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sr Question ans1 ans2 ans3 ans4 Type

Emergency Response and Management procedure is intended to
1 provide a frame work and guidance to manage emergency situations t f 1 TFQ
through a structured and systematic approach.

Select options which aims to create awareness amongst

Developing appropriate quality Regular monitoring and review of the Ensure emergency response plan
2 the employees and other interested parties about emergency Provide adequate facilities 3 MCQ
response plans emergency plans and procedures is kept up to date

Emergency Response and Management procedure is applicable to all

3 projects and departments of Amana Pipeline constructions that t f 1 TFQ
involve in activities where potential emergency situations may arise

The person appointed to handle the Emergency situation within

4 Emergency Response Leader FIRE FIGHTER Incident Manager Incident Controller 4 MCQ
in the project site/office.

Who is responsible to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation

5 of the requirements QHSE Manager QE Manager HSE Officer Project Manager 2 MCQ
established through structured audits?

HSEM is responsible to establishing which plan at the beginning

EHS Construction
6 of the project, clearly identifying the Emergency Response Plans Emergency Management Plan Emergency Response Plan Safety Plan 4 MCQ
Management Plan
applicable to the project?

7 Who shall act as Incident Controller during Emergency situations? Safety Officer HSE Manager Project Manager Site Manager 3 MCQ

HSE Officer shall take accountability of which position during Emergency response Team Emergency Response Team
8 Incident Controller Fire Fighter 1 MCQ
Emergency situations. leader member

Who is responsible for conducting the emergency mock drills as per Emergency Response Team
9 Project Manager HSE Manager HSE Officer 3 MCQ
the approved plan in liaison with client or relevant authorities member

Deactivate the alarm and provide

10 Select correct responsibilities of EMERGENCY OFFICER Overall responsibility of the Emergency Follow Emergency procedures directions to first aid and fire fighting Ensure that there is no panic or 1 MCQ
– actual or mock commotion in the office area

11 Select from below the responsibilities of EMERGENCY RESPONSE Manage the first aider and fire fighter Provide medical assistance as Communicate the incident to HO and All of the above 4 MCQ
TEAM LEADER on site. early as possible main contractor as required

Report to incident controller room / Immediately starting the If the fire is un-controllable,
12 Select the acivites of an FIRE FIGHTER Take risk 1 MCQ
office on hearing the alarm fighting operation retreat and give call to legal

Responsibilities of an FIRST AIDER:

Option 1: Report to incident controller room / office on hearing the
13 Option 2 : Assist the injured person to medical aid. Option 1 and Option 2 Option 1, 2 and 3 Option 1 only All of the options 4 MCQ
Option 3 : Ensure that the injured should not be panicky
Option 4 : Be a messenger between the scene of the incident &
incident controller

Select responsibilities of "PERSONS NOTICING THE EMERGENCY"

Option 1 : Report to Incident Controller and give details of fire.
Option 2 : Give instructions to Incident Controller
14 Option 1 and Option 4 Option 1, 2 and 3 Option 3 only None of the options 1 MCQ
Option 3 : In case of very small fire call the legal
Option 4 : Otherwise, sound the fire, fire … fire and rush to incident
Emergency preparedness includes all activities, such as plans,
15 procedures, Roles and Responsibilities, contact lists and drills t f 1 TFQ
undertaken in anticipation of a likely emergency.

All hazards, risks or environmental impacts that warrant an emergency

16 HSE Manager HSE Officer Incident Manager Project Manager 2 MCQ
preparedness shall be identified and assessed by which personnel?

Examples of Emergency Situations include but are not limited to

Option 1 : Fire due to any causes like electrical short circuit, welding,
17 hot tapping etc Option 1 Option 1 and 3 Option 3 All of the options 2 MCQ
Option 2 : Power cut down
Option 3 : Natural disasters like storms, flood, hurricane, earth quake

Emergency Response Plan is action execute document that are

18 prepared and maintained to safeguard people, environment property t f 1 TFQ
or business from foreseeable emergency scenarios.

For Projects, threat specific ERPs shall be prepared by HSE Officer;

19 which of the personnel shall be HSE Officer HSE Manager Project Manager ERP Team Leader 3 MCQ
identified as ERP Owner

For Plant and Yard area (Facility Specific), ERP shall be prepared by HSE
20 Plant Manager QHSE Manager Project Manager Camp Superintendant 1 MCQ
Manager; which personnel shall be identified as ERP Owner?

For Camps (facility specific), ERPs shall be prepared by HSE Manager;

21 Plant Manager shall be Plant Manager Camp Superintendant HSE Manager HSE Officer 2 MCQ
identified as ERP Owner. Who acts as an ERP custodian.

Emergency Plans include :

Option 1 : Fire Extinguishers
Option 2 : Planning of response
22 Option 1 only Option 1 and 3 Option 1, 3 and 4 All of the options 3 MCQ
Option 3 : Location of response equipment, personal protective
equipment, and firefighting equipment
Option 4 : Evacuation routes and response procedures.

Emergency Action plan is a mandatory ERP for all work areas of APC to
23 ensure that orderly and prompt evacuation of employees, visitors and t f 2 TFQ

24 Ensure record of list of Emergency equipment and calibration records t f 1 TFQ

are maintained at respective work location.

Who is in charge to ensure that the training requirements related to

25 Plant Manager HSE Manager Project Manager QEM 2 MCQ
Emergency Response are identified and conducted as per schedule

26 Training should include: Location and use of common Information such as checklists Both the options None of the options 3 MCQ
emergency equipment and evacuation maps.

HSE Officer is responsible for planning and arranging the mock drills
27 t f 2 TFQ
for Plant & Work shop area and Camps

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