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Article link: https://www.elprocus.


convert mechanical energy into DC (direct current) electricity


The working of the commutator is like a rectifier for changing AC voltage to
the DC voltage within the armature winding to across the brushes
The induced e.m.f magnitude can be measured from the equation of the
electromotive force of a generator.

The emf equation of dc generator according to Faraday’s Laws of

Electromagnetic Induction is Eg= PØZN/60 A
Where Φ is
flux or pole within Webber

‘Z’ is a total no.of armature conductor

‘P’ is a number of poles in a generator

‘A’ is a number of parallel lanes within the armature

‘N’ is the rotation of armature in r.p.m (revolutions per minute)

‘E’ is the induced e.m.f in any parallel lane within the armature

‘Eg’ is the generated e.m.f in any one of the parallel lanes

‘N/60’ is the number of turns per second

Time for one turn will be dt = 60/N sec

Separately te bahire theke dc supply dia field on kore.

But in self excited nijei nijer field active rakhe

Further, these types of dc generators can be classified into three types

namely series wound, shunt-wound, and compound wound.

 In a series wound, both the field winding & armature winding are
connected in series with each other.
 In shunt-wound, both the field winding & armature winding are
connected in parallel with each other.
 The compound winding is the blend of series winding & shunt winding.

The Efficiency of DC Generator

DC generators are very reliable with efficiency ratings of 85-95%

Consider the output of a generator is VI

The input of a generator is VI + Losses

Input = VI + I2aRa + Wc

If the shunt field current is insignificant, then Ia = I (approximately)

After that, n = VI/ (VI+Ia2Ra+wc) = 1/(1+Ira/V+wc/VI)

For highest efficiency d/dt (Ira/V+wc/VI) = 0 otherwise I2ra = wc

Therefore efficiency is highest once variable loss is equivalent to the constant


The load current equivalent to the highest efficiency is I2ra = wc otherwise I =


LOSSES of energy jante hoile see in article

The advantages of a dc generator include the following.
 DC generators generate large output.
 The terminal load of these generators is high.
 The designing of dc generators are very simple
 These are used to generate uneven output power.
 These are extremely consistent with 85-95%.of efficiency ratings
 They give a reliable output.
 They are lightweight as well as compact.
The disadvantages of a dc generator include the following.
 DC generator cannot be used with a transformer
 The efficiency of this generator is low due to many losses like copper,
mechanical, eddy, etc.
 A voltage drop can occur over long distances
 It uses a split ring commutator so it will complicate the machine design
 Expensive
 High maintenance
 The sparks will be generated while generating energy
 More energy will be lost while transmission

Efficiency :

26.31- 918 p



Eddy loss- 932

26.35 to 26.39- Copper loss 932-934 P


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