appointment, and then changed my mind, and didn’t go.

Unit 7
Dictation 33
She is having her hair cut and she’s looking at herself in a mirror. Her hairstyle is fashionable.
A hairdresser uses brushes, combs, scissors and, a lot of shampoo. Before going to bed we
turn the lights off, but we leave the computer on. I have never hurt anybody’s feelings. Have
you ever cut yourself when shaving? Water comes from a tap. To change channels on the TV
we need a remote control.

Dictation 34
You can dry wet hair with a hairdryer. In an emergency call for an ambulance or a fire
brigade. Where is the entrance to the pharmacy? Nurses look after patients in a hospital. A
surgeon operates on sick people. Drugs can be legal and illegal. There is no good cure for a
hangover. I’ve got a headache, a toothache and a stomach-ache. Children sometimes call each
other horrible names. Did you have a nickname at school?

Unit 8
Dictation 35
There is no difference between ‘to speak to someone’ and ‘to talk to someone’, but we say ‘to
speak a language’. ‘Say’ and ‘tell’ are used in reported speech. Journalists report news on the
radio, television and in newspapers. Friends are people you can depend on. You can also chat
to them on the phone or in a pub. Some people have bad taste in music.

Dictation 36
Soldiers wear uniforms and businessmen wear suits. My son introduced his girlfriend to me.
She is attractive and he is good-looking. You should have a hobby, like collecting stamps. Do
you like watching repeats on television? He told her that he was rich.

Dictation 37
Currencies and unemployment can either go up or down. Bills can be high or low. Prices are
too high for the unemployed in this country. A salary is the money that people earn every
month. A percentage of it is taken away. We call this a tax. We measure the distance between
two points with a ruler or a tape measure. The measurements of this room are ninety
centimetres by four metres. To measure weight, we use scales. How much something weighs
can be measured in grams, kilograms or tonnes.

Dictation 38
If you buy clothes for someone, you must know their collar, chest, shoe and waist-size. If
clothes are too tight or too loose, they don’t fit. Do bright, dark or colourful clothes suit you?
My mother said we might need to get travel insurance when we go on holiday. When people
drive without car insurance, it is a crime and they can be arrested by the police as criminals.
Stealing a small thing or robbing a bank can both land you in prison. Then you call a lawyer, a
person whom you can trust, and he agrees to prove that you are not guilty, but innocent.


Dictation 39
If you can afford a holiday, all you have to do is pack your backpack or a suitcase. You must
also fill in the label on your luggage. Before you check in for your flight, you can queue to
buy tax-free perfume or spirits. We are not allowed to damage the natural environment.
Instead of polluting nature, we should recyc1e wastepaper and get rid of rubbish by throwing
it to the bin. I invited many young and middle-aged guests, but it was a waste of time and
money. As a host I could see that my guests did not enjoy themselves. They regretted coming.

Dictation 40
I am not able to go to any sporting events regularly. In football we kick a ball, but in tennis
we hit it over the net with a racket. In basketball, the ball is thrown and caught. Besides
catching a ball, we can also catch a bus, an illness or a fish. Some people want to improve
their finances by betting money on something or gambling in a casino. Athletes sometimes
cheat to win. They think no one will ever find out. I wish I had a spare room for my guests in
the attic or in the basement.

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