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Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, SURAT

Electrical Engineering Department

B.Tech-III– 5th Sem. Electrical
Sub: Microprocessors and Microcontroller (EE307)
End Semester Exam: DEC-2020 (Online Mode through Microsoft Teams)
Time Duration: 02 Hours Total Marks=30

1 Explain the functionality of stack memory of 8051 Microcontroller under following operating condition. 02
i) Based on PUSH and POP operation
ii) Based on subroutine execution
iii) Based on Interrupt execution
2 A) How to start/stop the timer/counter of 8051 when 01
a. GATE control is not used
b. GATE control is used
B). Use appropriate logical instructions for the bytes shown below for clearing, setting and 02
complementing the specific bits.
a. TCON register bit 4 is to be cleared.
b. SCON register bit 0 is to be set.
c. R0 register bit 2 is to be complemented
3 A function generator is connected to P3.2 interrupt pin of 8051 microcontroller. Write an assembly 04
language program to measured frequency of the signal and If frequency goes above or below 5 KHz, a
LED connected to port pin P1.1 and P1.2 of the 8051 microcontroller should be turned on. Otherwise turn
off both the LEDs. [Clock frequency = 12 MHz, 12 clock mode operation]
4 The 8051 micro controller is monitoring the status of the supply system. Under any abnormal conditions, 03
if the supply goes off, that will be detected by the micro controller in form of high to low edge triggered
signal connected to the port pin P3.2 (INT0 pin of the microcontroller). Write an assembly language
program to generate alarm signal under such abnormal conditions, with the help of external interrupt. This
alarm signal should be remained ON for at least 5 seconds (Use external interrupt 0 and Timer 0 in
interrupt mode).[Clock frequency =18.432 MHz, clock 6 mode]
5 Write a program to send the message “The earth is but one country” through serial port, based on the 06
switch 1 and switch 2 status with different baud rate. Monitor the switch status and set the baud rate as
follows. Assume the SW-1 and SW-2 are connected to the Pin P1.1 and P1.2. In the normal mode, the
message will be transmitted through the baud rate defined by the SW-1 status. When the external interrupt
INT0 occurs, the baud rate will be as per the SW-2 status.
SW1=0, 2400 baud rate. SW2=0, 9600 baud rate.
SW1=1, 4800 baud rate. SW2=1, 19200 baud rate.
6 Write an assembly language program to generate first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci series. 02
7 Explain the memory hierarchy in computer system. Explain and distinguish between DRAM and SRAM 04
with detailed diagrams.
8 (A) For the given component list below, suggest an interfacing circuit for the 8085 memory system and 06
draw the memory map showing clearly explaining address range for all memory chips. (5 Marks).
(i)74LS138 :3 to 8 decoder
(ii)two (4K x8) EPROM – address range starting from 0000H and additional 4K memory space should be
available for future expansion with consecutive address range two (2Kx8) CMOS R/W memory.
(B) What is the significance of bus contention and fold-back memory?

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