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Pie charts are frequently used to summarize data for task 1 writing assignments.

When expressing the data, you need to

aim for as much variety in vocabulary and grammar as possible. One way of doing this is by changing the way you state the

Percentage Fraction Ratio More or less than half

10% A tenth 1 in 10 A tiny minority
20% A fifth 1 in 5 A small minority
25% A fourth OR a quarter 1 in 4
33% A third 1 in 3 A large minority
40% Two-fifths 2 in 5
50% A half 1 in 2
66% Two-thirds 2 in 3 A large majority
75% Three-fourths 3 in 4 A vast majority
90% nine-tenths 9 in 10 An overwhelming majority
* If you use minority/majority you still need to include the figures in your report.

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