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Untuk memenuhi tugas Bahasa Inggris
yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius Irham, S.Pd., MM.


Silva Niar Katamsi (P17212215118)


1. Skeletal system = Sistem Kerangka
- (The skeletal system is a system that has functions for storing minerals, a place for
blood cell formation, a place for attachment of skeletal muscles, protecting a soft
body and supporting the body. which consists of the skull, ribs, spine, skeleton
supporting the shoulder blades, skeleton supporting the hip bones, bones of the upper
and lower body members).

2. Muscular system = sistem otot

- ( The muscular system is a network that exists in the human body in the form of
active locomotion tools that move bones so that an organism or individual can move.
Muscles work by contracting and relaxing).

3. Mandible = rahang bawah

- ( The lower jaw is the only movable bone in the skull. The food bite is chewed and
crushed by its movement to the upper jaw. He also helps the formation of sound).

4. Backbone = tulang punggung

- ( The spine or vertebrae are irregular bones that make up the movable back. There
are 33 vertebrae in the adult. consists of 5 regions, 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lubar, 5
sacral, and 4 coccygeal, each of which has different characteristics).

5. Vertebrae = tulang belakang

- ( The spine is the bones of various sizes with similar shapes to each other, arranged
from the bottom of the skull to the tailbone. These bones are arranged with each other
to form a line or a certain, so that when viewed from the side the shape resembles the
letter "S").
6. Clavicle = tulang selangka
- (clavicle is the only horizontally elongated bone in the body. The collarbone is
located above the first rib. At its medial end, the collarbone has a joint at the
manubrium of the sternum (breastbone) at the sternoclavicular joint).

7. Scapula = tulang belikat

- (The shoulder blade is a triangular bone located at the top of the back. This bone has
an important role for the body, one of which is stabilizing the movement of the
shoulder. Its complex structure makes this one bone vulnerable to injury that can
cause shoulder pain).

8. Humereus = humerus
- ( The humerus (Latin, humerus) is the longest bone of the upper limb in humans.
The humerus is part of the upper appendicular skeleton and is located in the arm
region. It articulates above with the scapula, through the shoulder joint (or
glenohumeral joint) and below with the ulna and radius, through the elbow joint (or
humeroradioulnar joint) ).

9. Radius = radius
- (The radius or radius is the bone of the forearm that connects the elbow to the hand
on the side of the thumb. The lever bone is located on the lateral side of the ulna. The
shape of the body of the lever bone is getting bigger and bigger which will form the
wrist joint).

10. Ulna = tulang hasta

- ( The ulna is a bone in the forearm. Within the skeleton, the ulna serves to provide
shape and forearm to the forearm, as well as the movement of the elbow joint. The
ulna has a broad body and two extremities, articulated with the radius and humerus
above and with the carpus and radius below. )
11. Rib cage = tulang rusuk
- ( Rib cage long bones that bend and form the rib cage. The ribs protect the chest
(thorax), lungs, heart, liver and other internal organs in the chest cavity).

12. Pelvis = panggul

- ( The pelvis is the area on each side of the waist; consists of three parts: the ilium,
ischium, and pubis, the upper part of the femur (the bone of the upper leg) which
meets the hip through the ball joint and socket; the socket is the cup-shaped pelvic
bone, called the acetabulum, and the ball is the head of the femur. )

13. Femur = tulang paha

- ( The femur is the largest and strongest bone in the body, located in the human thigh.
The function of the femur is important to support the body and support the body when
walking and doing activities. Based on scientific terms, the Latin thighbone is also
known as "femur".)

14. Tibia = tulang kering

-( The shinbone is the second largest bone in the leg. This bone connects the knee to
the ankle. The shinbone has a variety of functions, including supporting and
maintaining posture. The bony structure of the lower leg is composed of the tibia
(shin bone) and fibula.)

15. Fibula = tulang betis

-( The calf bone is adjacent to the shin bone which serves to stabilize the ankle and
support the lower leg muscles).
16. Tendons = tendon
-( Tendons are fibrous structures, with the function of maintaining the body's static
and dynamic balance, through the transmission of muscle training to bones and joints.
Tendons are a type of soft tissue that connect muscle tissue to bone, similar to
ligaments that connect bone to bone. They can be found all over the body from the
feet to the hands. They are composed almost entirely of collagen, a fibrous protein,
and are often referred to as collagenous tissue. )

17. Trapezius = trapezius

-( The trapezius, also known as the traps, is a muscle group that makes up the upper
back. The term muscle that looks like a solid mound under the neck is taken from the
word trapezium aka flat plane. The traps muscles have a unique shape. Traps are
divided into three parts, namely upper, lower, and middle traps.)

18. Biceps = bisep

-( Biceps are muscles that have two heads or heads because they originate in two
different places at once. The two heads are the long head and the short head.)

19. Abdominals = perut

-( The stomach is a muscular, hollow, constricted part of the gastro-intestinal tract
that functions as an important digestive organ. The stomach is found in humans and
many other animals, including some invertebrates. In the digestive system, the
stomach is involved in the second phase of digestion, after chewing, which aims to
digest food so that it is easily digested and absorbed in the body.)

20. Glutes = bokong

-( The buttocks are the part of the human body that serves as a place to rest the body
when sitting. The buttocks are formed by the hip bones and the tailbone. In the middle
of the buttocks there is a hole called the anus. )
21. Gastrocnemius = gastrocnemius
-( The gastrocnemius is a muscle that lies behind the leg below the knee and covers
another muscle called the soleus muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle is a muscle
located at the back of the lower leg, being one of the two main muscles that make up
the calf. )

22. Soleus = soleus

-( The soleus is the large muscle on the back of your lower leg. This strong muscle
arises from the back of your shin bone and attaches to your heel bone as part of the
Achilles tendon.)

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