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A Project Proposal for

A SLAC on the

Test Item Banking and

Current Practice in Test Construction
at the

Libutad Elementary School

August 2017
A Learning Action Cell on Test Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017


Schools Division Superintendent
Tarlac City Schools Division


This is to ask permission to conduct a SLAC on the Status of Test Item Bank and Current Practice

in Test Construction of Tarlac City Schools Division on Aug _____, 2017. As an offshoot of the Training on

Capacity Building in Providing Technical Assistance on Test Construction held at the Division last July 23-

25, 2017, this undertaking will provide all School Heads in giving technical assistance to teachers on test

construction and building an electronic test item bank. Attached are the matrix and budget proposal.

Thank you for your support.

Very truly yours,

School Head


Public Schools District Supervisor

Approved for the SDS:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
A SLAC on Test Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017


August 2017
Current practice in Test Construction indicates that teachers still write
one-way table of specifications.
Test items are collected at the end of each quarter and deposited in
the school head’s office. Test items are not validated and tested for
reliability. This is the status of test Item banking for this school.
In response to the call for the building of a test item bank which will
facilitate validation for better assessment, this SLAC is proposed.

At the end of the SLAC, all school teachers shall have been
A. capacitated to proofread test items
B. pre-disposed to validate test items and develop a test item bank
using the electronic template
C. The school shall operate a test item bank by creating a Testing


All teachers are given technical assistance in test construction thru a

The school Testing Committee shall convene before and after the
First Grading Periodic to review test items, consolidate test results,
and deposit good test items to Test Item bank

All Teachers deposit a collection of good test items in the test item
bank for Grade 1, Grade 7 to Grade 10 & Grade 11 in English,
Science, Math only for the current school year
A SLAC onTest Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017

Participants Number
School head 88 Elementary
14 Secondary
Working Committee/ SGOD, CID, HR 10
Chiefs 3

Particulars Unit Price Cost Total
Food- merienda 50.00 50.00x 135 6,750.00
Food- lunch 100.00 100.00x135 13,500.00
Certificates 3.00 3.00x102 306.00
Other expenses - - -
TOTAL 20,556.00
Participants / 102
Registration cost 300.00

SLAC costs shall be charged against school MOOE subject to the usual
auditing procedures.


Handouts, CD


Aug______, 2017
Libutad ES Conference Hall

A SLac on Test Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August2017
A. Program
Preliminaries 3:00- Registration Facilitator 100%
3:10 Opening Attendance
Program Start on the
To capacitate 3:10 Power point Speaker:
teachers to: Presentation School Head
Proofread test
Write the multiple 3:40
choice type
Practice Item 4:10 Workshop Documenter All teachers
Analysis have access to
Participate in the test 4:55 Assigning of Facilitator A Testing
item bank testing Committee
collection Committee has been
members organized
Closing Program 5:00 Challenge/ School Head All teachers
Pledge of have
Commitment completed 2
Awarding of hours training

A SLac onTest Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017
B. Session Guide

Session No.____ /Title:Test Construction and Test Item Banking

Duration: 2 hours

Session No. Title: Test Construction & test Item Banking

Duration: 2 Hours
Target 13 Elementary Teachers
Link to the During the last session, teachers gained knowledge on Cooperative Leaning combined
Previous with other classroom structures
Contribution The knowledge and insights gained by the participants on Test construction and Test
of the Item banking would contribute to teachers’ effectiveness in increasing student
Session to achievement; would protect the integrity of the examinations and teach the value of
Learning honesty
Learning After the session, the participants will be able to:
Objectives: 1. Identify the principles of assessment
2. Differentiate a one-way from the two way TOS
3. define multiple-choice as the best suited type for the test item bank
4. pledge to participate in the test item banking project
5. Use the higher order thinking skills more in making test questions.
6. Apply the three -tiered way of proof reading the test Items.
7. Apply the principles of assessment consistently and systematically
Key A good test item is one that is properly analyzed and validated; deposited in a test item
Understandi bank for future use.
References: Division Training on Test Construction and Test Item Capacity NEAP III,
Banking, July 25-26, 2017 Building for May 24-
School heads on 26, 2017
Stage & Key Points Tools/Resource No. of
Methodology Materials slides
Introduction SAY: Assessment has been clearly defined in the trainings on the K-12since 5
2010. However, 7 years after, it is best to remind ourselves of these minutes
principles It is also important to review our current practice in test
administration, construction, & test item banking Have we been consistent
in teaching our students the value of honesty during examinations?
What kind of TOS are we using which reflects all the thinking skills?
Do our test questions measure the expected learning outcomes? Do our
students study for the test or they study to be better at their skills? Are your
student happy and challenged to take the test or are they afraid and
Do we have a test item bank? How far have we gone in test item banking? Is
there a facility for an electronic test item bank in our school/division?
Don’t you think it’s about time we do electronic test item banking?
Activity DO: Make teachers choose a learning buddy, chat for 3 Subject/Grade 5
minutes about their test construction practice and the level Grouping minutes
reality of test item banking
Analysis ASK: 1. What principles of assessment can you recall? Principles 5
2. What is the difference between and among assessment Bloom’s minutes
for, of, as? taxonomy
3. Why is there a need to validate the test questions Validation by
before administration? using the
4. What are the HOTs? template
5. What is the end goal of assessment? Banking by
collecting test
items which
have been
Abstraction ASK: 1. What is the best test type that can measure all the thinking skills? 5
2. What HOTs can’t be measured by Multiple Choice type test? minutes
Lecture & SAY: Our topic for today is on test construction towards Principles 45
Discussion building a test Item bank. The beginning lecture will be on Taxonomy minutes
Assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy, The Multiple choice 2 – way TOS
type, 2- Way TOS & Item Analysis and Banking IATemplate
Synthesis/Ap DO: Now it is time to practice. 45
plication Make teachers group into five and do Item Analysis minutes
then discuss among themselves how they can participate in the Test item
bank collection.(Subject/level) Allow teachers to State questions,
suggestions and resolutions
Closing SAY:As a recap, remember to 10
1.make a 50 item multiple choice type, minutes
2.submit a two-way TOS,
test questions & key answers
before the start of the next grading period to the testing Committee.
3.Submit test results immediately after the periodical Test,
4.submit only good test items after validation to the testing Committee for
enrolment in the Test Item bank
Do the Pledge of Commitment

A SLac onTest Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017

C. Evaluation 1 (For The documenter/process observer)

Direction: put a check ( / ) mark opposite the behavioral indicator if observed and a cross ( x )
mark if not observed during the LAC Observed/Not Observed
1. Before LAC Session: The facilitator…
a. reminds the participants about the ground rules in the conduct of a LAC
b. ensures availability of materials/equipment/facilities
c. emphasizes the importance of active listening
d. underscores the value of respect for others
e. gives clear directions for all activities to avoid confusion
f. assigns a documenter to take note of the proceedings
g. monitors attendance and punctuality off the group members
h. Starts the SLAC on time
2. During the LAC Session: The facilitator…
a. Begins the session with an “icebreaker” which allows participants to share
something about themselves in a non-threatening and enjoyable way
(e.g. quotation, bible verse)
b. Make sure that all members are given an opportunity to participate
c. Deals with the situation in a positive and a constructive way
d. Keeps the group on the topic and focused by guarding against deviation
e. Resists the urge to “teach”; instead listens, talks with, and learns something
from the participants and their experiences
f. Checks the “airtime” to avoid monopoly of just few members
g. Observes non-verbal cues such as: body movements, facial expression and
gestures including loss of attention, confusion, or discontent, to determine when
to take a break, etc.
3. After the LAC Session: the facilitator…
a. Synthesizes or summarizes to bring ideas together
b. Highlights certain points made before the end of the session
c. Ask for some insights or new learnings
d. Ends the LAC session on time
e. Set the schedule of the next LAC session and remind the participants about
the needed preparations

Documenter/Process Observer: __________________________

Noted by:
School Head
SLAC Title: ________________________________________________

D. Evaluation 2
Administer the Pre- test/Post-test for Test Construction
Pre – SLAC Assessment
Name______________________________ Grade/Subject____________
Direction: Determine whether the following statements or situations are TRUE or FALSE
according to standards of learning Assessment in teaching. Write your answer on the
blank before each number.
______ 1. “Creating is considered to be the highest form of thinking as articulated in the
21st Century educational standards.
______ 2. Measuring the knowledge of a student is limited to what they have
______ 3. A good teacher continues to cause student learning even when a test is
currently administered.
______ 4. The most appropriate method to evaluate student performance and
achievement is through the use of the Multiple Choice type of test.
______ 5. Results in formative tests are considered as references in formulating
summative tests, hence, should not be accounted as major parts of students’ grades.
______ 6. A conscientious teacher would always try to use diagnostic tools to assess
students’ aptitudes mainly for decision – making in his/her teaching methodology rather
than their achievement.
______ 7. The “applying” learning skill always intends to make students perform a rule
in their day- to -day conditions.
______ 8. The primordial thinking skill that students may develop when they are tasked
to determine the significance of certain issues is “applying”.
______ 9. The teacher could only draft a Table of Specifications (TOS) while all test
items have been fully validated and proofread.
______ 10. The number of test items about a particular topic on a summative test is
proportionate to the extent and degree of coverage of instruction per grading period.
______ 11. The answer options in a multiple – choice type should be alphabeticalized
or arranged according to lengths to prevent students from guessing answers.
______ 12. A moderately difficult test item can be described when half of the examinees
answered it correctly.
______ 13. A good test item can discriminate the better performing students from those
who perform less.
______ 14. An objective-type of test is valid and reliable means to measure “Creating”.
______ 15. In an analytic rubric, a teacher uses graduated scoring to evaluate
performance-based outputs part-by-part according to certain descriptive criteria.

Key: 1T2F3T4F5T6T7T8F9F10T11T12T13T14F15T

A SLac onTest Item banking and Current Practice in Test Construction- August 2017
ORGANIZER: - Principal/Speaker

CO-ORGANIZER: - Head Teacher/Teacher lll

MEMBERS: - Testing Committee Members

REGISTRATION: - Documenter/Process Observer




A. Photos
B. Letters to Guest Speaker/s

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