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Jefta Yanuar Randry

MaEd in Administration and Supervision



Our world is full of mystery. What does it mean? It means man can not explore all

things in or on this earth include the man itself. We can not understand one hundred percent

about our life, why we were born, why sorrowness come to our life, why there is happiness

and tears. In other words, it means our knowledge about this life is limited. As God’s

believers, He reveals primary information of the nature of man in the Bible. The story of

Genesis shows clearly that man comes from God. He makes us for good purpose. He makes

us uncarelessly. He places the first man as known as Adam and Eve at the best place and the

highest degree of God’s creation. He gives them special food that we can not imagine how is

wonderful and neat the Eden garden at that time. Yet, as we know they violate God’s rule and

as a consequence we bear it now. We called it is sin.

God is good, all the time. We believe that God has done and given the best thing for

us from past until now. It is showed in Genesis 1 : 26-27 that God created man in his own

image. As man, we are a creative result of God’s design. He give us wisdom, ability to think,

knowledge and run the natural sources of earth. Moreover, God has another good plan for us

which He wants man radiates His wisdom, love and kindness. God wants us to represent His

being. Unfortunately the first creation in Eden garden, Adam and Eve were failed to be God’s

representation on the world. Yet, now we recognize His being through Jesus Christ who

actually He is a God’s self portrait.

God creates both male and female. God made Adam first, then He sees that it is not

good for him to live alone. So, He made Eve for Adam as his fit helper. He feels complete

because of Eve. It means man need a friend to be live with. Then, God grant them sexuality

as their own character biologically. Moreover, it shows that they are needed tremendously

and perfect mutual complementary to each others. Woman is made by God from the man’s
side. God made woman equally to man. Woman has same rights as man had. They can stand

together in every aspects of life. The Bible said that a woman is not more inferior than man.

They are granted their unique nature ability such as man is stronger than woman physically,

and woman is more diligent than man.

Then, in particular part of life especially relations of female and male, God designed

them to be together in marriage institution. Man as a husband and woman as a wife are

unified by holy marriage. The Bible said that they become one flesh, one mind, one decision.

It is commitment for a husband and his wife to leave their family and become new one

family. It is the uniqueness of marriage, they are different persons previous which become

one together with one vision, purpose and mission towards their life. Basically, the marriage

of male and female is God’s purpose for giving them their nature sexuality.

The world has so many races according to places. God designed us according to the

blood of Adam and Eve. It means we are all the same. We are two in one. Yet, because of the

fall of Adam and Eve, now we are partially different and as we know there are many

languages and cultural in our groups. However as man that created higher by God, We have

two levels of human existences. They are natural/supernatural, internal/external. Supernatural

means when we maintain our relationship with God. While natural means our thought,

feelings, reason and memory. Both of levels are so important in our life as human. We can

not separate them, it should be fullfiled together in similar way.

The important lesson that i learn from this topic is i should be the channel of blessing

to others. As social creatures we need each others. Female and male are equall in God’s eyes.

Both of them are precious. Moreover, by fullfiling our needs in natural and supernatural

level, it will help us to be wholly human person. This lesson gives me encouragement that as

a teacher, i will treat my students better than before because they are precious, and God’s

creatures. I commit to be more patient, show God’s love when i teach them.

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