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Jefta Yanuar Randry JULY 1, 2019

MaEd in Administration and Supervision



We were created for His glory. Man was positioned as the highest of creation as an

image of God. We have noble responsibility to represent God and resemble Him. We are

depend on God and adjust to His will. We have been made in God’s image but little less than

God. Knowing this fact, we should motivated to acknowledge our responsibility to the

Creator, other creatures and nature.

First human relates to their sexuality. It is about a man and a woman. It is important

that human sexuality was made by God for companionship and intimacy with others.

Obviously, it is only applied between a man and a woman. God did not make gender because

God made male and female are equall in His image. Adam and Eve are good pair. He loves

and cares their family while his wife is complementing his less. God teaches us how to threat

women well and respectly.

Human person is unitary, not dual. It shows that the understanding of the nature of

man helps us to rally the spiritual and the physical aspects of our personality in order to

achieve better life. Then, nature of a dead person is unfeeling and unknowing something.

There is a hope, when the resurrection after the sleep of death becomes the essence of

Christian’s life and lightens their grieving.

Satan caused the fall of Adam and Eve. He still tries to cheat human beings. He is

clever than us, he knows our weaknesses. He is leading us into destruction of our life. We are

separated with God. Every evil deeds deserve retribution. It means there will be a correction

and a penalty. First and second death as the penalty and the consequence of sin. The first is

the effect of first human’s sin while the second is the penatly for sins. For those who accept

Christ’s sacrifice can get a reward of eternal life. Surely, Christ has taken our place in second

death penalty.
Monism and dualism take apart in Christianity. It is about the nature of man according

to Aristotle and Plato. Aristotle said that body and soul are two aspects of the same basic

reality. It was known as monism. While Plato argued that purely spiritual and the body

nothing but a tomb for the soul. In addition, the soul antedated earthly existence, was

uncreated and immortal, and migrated from one body to another after death (Phaedo 75,76).

Those idea about man is contrary with the concept of man in Bible. Bible said that soul was

not immortal but ceases to exist. It means that when man died, his soul are taken to heaven.

As an Adventist, we do not believe in inherent immortality. The nature of man is soul

and dust. Bible said that the nature of death body, man, together with his soul or what you

may call it, it will dissolve. Dust thou shall return, but he will raise after from it. It means that

our body back to dust. It will raise in the second coming of Christ. While, our soul comes

back to heaven, it returns to the breath of God. In this case, we all are born with original sin

and we are not able even to choose the way of salvation without the assistance of God’s

grace. It means there is no salvation comes from our effort.

The Reflection

The lessons that i learn from this topic are we grateful to God because He made us in

His image, we have noble responsibility to maintain a whole world as the highest creature. As

human, we have our own sexuality which is holy. We should use it wisely according to God’s

words. We have big hope for eternal life, if we are surrender to Christ and trust him fully. As

an Adventist, we should spread the good news of salvation which is only through Christ. This

lesson helps me to get better understanding about God’s will in my life. I should be able to

give positive impact to others. It encourages me to study more about our fundamental beliefs.

As an Adventist teacher, i have opportunities to share the truth to my students. I commit

when i will teach them i should input faith learning that relates to the topic.

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