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Reflection about Bicol superstitious belief

Our report about superstitious beliefs has give me a lot of realizations. As we dig on the
Old beliefs of the Bicolanos, we realized that we are very superstitious. We always seem to
connect odd things to every event we encountered. Even now ,the 20th century we still have
those beliefs that our ancestors used to believe in. We still apply those superstition in every
thing that we do. Even if we are not obliged to do it or believe in it but we still do because it is a
taboo if we'll break them.

Superstitious beliefs had imparted the lives of every bicolano in almost all aspect of their
day to day living. They have superstitious beliefs in wedding, pregnancy, death, luck, to elders
or youngsters, family, spirit, burial, health, mytical creature, and deities. Indeed superstitious
beliefs of Bicolanos are broad because they have it in allmost all occuring events, here it implies
that superstitious beliefs do has a significance in the lives of bicolanos, however there are some
differences in some beliefs for example, in the category of wedding; here it indicates that
whenever a woman is still eating, it is not a advisable to pile the dishes because that woman
will have more than one husband." this belief is not align in some places of Bicol because in
other places, if a woman is still eating and they pile the dishes particularly that woman will not
get married; here it implies that not all are exactly the same of beliefs on particular areas of
bicol maybe some external factors influences this differences, however in the example given
the beliefs are both simply wants to imply that it is not good to compile dishes whenever
someone is eating.

Superstitious beliefs has been part of bicolano's culture. These beliefs was passed on us by
our ancestors. Superstitious belief are one of the alternative way of our ancestors to give
explanation on a phenomenon or in ordinary events. However because of the advancement in
the technology and science provided a scientific explanation which is more convincing, these
beliefs are slowly fading and slowly forgotten by the present bicolanos, these implies that we
should address these issues, we should still recognize these beliefs as it reflects our respect to
our ancestors and as it reflects the lives of bicolanos.

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