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Conversation 1

- How many people are speaking and where are they?

o 3 people in a meeting.

- How well do they know each other?

o The two guys know them very good as they work together. Fiona is the customer.

- Is the conversation formal or relaxed?

o The conversation is formal as the two guys had to finish a project aleady a month

- What do you think they might be talking about?

o A job/project which is delayed already one month.

- How would you describe their mood: friendly, tense, angry?

o The two guys are nervous and the woman angry > tense/angry

Conversation 2

- How many people are speaking and where are they?

o 2 people in a conversation.

- How well do they know each other?

o Working colleagues so they know each other a bit.

- Is the conversation formal or relaxed?

o The conversation is rather relaxed.

- What do you think they might be talking about?

o The guy want to invite his colleague for the weekend.

- How would you describe their mood: friendly, tense, angry?

o Womans mood is tense, and the man's mood (too) friendly

Do you...

- ..know how to start a conversation?

o Yes for sure. During the lunchtime i'm able to talk to my working coleagues about the
last week or the weather, what they did the last weekend and so on.

- more than the other people?

o I prefer to talk a lot. Actually, I'm a very communicative type

- ..pause a long time before replying?

o Not really but sometimes this would be better, so I would be able to give a more
detailed answer

- that you're listening by giving signals, such as nodding your head or saying mm-
hmm and yes?
o Yes I do this, because here in Switzerland this is a signal for respecting his
communication partner.

- ..know when it's your turn to speak?

o Normally the other person asks you something or stops to talk then I realize that it's
the right time to speak

- ..sit very close to people?

o Sometimes, it is different from colleague to colleague.

- when you listen or speak?

o It's up to the theme I talk about

- ..use your hands when you speak?

o Not really, because I'm not that good in gesture

- about yourself most of the time?

o No I don't because I'm interested in other person's life

- ..recognise when the other person wants to end a conversation?

o Yes that's easy to realize because the other person starts to give you short or bad


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